Traffic regulations (1998: 1276)
Swedish Statute Book 1998: 1276 SFS 2016: 333
SFS No : 1998: 1276
Ministry / authority : Ministry of Industry RS T
Issued : 1998-09-17
Changed : SFS 2016: 333
Other text : Correction Sheet 2008: 46; 2010: 714 and 2014: 1265 has been observed.
Changing Record : SFSR (Lagrummet )
Source : Government Offices /
• Chapter 1. General provisions
• Chapter 2. Provisions for all road users
• Chapter 3. Provisions for vehicle
• Chapter 4. Provisions for traffic with motorized vehicles
• Chapter 5. Provisions for the operation of off-road vehicles and off-road trailers on the road
• Chapter 6. Provisions for traffic with bicycle and moped
• Chapter 7. Provisions for pedestrians on the road
• Chapter 8. Provisions for traffic on the pedestrian street and the living street etc.
• Chapter 9. Provisions for traffic on the motorway and expressway
• Chapter 10. Local traffic regulations, etc.
• Chapter 11. Provisions for exemptions for traffic monitoring, emergency services etc.
• Chapter 12. Provisions for road maintenance
• 13 Ch. appropriations mm
• Chapter 3. Provisions for vehicle
• Chapter 5. Provisions for the operation of off-road vehicles and off-road trailers on the road
• Chapter 6. Provisions for traffic with bicycle and moped
• Chapter 8. Provisions for traffic on the pedestrian street and the living street etc.
• Chapter 9. Provisions for traffic on the motorway and expressway
• Chapter 10. Local traffic regulations, etc.
• Chapter 14. Liability rules etc.
• Chapter 15. Appeal
• transitional provisions
• Chapter 2. Provisions for all road users
• Chapter 3. Provisions for vehicle
• Chapter 4. Provisions for traffic with motorized vehicles
• Chapter 5. Provisions for traffic
• Chapter 6. Provisions for traffic with bicycle and moped
• Chapter 7. Provisions for pedestrians
• Chapter 8. Provisions for traffic
• Chapter 9. Provisions for traffic
• Chapter 12. provisions for
• 13 Ch. appropriations mm
• Chapter 14. Liability rules etc.
Chapter 1. General provisions
1 § This Regulation lays down rules for traffic on and off the road.
Provisions prohibiting driving in the terrain in some cases the trail Act (1975: 1313) and off-road regulation (1978: 594).
In Military Traffic Ordinance (2009: 212) and the Road Traffic Ordinance (1995: 137) for the municipal organization of civil protection in training and high alert, derogations from this Regulation.
Provisions on rail transportation in the Regulation (1990: 1165) on the safety of subway and light rail. Ordinance (2009: 217).
§ 2 Within the fenced railway or industrial area, fenced competition area or other similar enclosed area does not apply to the following provisions:
Chapter 2. § 1, third paragraph, chapter 2. 2, 9 and 10 §§, Chapter 3. 2-4, 11, 13 and 14 §§, Chapter 3. § 15 first paragraph 1-8 and 15, Chapter 3. 16, 18, 30, 31, 33 and 35 §§, Chapter 3. § 47 first paragraph 1, Chapter 3. §§ 49-52, Chapter 3. § 55 first paragraph 2 and 4, Chapter 3. 57, §§ 58 and 64-83, Chapter 4. 2-7, 9, 19 and 21 §§, Chapter 6. §§ 1-4 and 5, and Chapter 7. 1 and 5 §§.
The terrain does not apply the rules on recording speed in chapter 3. § 17 within such fenced areas referred to in the first paragraph. Regulation (2004: 296).
3 § The terminology used in this Regulation have the same meaning as in the Act (2001: 559) on road traffic definitions, the Order (2001: 651) on road traffic definitions. Regulation (2001: 667).
4 § The provisions relating to the circulation of vehicles shall apply mutatis mutandis to the riding and the leading or driving cattle.
The provisions relating to consistently apply even those who
first skiing, roller skis, ice skates, roller skates or similar,
second for, leading, pushing or pulling sled, ride-on toys or similar vehicle,
third lead, pushing or pulling bicycle, moped, motorcycle, stroller or wheelchair, or
fourth for a motor vehicle designed to be pedestrian.
The provisions relating to consistently apply also in walking pace himself for the
first a wheelchair, or
second another electric vehicle, without trampling or crank device, which is considered to be a bicycle. Ordinance (2010: 1100).
5 § The owner of a vehicle is obliged to ensure that the vehicle is not operated contrary to the provisions of this Regulation or rules and prohibitions that have been issued under this Regulation. When someone else is usually the vehicle owner's obligation applies only provisions of Chapter 4. 3, 4, 12-14 and §§ 18 a and such traffic regulations issued by local traffic regulations according to the vehicle axle, bogie or triple axle weight or gross weight. Regulation (1999: 721).
§ 6 The provisions of this Regulation states of emergency vehicles shall also apply to vehicles used for such förföljanden referred to in 5 and 10 §§ Act (2000: 343) for international police cooperation and at such action under § 9 of the same Act. In doing so, the what is said about prescribed alarm devices instead refer to the corresponding devices that vehicle is equipped with.
The first paragraph applies only if the vehicle is in a state of emergency or the equivalent in the country of registration. Regulation (2000: 456).
Chapter 2. Provisions for all road users
Basic provisions
1 § In order to avoid traffic accidents shall observe the care and caution required in the circumstances. Road users should care towards children, the elderly, school patrols and persons perceived to have a disability or illness that impedes them in traffic.
Road users shall act so that he or she does not unnecessarily hinder or interfere with other traffic.
Road users should be considerate to those who live or reside in the way.
An off road user must adapt their route and speed, as well as their means of transport so that humans and animals are not unnecessarily disturbed and so that damage to someone else's land or vegetation is avoided.
2 § A road user must follow the instructions of the traffic communicated through a sign, a road marking, a traffic signal or such a sign of a guard referred to in Chapter 5. § 2 Road Signs Ordinance (2007: 90). If an instruction constitutes a deviation from a traffic rule manual front rule.
A statement by the steady light of a traffic signal is particularly an indication of the obligation to stop or give way announced by a road sign.
A special instruction for the cyclist, the driver of a moped class II or reaching terms for such road over other instructions. Ordinance (2007: 101).
3 § A road user to obey a police officer's instructions for transport. A direction given by a police officer comes in front of traffic rules and such instructions referred to in § 2.
This also applies to the instructions of a bilinspektör, a traffic director, a drink driving controller or by any other person of authority assigned to monitor traffic, provide directions for this item or perform tax control.
On Swedish territory on the Oresund Fixed Link as defined in Article 2 of the Agreement of 6 October 1999 between the Government of Sweden and the Kingdom of Denmark and the Government of the police cooperation in the Öresund region, the provisions of the first paragraph also told by a Danish police officer.Ordinance (2010: 373).
4 § The powers of a police officer or any other person under § 3 paragraph monitors traffic, gives instructions for this or carrying out excise or of the person under Chapter 4. 1 § checking vehicles and drivers must be disclosed in the guise or another particular characteristic.
Free path, etc. for specific traffic
5 § A road user must provide a clear path for the
first emergency vehicles that emits the signal with the prescribed warning system, and the
second railroad train or tram if not tram driver must give way marked by road signs.
Drivers should leave the free path to stop if necessary.
6 § A road must not break or otherwise prevent a military column, a column of vehicles belonging to the municipal organization for civil protection, a group of children under the leader's supervision, a funeral procession or another procession.Regulation (2003: 818).
Traffic at intersections with railway or tramway
7 § A road user who intends to cross a railway or tramway should be especially careful and pay attention to whether a train or tram approaching. Drivers of vehicles must adjust your speed so that the vehicle can be stopped before crossing. The crossing should be passed without delay.
A road may not be transported into a junction with the railway or tramway
first on a train or a tram approaching,
second when a light signal shows red light, a beep sounds and a boom folds, is folded or erected, or
third if there is a risk that the road must stop at the intersection.
A road that may not go in to a junction with the railway or tramway will stay at a safe distance from the intersection and before signals or barriers.
Duties of traffic accidents
8 § A road that, with or without own debt had a part in a traffic accident should remain in place. As far as the ability of road users will help injured and contribute to the actions accident reasonable cause. At the request of someone else, who played a part in the accident or whose property was damaged in the accident, the road user should state their name and address and provide information about the incident.
If the property has been damaged and no one is present who can receive data and information, should road users as soon as possible to the injured or the police authority. In the latter case, the police authority shall notify the injured party, if he or she is known or can be easily traced. If any person has been damaged and the damage is not insignificant, should road users as soon as possible, notify the Police Authority.
If a vehicle after a traffic accident is positioned so that it can be a hazard or obstacle to traffic road user should ensure that it is immediately moved to a suitable location.If someone has died or been severely damaged vehicle may be moved only if it poses a danger to other traffic. In such cases, the road-not otherwise obliterate traces that may be of importance for the investigation of the accident or otherwise modify the conditions at the accident site. Road users should also try to ensure that no one takes such measures. Regulation (2014: 1265).
Disturbance of traffic signs and barriers on the way
§ 9 road signs, markings, traffic signals and other devices of the traffic should not be moved or changed.
Whoever disturbed or changed a traffic sign, road markings, traffic signals or other means traffic should immediately restore the device is in satisfactory condition. If it can not, he or she shall promptly notify the Police Authority or the person who set up and maintain the device on the relationship and take the measures required by traffic. Regulation (2014: 1265).
§ 10 Things that may cause danger or inconvenience to traffic shall not be thrown or left on a road.
The one who caused that something that can cause a hazard or obstruction to traffic on the road will immediately remove it. If it can not be his or her attention to others on the ratio by marking or the like until he or she sounded eliminate the hazard or inconvenience.
Chapter 3. Provisions for vehicle
common provisions
1 § Vehicles may not be taken by those who because of illness, fatigue, the influence of alcohol, other stimulants or stupefying substances or for other reasons can not bring the vehicle in a safe manner.
2 § The distance to a vehicle ahead should be adjusted so that there is no risk of collision if it slows down or stops. The distance should also be adapted to other road users overtaking easier.
§ 3 When a vehicle or a tram is in motion must embarking or disembarking not happen. Nor may anyone travels on the vehicle or tram running boards or similar device, if it is not specifically set up for this.
4 § The person sled, sled or similar vehicles or skis, ice skates, roller skates or the like on the road must not let itself be pushed onto or interpret, pulled or let themselves be drawn by a motor vehicle or a tram.
On the farm roads or other roads with little traffic may be interpreted.
5 § Drivers must give way shall clearly indicate their intention to swerve through the timely reduce speed or stop.
The driver may proceed only if it is with regard to other road users' location, the distance to them and their rate does not arise, danger or obstacles.
Vehicle location on the road
6 § When driving on the road, vehicles brought on roadway. This does not apply to vehicles for which, according to Chapter 1. § 4, second paragraph the provisions of consistently be applied. Bicycles and two-wheeled mopeds Class II, when driving on the road be on the bike path, if available.
If special caution must however
first cyclists and drivers of two-wheeled mopeds Class II use the roadway, even if there is a bike path when it is appropriate with regard to the destination location, and the
second Bicycles with more than two wheels or a bicycle towing a bicycle trailer or a bicycle having a sidecar, in addition to that of 1, be of the road surface even if there is a cycle path if it is appropriate with regard to vehicle width.
If special caution must-wheel mopeds Class II brought on a cycle path with little traffic and sufficient width.
Is a runway intended for certain traffic may be other traffic on the track, only to cross it.
Specific provisions on the use of the hard shoulder is in § 12. Regulation (2014: 1035).
7 § When driving on the road, vehicles brought into the lane that is furthest to the right in the direction of travel and which is intended for the vehicle.
Bike, scooter and vehicle that is designed for a maximum speed of 40 km / h or may not be driven at speeds greater than 40 km / h shall be as close as possible to the right edge of the hard shoulder or the path used.
If the roadway is divided into lanes designated for different vägvisningsmål through lane signposts, vehicles may be brought into the lane that is appropriate to the continuing journey.
On a road where the maximum speed is 70 km / h or less and the roadway at least two lanes of traffic in the same direction as indicated by road markings, drivers must use the lane that is appropriate to the continuing journey.
8 § If a roadway has four or more lanes, vehicles may not be in the lane to the left of the roadway right in the direction of travel.
If the carriageway has three lanes, vehicles may not be in the field at the left in the direction of travel.
The first and second paragraphs do not apply if the traffic on the road is one-way.
9 § If multiple lanes traveling in the same direction are separated by a road marking, the whole vehicle shall be brought within one of the secluded fields. If a solid line separates lanes to get byte lanes not happen.
If a roadway with two or more lanes traveling in the same direction and there is dense congestion in all lanes, only the driver who is traveling in the lane furthest to the right change lanes. Another driver may change lanes if the driver shall stop or park, or if necessary for the vehicle to be placed in an appropriate lane when approaching an intersection.
In the cases referred to in § 7, fourth paragraph, where a driver not to change lanes other than to stop or park the vehicle, making overtaking or place the vehicle in an appropriate lane before turning at a junction. Ordinance (2007: 101).
10 § If a lane is designated for a specific or certain types of vehicles, other vehicles brought in the lane just to cross it.
11 § A vehicle shall not be any wheel in a prohibited area or of a solid line.
If special caution may be waived if this
first necessary for the vehicle to pass an obstacle on the road,
second space in an intersection is not adequately for the vehicle,
the third a solid line to be crossed on the way to or from a property or its equivalent, or
fourth the facing direction at a dotted line immediately to the right of the solid line.
Notwithstanding the first paragraph, a vehicle passed on a solid border if necessary for the vehicle to be driven on the hard shoulder as specified in § 12 first paragraph.Ordinance (2007: 101).
12 § On the road to be used roadside
first when traveling by bike or moped class II, when the cycle path is missing,
the second when driving a moped class I,
third when driving a vehicle that is designed for a maximum speed of 40 km / h or may not be driven at speeds greater than 40 km / h, or
fourth of those for a vehicle preloaded with draft animals, rides and routes or driving cattle.
The obligation to use the hard shoulder in the first paragraph 1-4 only applies if the shoulder is of sufficient width and is generally appropriate to use.
If necessary to facilitate accessibility to other traffic, the hard shoulder use temporarily even when traveling in other vehicles.
Have roadway delineated by a solid border must shoulder used only in the cases mentioned in the first paragraph. Regulation (2014: 1035).
12 a § When traveling by bike get children to and including the year they turn eight years using the walkway on the bike path is missing. Regulation (2014: 1044).
13 § In a roundabout, a vehicle be in the counterclockwise circulation around the roundabout.
A vehicle must pass to the right of a barrier or other device placed in the middle of a roadway with traffic in both directions.
Is The island or device located to the right of bends in the road or on a road with one-way traffic may also be passed to the left unless otherwise specified with road sign. Regulation (1999: 240).
14 § A vehicle's speed to be adapted to traffic safety requires. Consideration must be given to road, terrain, weather and visibility conditions, vehicle condition and load and traffic conditions in general. The speed must never be higher than the driver maintain control of the vehicle and can stay there on the part of the front road or terrain that he or she can monitor and front of every obstacle that can be foreseen.
15 § In addition to other cases specifically provided for drivers shall keep one in the circumstances sufficiently low speed
first within the built-up area,
second when visibility is reduced due to light or weather conditions,
third at pedestrian crossings or other places where pedestrians cross the road,
fourth where intersecting vehicle traffic may occur,
5th in sharp curves,
6th at the crest or other locations where vision is obstructed,
7th at the risk of glare,
8th at the meeting with other vehicles on narrow roads,
9th on slippery roads,
10th when the vehicle is approaching a tram, a bus or a school bus that stopped for passengers embarking or disembarking,
11th when the vehicle is approaching children residing on or near the road,
12th when the vehicle approaches the cattle on the road,
13th where roadwork is ongoing,
14th past an accident scene, and
15th the dirty road conditions where there is a risk that other road users are exposed to dirt splashes.
16 § A driver may not drive without a valid reason with excessively low speed, sudden braking or in any other way hinder other drivers' driving.
17 § In the urban area, vehicles may not be driven with a speed higher than 50 km / h.
If justified for reasons of road safety, accessibility, or the environment, the municipality may issue regulations to the maximum speed in an urban area or part of such an area should be 30 or 40 kilometers per hour.
Except urban area, vehicles may not be driven with a speed higher than 70 km / h (base rate).
Finnish Transport Agency may issue regulations to the maximum speed on a road should be 80, 90, 100 or 110 kilometers per hour.
Rules on speed on the highway are in Chapter 9. § 1.
The terrain, the provisions in the first, second and third paragraphs only when driving with motor vehicles. Ordinance (2010: 144).
crossing traffic
18 § When two vehicles are crossing the driver must give way to the vehicle approaching from the right, except in the cases provided for in §§ 21-23.
19 § A driver must stop and must stop because of the traffic signal will stop at the stop line. If the stop line is missing the driver shall stop immediately before the signal or the haulier before entering on the intersecting road, trail or track area.
The provisions of § 5 second paragraph also applies to drivers who must stop.
Traffic in an intersection, etc.
20 § When a driver is approaching and driving into an intersection, the driving style adapted so that there are no unnecessary barriers to traffic on the intersecting road, if the vehicle is forced to stop at the intersection.
§ 21 A driver of a road running into another road which is the main road, highway or expressway where the acceleration field is missing, give way to vehicles on the road the driver run into. Väjningsplikten does not apply where the operator enters the main road, motorway or dual carriageway without changing lanes.
A driver also must give way to any vehicle whose price cuts its own course when the driver is on a path
first from a parking lot, a property, a gas station or something else like area adjacent to the road,
second from a path, an agricultural road or any other similar MAIN ROAD OUT OF TOWN,
third from a bicycle path, a pedestrian, a living street or terrain, or
fourth after crossing a pedestrian or bicycle path.
A driver also must give way to vehicles on a roadway when the driver enters it from a roadside or from a cycle track which is part of the road.
Väjningsplikten under the first and second paragraphs do not apply to cyclists and drivers of a moped class II to cross a carriageway or cycle path on a bicycle crossing. Regulation (2014: 1035).
22 § A driver entering a roundabout must give way to any vehicle that is in circulation.
23 § A driver traveling at an acceleration field to adapt the speed to traffic in the lane that he or she intends to run in. The driver must provide the acceleration field as soon as it can be done without danger or unnecessary impediment.
A driver who intends to leave the road will in time take the lane that is best suited for this. If there is a retardationsfält driver shall as soon as possible to run into it.
24 § A driver must turn in an intersection or should leave or cross the roadway he or she travels on will ensure that there can be no obstacle to oncoming traffic or road users on the roadway as the driver intends to run in to.
§ 25 Where the roadway before an intersection has two or more lanes in the same direction, the driver in good time to place his vehicle in the lane furthest to the right of the driver to turn right, and in the lane furthest to the left, he or she must turn to the left. When driving straight ahead, the driver place the vehicle in the lane that is appropriate to other traffic and the continuing journey.
If special caution must be done departure for space in the intersection else is not enough for the vehicle.
26 § A driver may turn in an intersection only if it can be done without danger or undue obstacles for others traveling in the same direction. Special attention will be paid to the traffic behind.
At right turn, a vehicle be so close to the carriageway right edge which can conveniently be done or, if it is on the hard shoulder, so close to the road's right edge as possible.
At left, a vehicle be as close to the middle of the carriageway as possible or, on the road with one-way traffic, as close to the left edge of the roadway as possible.
A turn to be made so that the vehicle when it leaves the intersection, located to the right of the roadway to its entry into.
27 § If a vehicle traveling on the road after a turn out onto a roadway that has two or more lanes in the direction of travel, will turn made in the manner best suited with regard to other traffic and the continuing journey.
Vehicles from the opposite direction is inserted into an intersection and both should turn left in the direction of travel may, at the meeting held on the left, if it can be done without danger or inconvenience.
§ 28 cyclists and drivers of a moped class II, despite the provisions of §§ 25 and 26 before an intersection, keep to the right on the road even when they intend to turn left. They will continue through the crossing to the opposite side and turn only when it can be done safely with respect to other traffic.
The first paragraph does not apply in a lane that is intended only for traffic to be turning right.
§ 29 The provisions of §§ 24-28 apply mutatis mutandis when a driver intends to cross or leave the carriageway elsewhere than at an intersection.
Meeting and overtaking
30 § A vehicle shall be at the meeting with other vehicles kept to the right. Drivers must provide a safe lateral distance between the vehicles.
If there is no impediment to meeting to the driver stay that has obstacle on their side, if it is necessary for the oncoming to pass.
31 § Overtake shall be left except in the cases referred to in § 7, fourth paragraph.Overtake should be done right when the driver of the vehicle ahead is turning left or clearly preparing such a turn.
Cyclists and moped drivers will overtake other vehicles than cycles and mopeds to the right.
32 § A driver may overtake only if it can be done without danger.
Overtake may not occur if the driver of the trailing vehicle has started overtaking.
Overtake may not be to the left of the driver of the vehicle in front has given signs that he or she intends to overtake another vehicle, or other reasons bring his vehicle to the left.
33 § The driver who is about to submit a satisfactory lateral distance between the vehicle and the vehicle is running on.
Meeting and overtaking on the road
34 § When meeting with a railroad train or a tram on a vehicle is kept to the right.
Where the rails situation warrant it, the vehicle shall be kept to the left, if it can be done without danger or inconvenience.
§ 35 Overtake of a railway train or a tram on the way must be right.
Where the rails mode causes it may be overtaking on the left, if it can be done without danger or inconvenience. On a road with one-way traffic will overtake also take place to the left, if the traffic conditions permit.
36 § Overtake may take place only if the lane to be used for overtaking on a sufficiently long distance is free of oncoming traffic or another obstacle to overtaking.
A driver may not drive on, if there is the possibility that after overtaking bring the vehicle back to the right side of the road without endangering other road users. This does not apply when the overtaking shall take place in a lane where oncoming traffic is not allowed.
37 § When overtaking on the road is to the left, the running about keeping to the right as soon as it can be done without danger or inconvenience. This does not apply to such a road referred to in § 7, fourth paragraph.
If the roadway has at least two lanes traveling in the same direction, you need the overtaking not run back to the right lane, if he or she just after overtaking intending to overtake another vehicle or turn left and if there is no apparent harm to overtaking traffic.
38 § When a driver traveling on the road pay attention to anyone intending to drive on the left, the driver must be in compliance with the provisions of § 7 keep as far to the right as possible. The driver must not increase the speed or otherwise complicate overtaking.
If a vehicle is slowing or occupy large space and the roadway is narrow, crooked or have a non-negligible oncoming traffic, the driver in order to facilitate overtaking reduce speed and, if necessary, bring the vehicle to the side as soon as possible.
39 § Overtake may not take place just before or on an intersection, except
the first overtaking shall take place to the right,
second traffic in the intersection is regulated by a police officer or traffic signals, or
third it is clear from signs or some other circumstance that drivers on the intersecting road's right of way or obligation to stop.
Overtake may not take place just before or on a level crossing, except when
first crossing the bar, or
second traffic at the intersection is controlled by traffic signals such as used at intersections.
Where vision is obstructed by a hill or a curve may overtake only be made if the roadway in the direction of at least two lanes of the oncoming traffic may not occur, or in other cases where overtaking can take place without a lane intended for vehicles in the oncoming direction needs to be taken utilized.
Two-wheel vehicles without a sidecar must be rerun. Regulation (1999: 240).
§ 40 vehicles or trams will not run on just before or at an unguarded crossing, an unsupervised bicycle crossing or a bicycle crossing. Regulation (2014: 1035).
41 § In the following cases, it is not considered as overtaking when a vehicle in a lane passing vehicles in another lane
first if the roadway has two or more lanes traveling in the same direction and there is dense congestion in all lanes,
second about the carriageway is divided into lanes for different destination excellent with lane guide, or
third if the vehicles have been placed in separate lanes adjacent to an intersection.
If a vehicle before a pedestrian crossing, a bicycle crossing or a bicycle crossing pass another vehicle in the case referred to in the first paragraph, it shall be done in such a low speed that the driver can stay away if walking is at the crosswalk or stop immediately if cyclists or drivers of moped class II is on the bicycle passage or crossing. Regulation (2014: 1035).
§ 42 The provisions of 31, 34, §§ 35, § 36, second paragraph, §§ 37 and 38 do not apply when overtaking vehicles are in a lane reserved for certain traffic. They also do not apply when the driver of a vehicle in such a lane overtaking vehicles in other lanes.
Turning, reversing, changing lanes, etc.
43 § A driver may start from the side of the road, change lanes, or otherwise change the location of the vehicle sideways only if it can be done without danger or undue hindrance to other road-users. The same applies when a driver stops or suddenly decrease the speed.
A driver who pay attention to any other driver intends to drive into the lane, he or she travels to adapt speed to the running easier.
44 § If two lanes converge to be the drivers for mutual consideration adapt to the new conditions. This also applies when two carriageways converge. Ordinance (2007: 447).
45 § where the maximum speed is 50 km / h or lower, a driver approaching a bus, whose driver gives character to start from a bus stop, slow down and give the bus the opportunity to make the stop. If necessary, the driver shall stop.
The bus driver must be particularly careful that no danger or undue inconvenience arises.
46 § A driver may reverse or reverse only if it can be done without danger or obstruction to other road users.
Provisions prohibiting the turn and back on the freeways and expressways are in Chapter 9. §§ 1 and 2.
Stopping and parking
47 § A vehicle must not be stopped or parked
first in such a place or in such a way that the danger or traffic unnecessarily obstructed or disrupted,
second in a cross with train or tram, or
third in such a way that road signs or traffic signals are obscured.
48 § In built-up areas, vehicles are not stopped or parked in a public place that is off-road.
On a pedestrian or bicycle path, other vehicles than bicycles or mopeds Class II not stopped or parked. Ordinance (2007: 101).
49 § A vehicle may not be parked so that the
first it prevents access to other vehicles or so that these can not be passed from the scene, or the
second vehicle with a wheel stand outside a location or other mark indicating where parking may take place. Ordinance (2007: 101).
49 a § At a public place in a built-up area of the municipality is the authority responsible for maintaining public places and within the road area for public road vehicles may not be parked for longer than 24 consecutive hours on weekdays, except weekday before Sundays and public holidays.
If special conditions apply for parking in a place referred to in the first paragraph, the following.
First Fee shall be paid in the manner indicated on the site and under specified tariff.
2nd If a parking ticket or equivalent is used this should be placed in front or, if this is not possible, on the vehicle. This applies whether the fee shall be paid for the parking or not. Time statements or other information on the conditions for the car park are fulfilled must be clearly visible and legible from outside.
3rd If a parking disc or similar is used, the time on the set of the next half hour from the time when the suspension began. Parked the vehicle before the time limit starts to be the time for tidsbegränsningens initially be set if the vehicle is to be left after this date. The disc must be placed in front or, if this is not possible, the vehicle with the timestamp visible and legible from outside. Parking disc or equivalent need not be used if the vehicle is only parked during the time when the time limit does not exist. Ordinance (2007: 447).
50 § When a vehicle is stopped or parked, the driver shall take measures to prevent the vehicle starts to move by itself.
The driver of a motor vehicle shall also take appropriate measures to prevent the vehicle from unauthorized use of another.
A vehicle's doors or other devices may not be opened in such a way that the danger or undue inconvenience arises. Nor shall embarking or disembarking or loading or unloading take place so that the danger or undue inconvenience arises.
51 § When a vehicle due to accident, engine failure or other cause has been standing in a place where according to 47-49, § 52-55, Chapter 9. 1 or 2 § or local traffic must not be stopped or parked, the driver shall ensure that the vehicle promptly moved to a suitable place, subject to the provision in Chapter 2. § 8 of duties in traffic accidents. Regulation (2001: 753).
Stopping and parking on the road
52 § On the road, the vehicle stopped or parked only on the right side in the direction of travel. If there are railway and tramway track on the right side, may the vehicle stopped or parked on the road's left side. On roads with one-way traffic, vehicles in other cases stopped or parked on the left side.
A vehicle is stopped or parked so far from the center of the carriageway as possible and the road's length. Parking should take place outside the carriageway, road conditions allow.
When stopping or parking in a parking lot, and outside built-up area is located immediately adjacent to the road, if possible, a parking space right in the direction of travel used.
53 § A vehicle must not be stopped or parked
first on or within a distance of ten meters before a pedestrian crossing, a bicycle crossing or a bicycle crossing,
2nd in an intersection or within a distance of ten meters away from an intersecting roadway nearest the outer edge,
third on or within a distance of ten meters before a crossing bicycle path or walkway,
fourth in a tunnel or underpass,
5th on or near a hill, or in or near a curve where visibility is obscured,
6th along a solid line indicating the boundary between lanes, if the distance between the vehicle and the line is less than three meters, unless a dotted line running between the vehicle and the solid line,
the seventh in a bicycle lane,
8th in a prohibited area,
9th in a roundabout, or
10th in a lane or a lane for public transport vehicles, etc.
The prohibition in paragraph 2 shall not apply to public transport vehicles and school buses that stopped for passengers boarding and alighting at the bus stop, such as in accordance with local traffic regulations must be bus stop and marked with a sign for the bus stop. Regulation (2014: 1035).
54 § In a marked stop for the tram, public transport vehicles or school buses, other vehicles not stopping or parking except for entry and exit that can be done without barriers for tram, bus or school bus traffic. If there is no flag indicating such a stop, the prohibition within twenty meters before and after the five-meter mark E22, Bus Stop, Traffic Sign Ordinance (2007: 90) or another sign indicating such a stop.
On one end, place that has been marked with the mark C40 appropriate place, in the Road Signs Ordinance, vehicles are not stopped or parked, other than for the prescribed purpose or for embarking or disembarking can happen without barriers for this purpose.
In a parking lot where only a certain type of vehicle or a specific group of road users are allowed to park, other vehicles not stopping or parking except for embarking or disembarking.
At a charging station may only vehicles that can be charged externally with electrical energy to propel the vehicle stopped or parked. Other vehicles may not be stopped except for embarking or disembarking. Ordinance (2010: 2037).
55 § A vehicle may not be parked
first on a road within a distance of thirty meters from the level crossing,
2nd on a road in front of the entrance to a property or to vehicles to or from the property substantially more difficult,
3rd on a main road,
fourth a lane next to another vehicle stopped or parked along the edge of the carriageway or next to a device that has been set up there, the
fifth at a venue that has been marked with brand E18, meeting place, the Road Signs Ordinance (2007: 90).
The prohibition in paragraph 4 does not apply if the other vehicle is a bicycle, moped or motorcycle without a sidecar, or if the device is of equivalent size. Ordinance (2007: 101).
56 § Provisions prohibiting stopping and parking on highways and expressways are in Chapter 9. §§ 1 and 2.
57 § The driver of a vehicle shall be equipped with a warning triangle to put out the triangle when the vehicle due to an accident, a motor or something like that has been standing on the roadway or shoulder where the maximum speed is more than 50 kilometers per hour and where the vehicle will not be stopped or parked in accordance with § 47, § 53 first paragraph 4 or 5 or Chapter 9. 1 or 2 §. A warning triangle should be discontinued well as the vehicle for any other reason is parked on a roadway and weather conditions or other circumstances make it difficult for other drivers to see the vehicle in time. The operator must also rest by marking or suchlike take the measures needed to warn other road-users. If a vehicle has been standing on a level crossing and can not immediately be moved, the driver shall also take the necessary measures for the automotive passenger safety and to warn drivers of railway trains or trams.
The warning triangle must be of the type that is prescribed for the vehicle and placed at such distance from the intended vehicle and so that other drivers are warned in advance. Ordinance (2010: 2037).
Obligations to pedestrians, cyclists and moped drivers
58 § On the walkways, paths intended for pedestrians as well as off-road, drivers must give way to pedestrians. Drivers also have to give way to pedestrians when vehicles entering on a roadway or roadside of a property driveway to the road.
In Chapter 8. § 1 contains provisions that drivers must give way to pedestrians walking in sea areas and pedestrian zones.
A drivers meeting or overtaking pedestrians must give them enough space and time to fold to the side.
A driver designed to drive past the right side of a tram or bus that stopped at a stop without the traffic island, should stop and give free passage to embarking or disembarking passengers. Ordinance (2007: 101).
59 § On bike paths should cyclists and drivers of Class II moped given precedence by other drivers.
60 § At a guarded crossing, a driver leave the pedestrians who correctly expired at the crosswalk opportunity to pass. This applies even if the driver has to cross the pedestrian crossing according to the traffic signals or signs of policeman.
A driver who, having swung in a cross to pass a guarded crossing should drive slowly and give way to pedestrians who correctly expired on or about to go out on the crosswalk.
The obligation under the first and second paragraphs at the guarded crossing points also apply to cyclists and drivers of a moped class II at the guarded bicycle crossings. Regulation (2014: 1035).
61 § At an unguarded crossing has a driver must give way to pedestrians who passed on or about to go out on the crosswalk.
A driver approaching an unsupervised bicycle crossing should adjust your speed so that there is no danger for cyclists and moped drivers who are out on the bicycle passage.
A driver will run out of a roundabout or otherwise, after having fluctuated in an intersection must pass an unsupervised bicycle crossing should drive slowly and give cyclists and moped drivers who are out or just going to ride on bicycle passageway opportunity to pass. Regulation (2014: 1035).
61 a § At a bicycle crossing has a driver must give way to cyclists and moped riders Class II on or about going to ride out crossing. Regulation (2014: 1035).
62 § A driver approaching a pedestrian crossing, a bicycle crossing or a bicycle crossing must adapt their driving style so that he or she does not have to stop at the crossing, the passage or crossing. Regulation (2014: 1035).
63 § Provisions prohibiting overtaking and passing other vehicles just before or on a crosswalk, a bicycle crossing or a bicycle crossing is in §§ 40 and 41. Regulation (2014: 1035).
Signals and signs
64 § When it is necessary to prevent or avert danger, a driver shall give audible or visual signals or in any other appropriate manner bring other road users' attention.
Signals must not be longer than necessary.
65 § When a driver intends to start from a roadside or to turn, turn, change lanes or change the location of the vehicle sideways on another not insignificant, the driver shall give signs with direction indicator to show their intention. If the vehicle does not have signal lights, drivers must instead demonstrate his intention by extending the arm.
A driver who intends to stop or suddenly decrease the speed to give evidence with the stop lamp to show their intention. If the vehicle does not have a stop lamp, the driver instead show their intention by raising his arm.
Signs shall be provided in good time before the intended maneuver is carried out and be easily visible and unambiguous. Teckengivningen shall cease as soon as the maneuver is completed.
66 § Even if a driver has given the signal or character he or she is obliged to ensure that the intended operation can be done without danger or undue obstacles for someone else.
67 § Lamps and searchlights may not be used in such a way that other drivers can be dazzled.
Lighting when driving on the road
68 § When driving on the road with a vehicle, lanterns and headlamps that are prescribed for the vehicle to be lit. Use prescribed daytime running lamps on a car during daylight does not need lamps at the rear or side must be on.
When traveling on the road with motorized vehicles equipped with floodlights for traveling, these shall be lit even if they are not prescribed for the vehicle.
A moped set out on the road with the engine needs to have lights and lanterns lit only when driving at night.
Use high beam does not need low beam or front position lamp to be lighted. Nor do front position lamp to be lit when the dipped beam is used.
At the salvage or towing a damaged vehicle on public roads, if the damaged vehicle lighting can not be used in the prescribed manner, the damaged vehicle instead be marked in accordance with § 82, second paragraph. Ordinance (2009: 960).
69 § When driving on the road with motorized vehicles, dipped used, unless otherwise provided by 68, 70 or 71 §. Ordinance (2009: 960).
70 § When driving on the road by car, tractor b, machinery class I heavy off-road vehicle, motorcycle or moped class I-beam will be used when the driver's view with respect to the vehicle speed, otherwise not enough for the vehicle to be brought safely.
High beam may not be
the first on the stretch where the road is adequately lighted,
second at such a distance from an oncoming vehicle that its driver could be dazzled,
third at the meeting with a rail-bound transport or ship out along the way, about the risk of glare can arise, or
fourth on call distance behind another vehicle. Regulation (2015: 929).
71 § When driving on the road by car, tractor b, machinery class I heavy off-road vehicle, motorcycle or moped class I, instead of the low beam used different light enough to alert other drivers of the vehicle. This does not apply when driving at night, at dawn or dusk or when weather conditions or other circumstances giving rise to low beam needs to be lighted.
In fog and heavy precipitation can be used fog lights instead of headlights.
Such light referred to in the first paragraph, fog lights or dipped beam may not be used simultaneously. The ban does not apply when traveling by motorcycle during daylight. Regulation (2015: 929).
72 § When driving on the road may be used rear fog lights only in fog, heavy precipitation or comparable visibility conditions and in such a way that drivers of vehicles is not dazzled.
73 § A vehicle shall not be equipped with lanterns or headlamps when driving on the road during the night, at dusk or dawn and otherwise when weather or other circumstances make it necessary to have a lantern showing white or yellow light and a showing red light backwards. The lamps be attached to or worn on the side of the vehicle facing the road center. If it is sufficient to alert other drivers of the vehicle may appear light forward and backward from the lantern.
The first paragraph does not apply to those road users as referred to in Chapter 1. § 4, first and second paragraphs.
74 § When a vehicle is stopped or parked on a road, the vehicle's parking brake and tail lights be lit at night, dusk or dawn and otherwise when weather or other circumstances make it necessary for other road users should pay attention to it.
If the vehicle is not equipped with parking or tail lamps shall instead have different lighting that is prescribed for the vehicle ignition. For a vehicle for which there are no specific regulations on lights or headlights, the provisions of § 73 apply. Otherwise, no lamps other than headlamps or parking lamps, rear lights or registration plate lamps to be lighted.
If a motor vehicle, up to six meters long and two meters wide, parked along the side of a road where the maximum speed is 50 km / h or lower, it is sufficient to parking and tail lights on the road in the middle kept lit, if another vehicle is not coupled to the vehicle.
75 § The provisions of § 74 does not apply if the road is so well lit that the vehicle still can be heard clearly at an adequate distance or if the vehicle is stopped or parked outside the carriageway and hard shoulder.
Nor need lights to be lit on bicycles, mopeds or motorcycles without sidecar, if the vehicle is stopped or parked along the road's outer edge.
76 § While driving on the road to get from one vehicle
first not shown other than white or yellow light, and the
second does not display white light to the rear except when reversing or at work that requires white light.
This does not apply to lamps with different color prescribed for the vehicle.
On a vehicle traveling on the road, no other lamps or headlights flashing light used than the
first direction indicators,
second alarm system,
third taillight bike,
fourth stop lamp that is particularly adapted to an emergency stop, and the
fifth lamp that emits orange light, specially arranged as a warning device to the extent that the Transport Agency prescribes.
The first and second paragraphs do not apply to lamps that are used to give characters P11, pull over and stop in front of the police vehicle, under Chapter 7. § 2 Road Signs Ordinance (2007: 90). Ordinance (2009: 960).
Lights when driving off-road
77 § When driving off-road in the dark, at dusk or at dawn and when otherwise warranted by weather or other circumstances, the lamps and headlamps that are prescribed for the vehicle to be lit. This does not apply to parking lamps.
High beam to be used when the driver's field of view with regard to the speed of the vehicle is otherwise insufficient for the vehicle to be sure.
When driving in the terrain with a motor vehicle fitted with floodlights for the journey they must be lit during the night, at dusk or dawn and when otherwise warranted by weather or other circumstances, even if they are not prescribed for the vehicle.Regulation (2000: 869).
vehicle load
78 § A vehicle shall not be loaded in such a way that the
first driver's view or possibilities for maneuvering prevented, or the
second prescribed direction signs, stop signs, lights or headlights obscured.Regulation (2001: 667).
79 § On or in a vehicle passenger may be taken in such numbers or placed in such a way that the danger may arise. Regulation (2001: 753).
80 § The load must not be carried on or in a vehicle in such a way that it can be
first endanger person,
second cause property damage,
third lag or fall off the vehicle,
fourth cause nuisance dust formation or the like,
the fifth hamper driving the vehicle, or the
sixth cause unnecessary noise.
The cargo must be secured if required by the load compartment or load condition. If necessary, the load must be covered.
Vehicle load when driving on the road
81 § When driving on the road may not chains, ropes, tarpaulins or other devices that serve to hold or protect the load hanging loose outside the vehicle or drag on the ground.
82 § When driving on the road, the load extremity be clearly marked when the load protrudes in front of a vehicle, or more than one meter behind the vehicle. As the cargo also includes utensils and equipment that is not attached to the vehicle. Load protruding less than a meter in front of the vehicle need not be marked if the projection is clear of other traffic.
During the night, at dusk and dawn and when otherwise warranted by weather or other circumstances should cargo be marked
first front with a lantern showing white light forward and with white reflectors, and the
second back with a lamp showing a red light backwards and red reflectors.
The reflectors must be placed so low that they can not reflect the light from the other vehicle's headlights.
83 § The load laterally protrudes outside the vehicle and is more than 260 centimeters wide, or protrude more than 20 cm outside the vehicle when driving on the road be clearly marked. Such markings shall be unnecessary if the projections nonetheless clear to other road-users. As the cargo also includes utensils and equipment that is not attached to the vehicle.
During the night, at dusk or dawn and when otherwise warranted by weather or other circumstances, such cargo referred to in the first paragraph is always marked
the first front with a lantern showing white light forward and with white reflectors, and the second at the back with a lamp showing a red light backwards and red reflectors.
The lamps and reflectors must sideways be less than 40 centimeters inside the load's outer edge. If the load is more than 260 centimeters wide shall lamps and reflectors sit on the outermost edge of the load. The reflectors must be placed so low that they can not reflect the light from the other vehicle's headlights. Provisions for road tunnels
83 a § Road tunnels are divided into the tunnel categories A, B, C, D and E. A road tunnel belongs tunnel category A if otherwise provided by the regulations that have been issued pursuant to Chapter 10. § 1, third paragraph.
In the case of road tunnels belonging tunnel category B, C, D or E applies to the ban for the respective tunnel category specified in 83 b 83 e §§ against the process of vehicles with such cargo subject to labeling requirements under regulations issued on the basis of Act (2006: 263) on the transport of dangerous goods. Regulation (2011: 1220).
83 b § In a road tunnel belonging tunnel category B may not be the vehicle with a cargo of dangerous goods which may lead to a very large explosion. Regulation (2011: 1220).
83 c § In a road tunnel belonging tunnel category C, it must not be the vehicle with a cargo of dangerous goods which may lead to a very large explosion, a large explosion or a large toxic release. Regulation (2011: 1220).
83 d § In a road tunnel belonging tunnel category D may not be the vehicle with a cargo of dangerous goods which may lead to a very large explosion, a large explosion, a large toxic release or a large fire. Regulation (2011: 1220).
83 e § In a road tunnel belonging tunnel category E may not be the vehicle with a cargo of dangerous goods with the exception of goods listed for under tunnel category E in point Annex A to the European Agreement September 30, 1957 on the International Transport of dangerous goods by road (ADR [SO 1974: 9]).Regulation (2011: 1220).
Competition on the road
84 § competition or exhibition of vehicles, or where such road users as referred to in Chapter 1. § 4, second paragraph involved, may not be organized on the road without permission. Permit issues are considered by the provincial government. If a competition or exhibition involving more than one county, examined the question of the county administrative board in the county where the competition or the show starts. The county administrative board shall obtain the opinion of the rest of the county administrative boards.
If the authorization is made, the Board shall issue such regulations as in addition to traffic rules are needed to prevent danger or inconvenience to traffic and for those who live or reside in the road or needed for other reasons. Ordinance (2005: 71).
Chapter 4. Provisions for traffic with motorized vehicles
common provisions
1 § The driver of a motor vehicle shall stay on the character of the person as an authority has ordered to check vehicles or drivers.
2 § A motorized vehicle may not deduct more than the
first a vehicle which is adapted for coupling to the towing vehicle, or
second two vehicles that are adapted for coupling to the towing vehicle.
The total gross mass of the vehicle must be drawn when driving on the road do not exceed the towing vehicle's gross weight and when driving off-road twice towing vehicle gross weight.
Notwithstanding the first paragraph, cars, tractors, motorized equipment and road vehicles pull a vehicle or vehicles if all vehicles drawn are provided for connection to the towing vehicle and the
first can be braked effectively, or
second The total gross weight of the connected vehicle without effective brakes do not exceed the towing vehicle's gross weight or when driving in the terrain twice the towing vehicle gross weight.
3 § If a certain maximum trailer load applies to a motor vehicle, the combined weight of the towed trailer does not exceed this.
§ 4 If a certain maximum load applies to a motor vehicle or a related vehicle gets heavier loads are not carried on the vehicle.
5 § Vehicles towed by another vehicle must be connected in from a traffic safety adequately.
When driving on the road, the coupling device be clearly marked on the towed vehicle is not adapted for coupling to the towing vehicle and the distance between vehicles exceeding 2.0 meters.
6 § In a car no more passengers are taken with than it is registered. Passengers must travel to a place intended for passengers.
On a motorcycle passenger may be taken only if the motorcycle is set up for it. The passenger should sit in the place which is meant for passengers. More than one passenger must not be included. In a sidecar must not be more passengers than the trailer is intended.
On a motorcycle or in a sidecar connected to a motorcycle passenger may be taken only if the driver is over 18 years. In practice driving a motorcycle, however, apply the provisions of Chapter 4. §§ 2 and 3 licenses Act (1998: 488) on the driver's age.
Transport Agency may provide or individual cases, grant exemptions from the provisions of the first three paragraphs. Regulation (2008: 1109).
7 § The driver of a motor vehicle shall examine the vehicle so as not to make noise unnecessarily and where possible to ensure that the vehicle does not emit exhaust gases in such quantities as to cause inconvenience.
8 § With a motor vehicle may be unnecessary and disturbing driving does not take place at the housing development. The driver of a vehicle shall otherwise adapt the route, speed and mode so that others are not disturbed unnecessarily.
9 § Safety helmet use by the occupants of
the first motorcycle,
second mopeds,
third b tractor without a body, or
fourth terrain vehicles without bodywork.
Protective helmet does not have to be used
first passengers under the age of seven years and using other suitable head protection,
the second when the vehicle is not in motion,
third when driving in the parking lot, parking garage, service station or workshop area or similar area,
4th on a moped rendered with the engine turned off,
5th in a three- or four-wheeled motorcycle with bodywork or in a three- or four-wheeled moped with bodywork, seat belt use, or
sixth when traveling at a moped class II, which is designed to operate with a tramp and crank device and where the engine provides no additional force at speeds above 25 km / h.
The operator shall ensure that passengers are over fifteen years using a helmet or other head protection in accordance with the provisions of the first and second paragraphs.
Transport Agency may issue further regulations on exemptions from the requirement to use protective helmet. Regulation (2015: 929).
Traffic of motor vehicles on the road
10 § When driving on the road in a car, a truck, a three- or four-wheeled motorcycle with bodywork or a three- or four-wheeled moped with bodywork applies to the use of seat belts and other safety devices follows:
1st Anyone traveling in a vehicle equipped with safety belts must use a location that is equipped with a seat belt, if such a place is available, and use the belt. Children who are shorter than 135 centimeters must use child safety seat, booster seat or other special safety equipment for children instead of or together with safety belt.
2nd A child who is three years old or older and shorter than 135 centimeters must not traveling in a vehicle where there is the opportunity to use a special protective device for children, other than the occasional transport over short distances. In such cases, the child instead use the safety belt when it is possible and when not traveling in the front seat of a passenger car or a light truck.
3rd A child who is younger than three years may not be transported in a vehicle where there is the opportunity to use a special protective device for children, other than the occasional ride in taxis for short distances. In such cases, the child may not travel in the front seat. Regulation (2006: 1208).
10 a § All who are older than three years and traveling in a bus that is equipped with safety belts must use a location that is equipped with a seat belt, if such a place is available, and use the belt. At the local transport in urban areas may, however, passengers use a location other than a location that is equipped with a seat belt.
Passengers in a bus shall be informed of the requirement to wear a seat belt in the way Transport Agency prescribes. Regulation (2008: 1109).
10 b § The traveling seated in a wheelchair in a car must travel on the wheelchair seat and use the seat belt if the site is equipped with a seat belt. The wheelchair must be attached to or supported by a device that is intended for the vehicle.Regulation (2006: 1208).
10 c § The pilot, other crew members, escorts and leader of a group shall take appropriate measures so that passengers who are under fifteen years of age use a seat belt or other special safety equipment and help passengers to place the wheelchair in accordance with the provisions of § 10 b. Regulation (2006: 1208).
10 d § Notwithstanding the provisions of § 10, § 10a, first paragraph and 10 b § need the seat belt or the special protective device is not used
first when the vehicle is not in motion,
second When reversing,
third when driving in the parking lot, parking garage, service station or workshop area or similar areas, or
fourth when there are medical obstacles according to a medical certificate issued prior to the journey.
Transport Agency may issue regulations or in individual cases decide on further exemptions from the requirement to use seat belts and special protection.Regulation (2008: 1109).
10 e § When driving on the road with a motorized vehicle driver may engage in activities such as use of mobile phones and other communications equipment only if it does not adversely affect the operation of the vehicle. Regulation (2013: 779).
§ 11 roads that are not private are divided into three bearing capacity classes.Unless otherwise provided belongs to a public road bearing capacity class 1 (BK1) and other roads that are not private load class 2 (BK2). Regulations on a public road or part of such a road shall belong load class 2 or 3 are issued by the Finnish Transport Agency or, if the municipality has responsibility of the municipality.Regulations that any other path that is not separate or a part of such a road shall belong load class 1 or 3 communicated to the local. Ordinance (2010: 144).
12 § On roads that are not private will motorized vehicles or related vehicles marketed only if the values for each load class listed below is not exceeded.
1. Axle
a. Shoulder is not driving 10 tons 10 tons 8 tons
b. Driving axle 11.5 tonnes 10 tons 8 tons
2. Bogie weight
a. The distance between the axles
is less than 1.0 meters 11.5 tons 11.5 tons 11.5 tons
b. The distance between the axles is 1.0 meters or greater
but not 1.3 meters 16 tonnes 16 tonnes 12 tonnes
c. The distance between the axles is 1.3 meters or greater
but not 1.8 meters 18 tonnes 16 tonnes 12 tonnes
d. The distance between the axles is 1.3 meters or greater but not 1.8 meters and the drive axle is fitted with twin tires and air suspension or equivalent suspension, or drive shafts are fitted with twin tires and the weight does not exceed 9.5
tone on one of the axles 19 tons 16 tons 12 tons
e. The distance between the axles
is 1.8 meters or more 20 tonnes 16 tonnes 12 tonnes
3. Triple Axle
a. The distance between the outer shafts is less than
2.6 meters 21 tons 20 tons 13 tons
b. The distance between the outer shoulders are 2.6 meters
or greater 24 tons 22 tons 13 tons
4. Gross weight of vehicles and road trains
a. Vehicles on wheels Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3
b. Vehicles on tape 24 tons 18 tons 18 tons
c. Vehicle skids 18 tonnes 18 tonnes 18 tonnes
Transport Agency may issue regulations on the vehicle or vehicle may be brought even though the values specified in the first paragraph are exceeded.The rules shall be associated with such conditions with regard to implementation and vehicle design and equipment that road safety is not jeopardized.Regulations may be limited to a certain way or a certain road. Regulation (2012: 535).
13 § On roads that are not private road train may be marketed only if the values given below for the distance between the first axis in the coupled vehicle and the last axle of the vehicle that it is linked to not undercut.
1. Both shafts are single axles 3 meters 3 meters 3 meters
2. One shaft is a single shaft and the second part
in a bogie or triple axis 3 meters 4 meters 4 meters
3. The shafts included in respective
bogie 4 meters 4 meters 4 meters
4. One shaft is part of a bogie and the other in a triple-axis or both in a
triple axis 5 meters - -
A road train may be kept on such a road referred to in the first paragraph of the importance of every possible combination of axles in the automotive train below the maximum gross weight for the corresponding distance between first and last axle in Annex 1-3 to this Regulation. When compared to Annex 1, the values given for trailers shall apply if the permitted gross weight thus becomes higher.
Transport Agency may issue regulations that road trains can be brought despite the fact that the values set out in the first and second paragraphs undershot. The regulations shall be subject to such conditions in terms of implementation and vehicle design and equipment that road safety is not jeopardized. Regulations may be limited to a certain way or a certain road. Regulation (2008: 1109).
14 § Vehicle or vehicle used principally in international traffic may be driven on roads with load class 1 even if the gross weights specified in § 12 first paragraph 4 and Annex 1 is exceeded or the distances specified in § 13 undershot. The exemption applies only if the following gross weights and measurements should not be exceeded.
First 26 tonnes for three-axle vehicles.
2nd 38 tonnes for the four-axle road train.
3rd 40 tons of five- or six-axle road train.
4th 44 tonnes for three-axle motor vehicle with two or three-axle semi-trailer for the transport of 40 foot ISO container.
5th 16.5 meters for a car with a semi-trailer.
6th 18.75 meters for a car with a trailer. Regulation (2012: 553).
15 § If a motor vehicle or a related vehicle loaded so that the load on either side protrudes more than 20 cm outside the vehicle or if the vehicle width, load included, exceeds 260 centimeters or for a bus 255 centimeters, the vehicle or coupled thereto vehicles kept only on private road.
The following vehicles may be kept on the road which is not single.
1st Light motorcycle whose width of the load does not exceed 120 centimeters.
2nd Equipment used in agricultural work, even if the width exceeds 260 centimeters.
3rd Vehicle loaded with unpacked hay or the like, even if the load on any side protrudes more than 20 cm outside the vehicle.
4th Tractor with mounted tools or equipment even if the vehicle is wider than 260 centimeters, appliances or equipment included.
5th Motorized equipment at shorter route to or from a workplace or for similar purposes, even if the vehicle is wider than 260 centimeters, appliances or equipment included.
Transport Agency may issue regulations on the vehicle or vehicle transporting indivisible loads may be brought on roads that are not private, even though the width specified in the first paragraph are exceeded. The load must then extend more than 20 centimeters outside the vehicle. In doing so it may also be provided that the process may deviate from the provisions of Chapter 3. § 7 first and second paragraphs, § 9, first and third paragraphs, § 11 and § 12 first paragraph 3 and Chapter 9. § 1, first paragraph 1 and 2 and § 2, if needed for accessibility reasons and is done with great caution. The rules shall be associated with such conditions with regard to implementation and vehicle design and equipment that road safety is not jeopardized. Regulations may be limited to a certain way or a certain road.
Notwithstanding the first paragraph, buses registered before 1 November 2004, and whose performance is then not substantially changed, by the end of 2020 brought on roads other than individuals of the vehicle width, including the load does not exceed 260 centimeters. Regulation (2008: 1109).
15 a § When driving on the road be it a two-wheel motorcycle or a two-wheel moped class I is not combined with a trailer having a width which exceeds 125 centimeters or with a mass exceeding half of the towing vehicle's curb weight, less the weight of fuel and tools belongs to the vehicle.
When traveling on the road get it to a three- or four-wheeled motorcycle or a three- or four-wheeled scooter is not combined with a trailer having a width exceeding the motorcycle and moped width or in some cases 200 centimeters or with a mass exceeding half of the towing vehicle curb weight minus the weight of the fuel and utilities that belong to the vehicle. Ordinance (2002: 943).
15 b § When driving on the road, the following vehicles are not used to carry passengers.
First A trailer coupled to a motorcycle or a moped class I
second A tow sled connected to a motor vehicle, a tractor or machinery. Regulation (2006: 21).
16 § A vehicle's width is measured over the parts of the vehicle or the load projecting furthest.
Transport Agency may issue regulations or in individual cases allow certain equipment should not be included in the vehicle width. Regulation (2008: 1109).
17 § A motorized vehicle other than a bus or with a related vehicles may not be on roads other than individual if the vehicle or vehicle train, including the load, is longer than 24.0 meters. The length of a road train, including the load, can be up to 25.25 meters if the following conditions are met.
First Each constituent vehicle is equipped with such antilock brakes and coupling devices Transport Agency prescribes.
2nd Every detail motorized vehicle has a maximum length of 12.0 meters.
3rd Each constituent trailer, excluding semi-trailer has a maximum length of 12.0 meters.
4th The distance between the coupling pin and the rear of a semi-trailer does not exceed 12.0 meters.
5th The horizontal distance between the kingpin and any point on the leading edge of a semi-trailer does not exceed 2.04 meters.
6th Vehicle train total payload length behind the cab, measured parallel to the vehicle longitudinal axis of the train, not exceeding 21.86 m.
7th The distance, measured parallel to the vehicle longitudinal axis of the train from the foremost external point of the loading area behind the cabin to the rearmost external point of the vehicle train does not exceed 22.9 meters.
8th The vehicle width, except for the extension of the temperature-controlled vehicles, is no more than 2.55 meters.
9th The width of the bodywork for temperature controlled vehicles are a maximum of 2.60 meters.
10th Each input motor vehicle is in motion can turn in a circle which has an outer radius of 12.5 meters and an inner radius of 5.3 meters.
11th Vehicles train meets the usage requirements of the Swedish Transport Agency prescribes.
The provisions concerning the length and spacing of the first paragraph 2-5 should include removable superstructures and standardized freight containers such as containers.
Vehicles registered before 1 November 1997 and whose performance is then not substantially changed, be the end of 2006 not covered by the provisions of the first paragraph 2-10. Regulation (2008: 1109).
17 a § A bus with or without a related vehicles may be driven on roads other than the individual only if the vehicle or vehicle train's length, including the load does not exceed the dimensions indicated below, as well as meet the usage requirements of the Swedish Transport Agency prescribes.
vehicle Length
Bus with two axles 13.5 meters
The bus with more than two axles 15.0 meters
Articulated bus 18,75 meters
Bus with trailer 18.75 meters
Buses registered before 1 July 2004 and whose performance is then not substantially changed, be the end of 2020 not covered by the provisions of the first paragraph. Regulation (2008: 1109).
17 b § Transport Agency may issue regulations on the vehicle or vehicle may be brought even though the lengths specified in § 17 first paragraph, first sentence and in 17 a § exceeded. In doing so it may also be provided that the process may deviate from the provisions of Chapter 3. § 7 first and second paragraphs, § 9, first and third paragraphs, § 11 and § 12 first paragraph 3 and Chapter 9. § 1, first paragraph 1 and 2 and § 2, if needed for accessibility reasons and is done with great caution. The rules shall be associated with such conditions with regard to implementation and vehicle design and equipment that road safety is not jeopardized. Regulations may be limited to a certain way or a certain road.Regulation (2008: 1109).
17 c § A vehicle or fordonstågs length measured over the vehicle parts, vehicle train or load projecting furthest.
Transport Agency may issue regulations or in individual cases allow certain equipment should not be included in the vehicle length. Regulation (2008: 1109).
18 § A powered vehicles and vehicles that have been linked to such a vehicle may not be brought on roads other than the individual for vehicle wheels, tracks or runners are such that they can cause significant damage to the roadway.
18 a § Passenger Class I, Class II passenger car with a total weight of 3.5 tons, light truck and light bus and trailer towed by such a vehicle, when driving on the road be equipped with winter tires or equivalent equipment from 1 December to March 31 when winter conditions prevail.
Heavy truck, heavy bus and car class II with a total weight of over 3.5 tonnes must when driving on the road be equipped with winter tires or equivalent equipment on the vehicle's drive assumes its rightful December 1 to March 31 when winter conditions prevail. Front wheel drive cars must be equipped with winter tires or equivalent equipment even in the vehicle's rear axles.
A vehicle may be used even though the first and second paragraphs
first if it can be done without danger to road safety
a) for a test drive or towing of the vehicle in conjunction with repair or similar purposes,
b) for travel the shortest possible route to and from the nearest inspection body under the Vehicle Act (2002: 574) for inspection or
second of the vehicle under the Road Traffic Register is of a model year which is thirty years old or older.
Transport Agency may provide that vehicles in cases other than those referred to in the third paragraph may be misused, despite the provisions of the first and second paragraphs if it can be done without that road safety is endangered. Regulation (2012: 705).
19 § The driver of a two-wheel motorcycle get when driving on the road do not allow the motorcycle pulled or pushed by another vehicle or tram. The driver may not pull or front to shoot someone else Road users or bring any other vehicle on the side than the attached sidecar.
Provisions for road speed of certain motor vehicles and vehicle combinations
20 § When driving on the road may not be heavy buses at a higher speed than 90 kilometers per hour. Heavy bus may be introduced with the 100 km / h of all traveling in the bus and that are older than three years have access to a seat equipped with a seat belt. Heavy truck must not be taken with speeds above 80 kilometers per hour.On motorways or dual carriageways get heavy truck, however, be 90 kilometers per hour. Heavy off-road vehicles, machinery class I and tractor b may not be at a higher speed than 50 kilometers per hour. Moped class I may not be at a higher speed than 45 kilometers per hour.
If a motor vehicle, a machinery class I or a heavy off-road vehicle has been linked additional vehicles, the vehicles on the road can not be conducted with greater speed than specified below.
Vehicle Requirements Speed kph
first Motor vehicles with a trailer. The trailer is equipped with efficient brakes that can be operated from the motor vehicle service brake,
b. The trailer has rigid drawbar and a total weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes and is equipped with inertia,
c. The trailer has a total weight or, when the trailer is not loaded, an unladen weight not exceeding half of the motor vehicle curb weight not exceeding 750 kilograms, or
d. The trailer is connected to a motorcycle 80
second car with two trailers, the trailers are equipped with anti-lock brakes, and comprises a dolly with attached semi-trailer where dollyns turntable is pivoted about a vertical axis through the junction point 80
3. Motor vehicle with a trailer which is linked by the common load trailer is equipped with efficient brakes that can be operated from the motor vehicle service brake and the vehicles are specifically established for this purpose and approved by the inspection prescribed for the vehicle train 50
4. machinery class I or heavy off-road vehicle with a trailer the trailer is equipped with effective brakes that can be operated from the towing vehicle brake 50
5. Motor vehicles, machinery class I or heavy off-road vehicle with a trailer in cases other than 1, 3, or 4 the trailer has a gross weight not exceeding the towing vehicle's gross weight 40
6. Motor vehicles, machinery class I or heavy off-road vehicle with two trailers in cases other than 2 trailer trolleys are equipped with efficient brakes that can be operated from the towing vehicle brake 40
7. Car, machinery class I or heavy off-road vehicle that pulls a vehicle at least four wheels, one end of which is raised by a fixed suspension device on the towing vehicle or on a separate towing device so that at least one of the towed vehicle other pair of wheels rolling on the road vehicle especially adapted for the salvage and towing of damaged vehicles 40
8. Motor vehicles, machinery class I or heavy off-road vehicle with one or more vehicles other than 1-7 30
Car Dolly to the connected semi-trailer may be raised by a maximum of 80 km / h, even if the requirements of the second paragraph 2 are not met, if the dolly and semi-trailer is registered and entered into service before 1 January 1999 are part of a road train is more than 24, 0 meters long and is equipped with efficient brakes that can be operated from the vehicle service brake.
The first, second and third paragraphs do not apply to the extent that lower rate is prescribed for the road.
Transport Agency may issue regulations to the
first a car with two trailers in cases other than that specified in the second paragraph 2 may be driven with a speed higher than 40 km / h, and the
second the machinery class I and a tractor b may be driven with a speed higher than 50 km / h. Regulation (2015: 929).
21 § Vehicle with bands get on the road do not be a speed higher than 20 km / h.Vehicles with hoops of iron or other hard materials may be heading not be at a higher speed than 10 kilometers per hour.
Provisions for environmental zones
22 § In an environmental zone gets heavy buses and heavy trucks kept only for first registration, regardless of first registration country, occurred during the last six years, this year counting. Regulation (2013: 76).
§ 23 , The exceptions to the prohibitions referred to in § 22:
1st Vehicles with engine at the time of approval, registration or entry into meet at least the emission standards laid down in European Parliament and Council Directive 2005/55 / EC of 28 September 2005 on the approximation of laws relating to measures against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from ignition engines for use in vehicles, and the emission of gaseous pollutants from positive ignition engines fueled with natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas for use in vehicles, series a, (Euro 3), in the tables in section 6.2.1 of Annex I may be in the environmental zone for a period of eight years from the initial registration, the registration year counting.
2nd Vehicles with engine at the time of approval, registration or entry into meet at least the emission standards laid down in European Parliament and Council Directive 2005/55 / EC, row B1, (Euro 4), in the tables in section 6.2.1 of Annex I may supplied in environmental zone until the end of 2016, or during a period of eight years from the initial registration, the registration year counting.
3rd Vehicles with engine at the time of approval, registration or entry into meet at least the emission standards laid down in European Parliament and Council Directive 2005/55 / EC, row B2, (Euro 5), or row C (EEV), the tables in point 6.2.1 of Annex I may be in the environmental zone until the end of 2020, or during a period of eight years from the initial registration, the registration year counting.
4th Vehicles with gas engine or engine for operation with ethanol diesel engine of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2005/55 / EC may be brought in the environmental zone.
5th Vehicles with engine at the time of approval, registration or entry into meet at least the emission standards laid down in European Parliament and Council Regulation 595/2009 of 18 June 2009 on type approval of motor vehicles and engines with respect to emissions from heavy duty vehicles (Euro 6) and on access to repair and maintenance of vehicles, and amending Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 and Directive 2007/46 / EC and repealing Directives 80/1269 / EEC, 2005/55 / EC and 2005/78 / EC, the table in Annex I (Euro 6), may be brought in the environmental zone.
6. Vehicles whose engine has been adapted to meet the emission requirements of point 2 may be in the environmental zone until the end of 2016. The
seventh Vehicles whose engine has been adapted to meet the emission standards set out in point 3 may be in the environmental zone until the end of 2020.
8th Vehicles whose engine has been adapted to meet the emission standards set out in point 5 may be brought in the environmental zone.
9th EC mobile crane shall be brought in the environmental zone. Regulation (2013: 76).
24 § When driving in environmental zones with a heavy coach or heavy goods vehicle has been registered for more than six years ago, this year not counting, documents shall be kept showing which emission standards that the vehicle's engine fulfilled at the time of approval, registration, entry into service or when the engine is adapted as specified in § 23 6-8. This does not apply if the information shown in the vehicle registry. Regulation (2013: 76).
Chapter 5. Provisions for the operation of off-road vehicles and off-road trailers on the road
§ 1 -terrain vehicles and off-road trailers may not be brought on roads other than individuals, except in the cases specified in §§ 2 and 6. Ordinance (2002: 943).
§ 2 The person in the process of a terrain vehicle or a road trailers need to cross a road that is not individual must bring the vehicle on the road shortest appropriate distance. The same applies if, having regard to the terrain conditions are necessary to travel on the road. Ordinance (2002: 943).
3 § The driver of a road vehicle that runs out of the terrain must stop the vehicle before he or she is driving on a road. Motorists on the road shall be given precedence.
4 § When terrain vehicles or off-road trailer is on another path than that private road which are less used by the public for traffic, passengers may not be included in the vehicle or a related vehicles. Ordinance (2002: 943).
§ 5 On another path than such private roads which are less used by the public for traffic must terrain vehicles or off-road trailer is not supplied with a speed higher than 20 km / h. Ordinance (2002: 943).
6 § Heavy off-road vehicle on wheels may be driven on the road, despite the provisions of 1, 4 and 5 §§.
Chapter 6. Provisions for traffic with bicycle and moped
common provisions
1 § cyclists will run consecutively. When it can be done without danger or obstruction to traffic, they may be traveling in width.
2 § cyclists and moped drivers must keep at least one hand on the handlebars.
Moped drivers must keep both feet on the pedals or footrests.
§ 3 on a bicycle or a moped may not simultaneously travels more people than the bicycle or moped is designed.
When a bicycle or moped class II appropriate seats and effective protection against the wheel spokes may be the vehicle travels further
first a child under ten years if the person steering the vehicle has reached the age of fifteen, or the
second two children for six years, if the person who controls the vehicle has reached the age of eighteen.
4 § cyclists or moped driver may not transport goods that are so heavy and large that the bike or scooter can not be operated safely and so that other traffic is prevented.
4 a § A person under fifteen years old and traveling with a two-wheel bicycle must wear a helmet or other suitable head protection.
Bicycle driver must ensure that passengers use a helmet or other suitable head protection in accordance with the provision in the first paragraph. Regulation (2004: 296).
4 b § Anyone who travels with a two-wheel moped class II, which is designed to operate with a tramp and crank device and where the engine does not provide any additional force at speeds above 25 km / h to wear cycle helmets or other suitable head protection. Regulation (2015: 929).
Traffic with bicycle and moped when driving on the road
§ 5 When driving on the road may cyclists or moped riders not to let the bike or moped pulled or pushed by another vehicle or tram. Moped drivers may not pull or front to shoot someone else Road users or bring any other vehicle on the side.
§ 6 cyclists or drivers of Class II moped to travel on a bicycle crossing should slow down and take into account the approaching vehicle passage and sheep cross the road only if it can be done without danger.
Cyclists or drivers of Class II moped to travel on a bicycle crossing should take into account the distance and speed of vehicles approaching the crossing. Regulation (2014: 1035).
Chapter 7. Provisions for pedestrians on the road
1 § Consistently shall be driven on the road using the footpath or verge.
If there is no sidewalk or roadside must consistently use the cycle lane or carriageway. The same applies to those road users as referred to in Chapter 1. § 4, second paragraph of the walkway is narrow or space on it is limited in other ways, or if there are other special reasons for it.
Consistently using the hard shoulder or roadway should, if possible, go to the left in the direction of travel. Those who go roller skis, skates or similar and traveling at a higher speed than walking pace shall be traveling to the far right if it is appropriate.
Those who go in groups under the supervision of a leader or a procession to be whether it is appropriate to use the hard shoulder or the right side of the roadway in the direction of travel. If the group consists of children attending more than two abreast, shall, if possible pavement, roadside or cycle path used.
§ 2 On a road where vehicular traffic is prohibited, and such a living street or in a pedestrian area referred to in Chapter 8. § 1 does not apply the provisions of § 1.Ordinance (2007: 101).
3 § pedestrians must cross a drive or bicycle path on a pedestrian crossing. If there is no pedestrian crossing nearby, the transient rather than driving or crossing the bicycle path across this, and preferably at an intersection.
Driving or bicycle path to be traversed without undue delay.
4 § Going to be going out on a pedestrian crossing shall take into account the distance and speed of vehicles approaching the crossing. Outside a crosswalk must consistently cross the road only if it can be done without danger or inconvenience to traffic.
§ 5 When a group that goes under the supervision of a leader or a procession using roadside, roadway or bike path during different time than when it is daylight with a clear view, the person who takes the lead at least one lamp to the road center shows white or yellow light and the one in the queue at least one lamp to the road center red light backwards.
Chapter 8. Provisions for traffic on the pedestrian street and the living street etc.
§ 1 on a pedestrian street in a living street the following.
1. Vehicles may not be driven with higher speed than walking pace.
Second Vehicles may not be parked at any place other than designated parking places.
3rd Motor vehicle drivers must give way to pedestrians.
On a pedestrian street gets motorized vehicles not be other than to cross it. Such vehicles may be introduced on the pedestrian if necessary for
first delivery of goods to or from shops or the equivalent in the pedestrian zone,
second transport of goods or accommodation to or from the address on the pedestrian promenade,
third transport guests to or from hotels or the equivalent in the pedestrian zone, or
fourth transport of sick or disabled persons to or from the address on the pedestrian promenade. Ordinance (2007: 101).
2 § In a lane or a lane for public transport vehicles, etc. may only transport vehicles be as well, if the lane or roadway is located right in the direction of travel, bicycle and moped class II.
Vehicles may be driven in the lane may, notwithstanding Chapter 3. § 53 first paragraph 10 stopped there for embarking or disembarking. Ordinance (2010: 2037).
Chapter 9. Provisions for traffic on the motorway and expressway
1 § On a highway to the following.
1. Only traffic with motor vehicles or motor vehicles with armed vehicles designed for, and may be driven at a speed of at least 40 km / h may be allowed. Mopeds Class I may not be driven on a highway.
Second Vehicles may be entered on a highway only at the beginning of the road or on a slip road and entered the highway only at the exit or at its end.
3rd Vehicles may not be on the dividing strip or a transverse link road between the platforms.
4th Vehicles may not be reversed or reversed.
5th Vehicles may not be parked or stopped except in places marked with a sign that the parking or rest area. Scheduled buses may stop at specially arranged stops.
6th Vehicles may not be driven with a speed higher than 110 km / h.
Transport Agency may issue regulations to vehicles or vehicles even in cases other than those specified in paragraph 1 may be on the highway. The rules shall be associated with such condition that road safety is not compromised.
Finnish Transport Agency may issue regulations to the maximum permitted speed on a highway will be 120 kilometers per hour. Ordinance (2010: 144).
2 § The provisions of § 1, first paragraph 1-5 and the second paragraph applies mutatis mutandis also traffic on an expressway and ramps and to such a path.
Chapter 10. Local traffic regulations, etc.
1 § Special traffic rules may, except in the cases specified in §§ 10 and 14, announced through local traffic regulations for a particular road or stretch of road or for all roads in a given area or an area or färdled terrain.
The special traffic rules must apply the following.
First To a certain road or stretch of road will be the main road, highway or expressway.
2nd To a certain road or stretch of road and all roads in an area should be pedestrian or living street.
3rd To a certain area to be built-up area or a specific environmental sensitive area within the built-up area will be an environmental zone.
4th To a certain location should be a roundabout or bicycle crossing.
5th To a certain lane or a specific lane will be lane or the lane for public transport vehicles, etc.
6th To a certain place on the stretch where bans stopping and parking is under Chapter 3. § 53 first paragraph 2 shall be the bus stop.
7th To a certain location should be appropriate location or charging station.
8th Deviations from the provisions on pedestrian accordance with Chapter 8. § 1 second paragraph and the provisions of lanes for public transport vehicles, etc.pursuant to Chapter 8. § 2.
9th Prohibition of traffic with vehicles.
10th Prohibitions or commands to turn or run in a given direction.
11th Prohibition of overtaking.
12th Giving way or obligation to stop with departures from the provisions of Chapter 3. 18 or § 21 or in lieu of the provisions of Chapter 3. § 23 first paragraph.
13th Obligation to stop at railway or tramway crossings.
14th Deviations from the rules on speed in chapter 3. § 17 first paragraph or in regulations that have been issued pursuant to Chapter 3. § 17, second paragraph, where it is justified for reasons of road safety, accessibility and the environment.
15th Restriction to lower speed than required under chapter 3. § 17 third paragraph, chapter 4. § 20 or Chapter 9. 1 § or regulations issued pursuant to Chapter 3. § 17 fourth paragraph, or Chapter 9. § 1, third paragraph, if it is justified for reasons of road safety, accessibility and the environment.
16th Prohibition to stop or park a vehicle or permitted to stop or park vehicles in derogation from the provisions of Chapter 3. § 48, § 49a, first paragraph, § 52, § 53 first paragraph 2-5, 9 and 10, § 54, § 55 first paragraph 3-5 or Chapter 8. § 1.
17th Time limit, contributory or other conditions for parking.
18th Exceptions to Chapter 3. 77 § of illumination when driving off-road.
19th Axle load, bogie load, triple-axle load and gross weight limit at lower weights than those required by Chapter 4. § 12.
20th Restriction to smaller width or length of vehicle, train or cargo than allowed in Chapter 4. 15, 17 or 17 a §.
21st Traffic with terrain vehicles or off-road trailer with deviations from the provisions of Chapter 5. 1, 4 or 5 §.
22nd Other special traffic rules.
Furthermore, it is by local traffic regulations announced special traffic that a road tunnel to belong tunnel category B, C, D or E, special traffic rules for the transport of dangerous goods and for such competitions as the provincial government has been granted under Chapter 3. 84 §. Regulation (2014: 1035).
§ 2 Regulations under § 1, second paragraph 9-11, 14-18, 20 and 21 may relate
first a certain group of road users,
second a specific or certain types of vehicle, or
third vehicles with cargo of some nature.
Local traffic regulations on parking may include special provisions to facilitate for those who live in a specific area to park in this area. If necessary for specific reasons, some parking spaces in the area reserved for residents through such provisions. Questions for permission to park under the provisions considered by the municipality.
Local traffic regulations on parking may comprise specific provisions allowing a maximum of three parking spaces must be reserved for each foreign mission in connection with the mission office or residence. The same applies to parking spaces for consulates headed by a career consular officer as well as such international bodies referred to in § 4 Act (1976: 661) on the privileges and immunities in some cases.
Local traffic regulations on the prohibition of traffic with vehicles that are issued by a municipality for a certain way, a certain stretch of road or for all roads in a given area may relate to vehicles with studded tires. Regulation (2011: 912).
§ 3 Local traffic regulations are issued by the following authorities.
First The municipality
a) in respect of any area under § 1, second paragraph 3 shall be congested area,
b) for other roads within built-up areas than public roads for which the state's road manager,
c) for all roads within the built-up area of the regulations relating traveling speed, stopping or parking,
d) for roads, except urban area of the municipality is the road authority, and
e) of terrain.
2nd County Board
a) in cases other than those referred to in 1,
b) in the case of obligation to stop and give way under § 1 second paragraph, 12 and 13 for the roads at intersections with public roads for which the state's road manager, and
c) in the case of the regulations referred to in § 1 third piece.
The police authority may issue regulations on a decision by the municipality or county government can not be awaited without particular nuisance. Ordinance (2007: 101).
§ 4 If the regulations under § 1, second paragraph 1 designed so that all main roads cross each other must give way or obligation to stop regulated specifically in the intersection. Specific regulation is needed, however in the case of vehicles entering the main route without changing lanes. Regulation (1999: 835).
5 § Before a municipality decides regulations on speed limits under Chapter 3. § 17, second paragraph, or local traffic regulations under § 1 must Police Authority and the state road maintenance authority concerned given the opportunity to comment.
Before a county decides such local traffic regulations for the transport of dangerous goods referred to in § 1 third paragraph, the opinion obtained from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency. Regulation (2014: 1265).
6 § If a private road is particularly affected in a matter of local traffic, the owner of the private road is given an opportunity to comment during the preparation. The same applies to the owner of land particularly affected.
Local traffic regulations for private roads to a lesser extent used by the public for traffic may be granted only with the consent of the road's owners. Consent is required unless the regulations relate
first speed,
second regulation of traffic at intersections with railway or tramway,
third regulation of traffic on the road adjacent to a road that is not individual or a private road that increasingly used by the public for traffic or
fourth regulation of traffic in a contest that the provincial government has been granted under Chapter 3. 84 §.
The authority granting such local traffic regulations may not be made without the consent of the road's owners, should also recall the road's owners about the rules on marking. Regulation (1999: 240).
7 § A way must be explained to the motorway or only if the
first it is free of crossings in the same plane with other roads, and the second vehicle can not usefully be brought into or out of the way but the road ends or at specially arranged ramps and.
To explain to the highway, the road shall furthermore first be divided into two lanes, one for traffic in each direction, and the
second have the platforms separated by a separator strip or otherwise.
Ramps and belongs to the motorway or dual carriageway to the extent that the provincial government or the municipality decides for each case.
8 § A road or area may be declared as living street only if it is designed so that it can be seen that consistently utilizes the entire surface and that it is not appropriate to drive at a higher speed than walking pace. Ordinance (2007: 101).
9 § An area may be declared to be congested area if it is urban or bykaraktär or have comparable roads and buildings.
9 a § A location can be explained as the charging station only if provision is made for external recharging of electric energy for vehicle propulsion. Ordinance (2010: 2037).
10 § In the case of a private road, the owner of the road determine whether traffic with motorized vehicles or a certain or certain types of such vehicles may take place.Such a ban may also refer to vehicles with a certain maximum width, height or weight.
The prohibition under the first paragraph shall be marked with road signs or otherwise clearly.
The road management authority to issue regulations on the prohibition or restriction of traffic with motor vehicles on private road shown by § 41 Roads Act (1971: 948).Regulation (1999: 240).
11 § Has been abrogated by Ordinance (2007: 235).
§ 12 The authority has decided a regulation referred to in 2 § of the Ordinance (2007: 231) on electronic proclamation of certain traffic regulations shall promptly notify the
first concerned road maintenance authority, and the
second such landlords and owners of private roads that are particularly affected.
A regulation under § 1, second paragraph 9 relating terrain shall be served on the landowner. Ordinance (2007: 235).
12 a § Has been abrogated by Ordinance (2012: 601).
13 § In the following cases, the regulations applicable in the path marked out by the provisions of the Road Signs Ordinance (2007: 90) or the regulations issued thereunder. The same applies to regulations of the terrain, there are reasons for that.
First Speed limits and regulations on maximum allowable speed according to Chapter 3. § 17 and Chapter 9. § 1.
2nd Regulations on load class 2 or 3 under Chapter 4. § 11.
3rd Special traffic regulations issued by local traffic regulations under § 1.
4th Special traffic regulations issued by regulations under § 14. Regulation (2008: 385).
13 a § Notwithstanding in § 13 the following.
First Special traffic to a specific area to be built-up area or environmental zone need not be marked.
2nd Speed limits under Chapter 3. § 17 first or third paragraph need not be marked in such a way as referred to in Chapter 3. § 21, second paragraph.
3rd If special traffic rules or regulations on the rate notified so that two identical traffic rules or speed limits contiguous marking need not take place in the border between them.
4th Special traffic rules which are applicable only during certain time or under certain circumstances need not be marked when they are not applicable. The time limits or other conditions that must exist for a traffic rule to be applicable, need not be marked if it is only noticeable when it is applicable. 5. Specific traffic rules on the transport of dangerous goods need to be labeled only if there are reasons for that.
6th The special traffic rules as regulations under § 14 differs from need not be marked.
Transport Agency may issue regulations and, in individual cases grant further exemptions from the marking requirement in terms of roads with little traffic or if there are other special reasons for it and it can be done without danger to road safety. This does not apply in the case of regulations on maximum speed for the song.
If regulations on speed and special traffic should not be or need to be marked shall be recorded in a local newspaper. Regulation (2008: 1109).
14 § Regulations with specific rules of the road or a particular stretch of road on the
1st ban on the circulation of vehicles or certain types of vehicles,
second limitation of the axle, double-axle, triple axle weight or gross weight,
3rd limitation of the width or length of vehicle, train or cargo,
fourth ban on overtaking,
5th prohibitions or commands to turn or run in a given direction,
sixth prohibiting entrance,
7th lower rate than would otherwise apply,
8th stopping or parking,
9th rights of way, and
10th minimum distance between vehicles
may be issued by
a. The police authority if required in relation to traffic monitoring, monitoring of drivers and vehicles, or traffic accidents,
b. Swedish Customs if necessary in conjunction with point tax, or
c. the authority in charge of the road or street maintenance in the area if needed for a short time because of road work or similar work, because of damage or risk of damage to the road or if necessary on special winter over ice-covered waters.
At roadworks or similar work involving roads in two or more authorities handling areas should rule under subparagraph c communicated by the authority which keeps the road that mostly affected by roadworks or damage.
The police authority or the authority in charge of the road or street maintenance in the field may make regulations for a particular way of temporary limitation of the speed that is otherwise admissible if it is needed to prevent road accidents with cloven or reindeers. Regulation (2014: 1265).
15 § If a public road which the state has responsibility for part load class 2 or 3 during part of the year, the state road maintenance authority may decide that the road for a short time should not belong bearing capacity class, it is appropriate to tjälförhållandena. Regulation (2004: 1070).
Chapter 11. Provisions for exemptions for traffic monitoring, emergency services etc.
1 § A vehicle used by a police officer, bilinspektör or customs official duties may be brought on pedestrian and bicycle paths and pedestrian zones, where special caution. The vehicle may not be driven with a speed higher than 30 km / h.
A road and a specific area or färdled terrain may be used in spite of Chapter 8. § 2, and despite the prohibition or restriction of the right to operate the road, area or trail pursuant to regulations issued under Chapter 10. 1, 10, or 14, or according to § § 41 Roads Act (1971: 948)
first the profession of a police officer, bilinspektör, customs officer, coast guard officer, doctor, nurse, midwife or veterinarian,
second for the transport of sick people to the doctor or medical institution,
third the emergency services, or
fourth in other similar urgent cases. Regulation (2015: 34).
2 § If special caution and if circumstances so require, the derogations from Chapter 3. 6-13 and §§ 25, § 26, second and third paragraphs, § 29,
first by a policeman at the escort of road transport under specific conditions should be carried out with the escort, and
second of a traffic director during an escort mission under the Act (2004: 1167) on road transport.
Despite regulations prohibiting under Chapter 10. § 1, a road used by the traffic during an escort mission under the Act (2004: 1167) for road transport, the escorted transport has admitted driving on the road. Regulation (2011: 178).
3 § A lane or a lane for public transport vehicles, etc. may, notwithstanding Chapter 8. 2 § used
first of the vehicle used by an authorized security in the transportation of property,
second Vehicle used by prison staff during the transport of detainees or in urgent occupation, and the
third of vehicles used by staff of the Security Service when they take a safeguard measure in the activities specified in § 4 Regulation (2014: 1103) with instructions of the Security Police.
The exceptions in the first paragraph applies only if the circumstances so require, and special caution. Regulation (2014: 1265).
4 § Despite Chapter 4. § 22, the following vehicles brought in an environmental zone:
1st Vehicles used in the profession of a police officer, bilinspektör, customs officer, coast guard officer, doctor, nurse, midwife or veterinarian.
2nd Vehicles used for the transport of sick people to the doctor or health care provider.
3rd Vehicles used in the rescue.
4th Vehicles used in other similar urgent cases.
5th Emergency vehicle in cases other than those referred to in 1-4.
6th Vehicles are defined as vintage vehicles in Chapter 2. 2 § Road Traffic Tax Act (2006: 227). Regulation (2015: 34).
5 § If special caution and if circumstances require, it may deviate from Chapter 9. § 1, first paragraph 1-5 and § 2
1st the rescue and salvage work,
second the duties of a police officer, bilinspektör, customs official or coast guard officer,
third the other with 1 and 2 comparable urgent cases,
fourth by staff of the Security Police taking a safeguard measure in the activities specified in § 4 Regulation (2014: 1103) with instructions of the Security Service, and the
fifth a traffic during the escort mission under the Act (2004: 1167) on road transport.Regulation (2015: 34).
6 § terrain vehicles and off-road trailer will be on the road despite Chapter 5. 1, 4 and 5 §§
first the profession of a police officer, bilinspektör, customs officer, coast guard officer, doctor, nurse, midwife or veterinarian,
second for the transport of sick people to the doctor or medical institution,
third the emergency services, or
fourth in other similar urgent cases. Regulation (2015: 34).
7 § Priority to pass with such a ferry which, under the Roads Act (1971: 948) is the weighing device has
first vehicles used for urgent emergency rescue services or ambulance accordance with § 6 Health Care Act (1982: 763),
second vehicles used in emergencies profession of a police officer, bilinspektör, customs officer, coast guard officer, doctor, nurse, midwife or veterinarian,
third transport vehicles,
fourth vehicles of taxi services,
5th vehicles used for school transport and mobility service,
6th vehicles used by prison staff during the transport of detainees or in urgent occupation, and the
seventh vehicles used by an authorized security in the transportation of property.
Transport Agency may issue regulations on the priority to pass with ferry road during most of the year utilizing the ferry route to and from their permanent residence or other road user if there are special reasons. Regulation (2015: 34).
8 § Despite Chapter 3. 47 § 3, 48, §§ 52-54, § 55 first paragraph 3 or ban that has been issued by local traffic regulations, vehicles stopped or parked when it is used
first by a policeman at the escort of road transport under specific conditions should be carried out with the escort, and
second a traffic during the escort mission under the Act (2004: 1167) on road transport.
The exceptions in the first paragraph applies only if the circumstances so require, and special caution. Regulation (2011: 178).
9 § Despite Chapter 3. 49 a § first paragraph, § 53 first paragraph, 10, § 54 or § 55 first paragraph 3, Chapter 8. § 1, first paragraph 2 or prohibitions that have been issued by local traffic regulations, vehicles stopped or parked when it is used
first the parking control referred to in the Act (1987: 24) on the municipal parking mm,
second of a police officer, bilinspektör or customs official duties, in
third a coast guard official duties,
fourth the professional staff at the tax tax fraud units,
fifth the rescue,
6th the urgency profession of a doctor, nurse, midwife, staff in home care or a veterinarian,
7th the transport of sick or disabled,
8th the tracking of game that may have been damaged in a wild accident or if other actions in connection with such an accident,
9th the transport of detainees or in urgent occupation of the prison staff, or
10th by staff of the Security Service when they take a safeguard measure in the activities specified in § 4 Regulation (2014: 1103) with instructions of the Security Police.
The exceptions in the first paragraph applies only if the circumstances so require, and special caution. Regulation (2015: 34).
§ 10 The provisions on recording speed in chapter 3. § 17, chapter 4. § 20 and Chapter 9. § 1, first paragraph 6 and the regulations on recording speed that have been issued pursuant to Chapter 3. § 17, Chapter 10. 1 or § 14 does not apply when a vehicle is used
first in urgent emergency rescue services or ambulance accordance with § 6 Health Care Act (1982: 763),
second in urgent profession of a police officer, bilinspektör, customs officer, coast guard officer, doctor, nurse, midwife, veterinarian or by prison staff or
third in other similar urgent cases.
The provisions on recording speed in Chapter 4. § 21 first sentence does not apply when the vehicle is used in urgent profession of a police officer or bilinspektör.Regulation (2015: 34).
11 § The driver of an emergency vehicle needs in urgent cases do not follow rules that do not specifically apply to him or her. The same applies to the driver of a vehicle used in the Police Authority, Security Service, Customs Administration or Coast Guard reconnaissance operations when it is absolutely necessary to perform reconnaissance mission and it obviously can be done without danger to road safety.The driver should be obeying the instructions of a police officer or any other person as an authority appointed to monitor traffic or provide instructions for this.
The exceptions in the first paragraph applies only where special caution. Regulation (2014: 1265).
12 § The driver of an emergency vehicle may, in urgent cases require free path for the vehicle by giving the signal with the prescribed alarm devices. The driver is in spite of the signals required to have regard to the safety of others. Regulation (2011: 178).
Chapter 12. Provisions for road maintenance
§ 1 If circumstances require, and special caution may at road maintenance, salvage and similar work
first vehicles brought in spite of Chapter 3. 6-13 and §§ 25, § 26, second and third paragraphs, § 29,
second meeting or overtaking of vehicles used in such work deviate from Chapter 3.§ 30 first paragraph and § 31 first paragraph,
third vehicles stopped or parked in spite of Chapter 3. 47 § 3, 48, 52, 53 and 55 §§ or prohibition issued by local traffic,
4th utensils that are wider than 260 centimeters or vehicles with gear or equipment mounted where the gear or equipment protrudes more than 20 centimeters to one side or the means that width exceeds 260 centimeters used spite Chapter 4. § 15 first paragraph,
fifth terrain vehicles and off-road trailers brought in spite Chapter 5. § 1, and the
sixth roads used despite regulations prohibiting or restricting the right to operate the road under Chapter 10. 1, 10 or § 14 of this Regulation or the 41 § Roads Act (1971: 948) when working on or by the road.
Road maintenance, salvage and similar work may be of particular caution should be conducted on motorways and expressways in the way conditions require spite Chapter 9. § 1, first paragraph 1-5 and § 2.
If circumstances require, and special caution, the salvage performed despite Chapter 4. § 17 first and second paragraphs. Regulation (2016: 333).
13 Ch. appropriations mm
Information and compilation of roads
1 § The board is required before the end of March each year draw up a summary of the public highway and other major roads in the county. The compilation will also resume buoyancy classes and such local traffic regulations that are of major public interest.
The summary shall be included in the county's Statutes and sent to Trafikverket, the Swedish Transport Agency, the Armed Forces and police authorities and the authorities in charge of road or street maintenance. Regulation (2014: 1265).
§ 2 In the provincial government will be a publicly accessible map of public roads within the county. The map should be prepared at the appropriate scale.
Copies of the map should be the end of June each year send to Trafikverket, the Swedish Transport Agency and the authorities in charge of road or street maintenance. If any change in the latest forward the map has not been made or if the changes are small extent only need to report this to be done. Ordinance (2010: 144).
3 § In the following cases may be waived by the following authorities.
Provisions exemption concern Authority
Chapter 3. Provisions for vehicle
Vehicle location on the road
first Chapter 3. § 6 first or fourth paragraph A local municipality
2. Chapter 3. § 17, or training or competition, the authority
regulations that have to contest grants permission
issued pursuant to the competition
Chapter 3. § 17
3. Chapter 3. § 17, or in other cases than under
regulations that have 2 and the exception concerns
issued pursuant to Chapter 3. § 17
A local municipality
More than one municipality County Board
in a county
More than one county Transport Agency
Stopping and parking
4. Chapter 3. § 48, a municipality municipality
49 a § first paragraph more than one municipality, the County Administrative Board
within Region
More than one county Transport Agency
Stopping and parking on the road
5. Chapter 3. § 52, 53 § A local municipality
first paragraph 2-5, more than one municipality, the County Administrative Board
§ 54, 55 § first in a county
paragraph 3-5 More than one county Transport Agency
Lighting when driving on the road
6. Chapter 3. 68 § first Transport Agency
or second paragraph, or 76 §
Provisions for road tunnels
6 a. Chapter 3. The County Administrative Board
83 b-83 th §§ More than a County Administrative Board
the county where
driving off
Chapter 4. Provisions for traffic with motorized vehicles
common provisions
7. Chapter 4. 2 or 3 § A local municipality
More than one municipality State
road maintenance authority
in the region where
driving off
8. Chapter 4. 6 § A local municipality
More than one municipality County Board
within Region
More than one county Transport Agency
9. Chapter 4. § 9 Transport Agency
the first paragraph
Traffic of motor vehicles on the road
10. Chapter 4. § 10, the Transport Agency
10 a § first paragraph, § 10 b, 15 b § 18 or § a first or second paragraph
11. Chapter 4. 12-15 A, A municipality municipality
17, 17 or 18 a § More than one municipality State
road maintenance authority
in the region where
driving off
Provisions for road speed of certain motor vehicles and vehicle combinations
12. Chapter 4. 20 or A County Administrative Board
21 § More than one county Transport Agency
Provisions for environmental zones
13. Chapter 4. 22 § A local municipality
Chapter 5. Provisions for the operation of off-road vehicles and off-road trailers on the road
14. Chapter 5. 1, 4 or A County Administrative Board
5 § More than one county Transport Agency
Chapter 6. Provisions for traffic with bicycle and moped
common provisions
15. Chapter 6. 3 or 4 § A local municipality
More than one municipality County Board
within Region
More than one county Transport Agency
16. Chapter 6. 4 a § Transport Agency
the first paragraph
Chapter 8. Provisions for traffic on the pedestrian street and the living street etc.
17. Chapter 8. 1 § first A local municipality
paragraph 2
18. Chapter 8. 2 § A local municipality
More than one municipality County Board
within Region
More than one county Transport Agency
Chapter 9. Provisions for traffic on the motorway and expressway
19. Chapter 9. § 1 are: a) to searching for wild Police Authority
paragraph 1-5 or § 2 that may have been damaged
at a roadkill
or other
measures in connection
with such an accident
b) other cases
A local municipality
More than one municipality State
road maintenance authority
in the region where
driving off
20. Chapter 9. 1 § Transport Agency
first paragraph 6
Chapter 10. Local traffic regulations, etc.
21. Local A local municipality
Traffic rules More than one municipality
under Chapter 10. § 1 within a county
second paragraph 9 a) except when the state
with scrutiny road maintenance authority
refers to the long, wide in the region where
or heavy transport journey begins
b) in other cases, the County Administrative Board
More than one county
a) except when the state
with scrutiny road maintenance authority
refers to the long, wide in the region where
or heavy transport journey begins
b) other cases Transport Agency
22. Local A local municipality
Traffic rules More than one municipality County Board
under Chapter 10. § 1 within a county
second paragraph 10-13, more than one county Transport Agency
16 or 17
23. Local Municipality
Traffic regulations under Chapter 10. 1 § 14, second paragraph
24. Local A local municipality
traffic regulations a) roads in
under Chapter 10. 1 § congested area
second paragraph, where 15 other than the State
or 21 are road maintenance
b) Other roads County Board
More than one municipality County Board
within Region
More than one county Transport Agency
25. Local A local municipality
Traffic rules More than one municipality State
under Chapter 10. § 1 within a county road maintenance authority
second paragraph 19 of the region where
20 or driving off
26. Local County Board
Traffic regulations under Chapter 10. 1 § third paragraph on the transport of dangerous goods
27. Rules A county The authority
under Chapter 10. notified
§ 14 first paragraph of the regulation
More than one county Transport Agency
An exception shall be for a particular purpose, except for the exemption from
- Chapter 3. 49 a § first paragraph, § 68 first or second paragraph,
- Chapter 4. 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15a, 15b, 17, 17a or 18 a §,
- Chapter 6. 4 a §,
- Chapter 9. 1 or § 2, or
- local traffic regulations on parking within a municipality.
Exceptions to the local traffic regulations on parking may be granted for a specific purpose, even if the provisions of Chapter 11. 9 § 7 first paragraph may apply.
If a question of exemption under this section shall be considered by the municipality but the municipality's decision can not be awaited without inconvenience, should instead Police Authority to consider the question. The police shall also rule on the exemption from local traffic regulations on the transport of dangerous goods when the county administrative board's decision can not be awaited without inconvenience.
Further provisions for exceptions for disabled people from the local traffic regulations concerning stopping and parking is available in § 8. Regulation (2015: 929).
§ 4 Exemptions may be prescribed or permitted if needed for specific reasons and it can be done without danger to road safety, damage to the road or any other considerable inconvenience.
Other exemptions under § 3, first paragraph from local traffic regulations on parking in a municipality other than for a specific purpose may be permitted or prescribed only for traders and others with special needs to park at work or for those who live in an area if it is needed to facilitate them to park there.
Exemptions from the provisions of Chapter 3. § 17 or from the regulations that have been issued pursuant to Chapter 3. § 17 of the competition and training on a road may only be granted if the route to be used is off to other traffic.
Exceptions to Chapter 4. 15 or 17 § occasioned by the load length or width may be granted only if the load is indivisible. Regulation (1999: 835).
5 § If a municipality or a state road maintenance authority shall issue regulations on, or in individual cases decide on exemptions from the provisions of Chapter 4. 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 or § 18, the deciding authority shall also issue regulations or in individual cases decide on exemptions from the provisions of Chapter 3. § 7 first and second paragraphs, § 9, first and third paragraphs, § 11 and § 12 first paragraph 3, Chapter 9. § 1, first paragraph 1 and 2 and § 2, if necessary for safety or accessibility reasons.
If a municipality issues regulations on, or in individual cases decide on exemptions from the provisions of Chapter 3. § 6 first or third paragraph or chapter 4. § 2, the maximum speed is determined. Even otherwise, derogations may be subject to special conditions. Regulation (2008: 902).
6 § If the county administrative board's power to grant exemption from a regulation issued pursuant to § 41 Roads Act (1971: 948) contains provisions in that section.
7 § The police authority may issue regulations on traffic on the motorways and expressways.
Transport Agency may issue regulations for other questions in this Regulation. The Board will then provide
first certain equipment must be of a type approved by the Board or any other authority, and the
second which values may be used for local traffic regulations on the maximum permitted speed and guidelines for different values should be used. Regulation (2014: 1265).
Specific exemptions for disabled
8 § For people with disabilities, a special parking permit is issued. The permit can be issued to both the disabled themselves driving motorized vehicles and other disabled people who regularly need the help of the driver outside the vehicle. A permit may only be issued to a disabled person who has a permanent disability that means that he or she has substantial difficulties to move on their own. Questions about parking examined by the municipality where the applicant is registered, or if the applicant is not registered in the country where he or she resides.
A parking permit is valid throughout the country and provide
first the right to park for up to three hours where parking according to a local traffic is prohibited or permitted for shorter periods than three hours,
the second the right to park for a maximum of 24 hours where parking according to a local traffic is allowed for at least three but less than 24 hours,
3rd the right to park in the parking spaces by local traffic regulations reserved for the disabled with a parking card, whereby certain maximum set up time prescribed for such a place should be exercised, and the
fourth the right to park for up to three hours on the pedestrian street.
Parking permits do not give the right to park in a place prescribed to be used for a specific purpose or type of vehicle.
A parking permit shall be valid for a certain time, however, more than 5 years. A permit may be revoked if the conditions for authorization under the first paragraph is no longer available or if the condition is not used in the prescribed manner.Regulation (2014: 1367).
§ 9 Transport Agency may issue regulations on the design of the parking for the disabled and how such permits issued in any other country shall apply in this country. Transport Agency may also issue regulations on parking for disabled use.Regulation (2008: 1109).
Fees for certain matters
§ 10 fee is charged for the examination of an application under the following conditions. The provisions of §§ 10-14 Fees Ordinance (1992: 191) applies mutatis mutandis.
Issue Impact Fee Class
1. Competitions passing through several counties
(3 Ch. 84 §) 6
2. Competitions going through the same
County (3 Ch. 84 §) 4
3. The exemption for heavy transport
(Chap. 13 § 3) 3
4. Except for the wide transport (Chap. 13 § 3)
If the width is less than 450 cm 2
If the width exceeds 450 cm 3
5. Except for long journeys (Chap. 13 § 3)
If the length is more than 35 meters 2
If the length exceeds 35 m 3
6. Matters concerning the exception for a particular purpose with respect to vehicles used for transportation
the disabled (Chap. 13 § 3) 1
7. Other exceptions (Chap. 13 § 3) 4
Regulation (2014: 44).
10 a § In cases of exemption pursuant to § 10 of the heavy, wide or long journeys involving more than one of the case law charges are made as follows.
Issue Impact Fee Class
1. Except for the wide and long journeys where a maximum width of 450 centimeters and
length exceeding 35 meters 2
2. Exclusion of other cases 3
In cases of exception of heavy, wide or long journeys according to § 10 or this section, where the application is made electronically in Trafikverket's system for interactive application, the fee for an amount corresponding to the nearest lower fee than the class indicated. Regulation (2014: 44).
11 § Provisions on a municipality's right to charge fees for the examination of applications in the Act (1978: 234) on the boards of some traffic issues. Ordinance (2010: 1596).
Chapter 14. Liability rules etc.
Competition on the road
1 § Anyone who deliberately or negligently organizes the competition on the road without a license pursuant to Chapter 3. § 84, or in violation of such authorization shall be sentenced to a fine.
Disturbance of traffic signs and barriers on the way
§ 2 Anyone who willfully or negligently violates the provisions of Chapter 2. § 9 of disturbance of traffic signs or in Chapter 2. § 10 obstacles on the road is sentenced to a fine.
Drivers of motorized vehicles
3 § The monetary fine shall be imposed by a driver of a motor vehicle who willfully or negligently violates the
first provisions of
a) 2 Ch.
- § 1 fourth paragraph
- § 2 unless the punishment can be imposed under 2-4,
- 3, 5-7 or § 8 second or third paragraph,
b) Chap. 3
- 2, 3, 5 -11 §, § 12 first paragraph, 13, 16 or § 17 or regulations that have been issued pursuant to § 17,
- 18, 19, § 21-25, § 26, second and third paragraphs, § 27, § 29 of the where reference is made to the provisions of § 25, § 26, second or third paragraph or § 27,
- 30-33, 35-40, 43, 45, 50, 51, 57-62, 64, 65, 67-74 or 76-83 §,
c) Chap. 4
- 1, 2, § 5-8, § 9, first paragraph, § 10, 10 a § first paragraph, 10 e, 15, 15a, 17, 17a, 18 or 19-24 § ,
d) Chapter 5.
- 1 or § 3-5,
e) Chapter 6.
- 3, 4 or 5 § b,
f) Chapter 8.
- § 1, first paragraph 1 or 3 or the second paragraph of § 2, first paragraph, or
g) Chapter 9.
- § 1 or regulation that has been issued pursuant to § 1,
- § 2,
2. other local traffic regulations under Chapter 10. § 1 than on stopping or parking,
third banning traffic with motorized vehicles or vehicles with some maximum width, length or weight under Chapter 10. § 10 first paragraph, if the ban has been marked by road signs or otherwise clearly,
fourth Another provision under Chapter 10. 14 § than that relating to stopping or parking, or
fifth regulations that have been issued under this Regulation for the application of Chapter 3. § 80-83 or Chapter 4. 2, 9, 10 or § 20. Regulation (2015: 929).
4 § The monetary fine shall be imposed by a driver of a motor vehicle who violates Chapter 4. 3, 4, 12, 13 or 18 a § or local traffic under Chapter 10. § 1 second paragraph relating to the vehicle axle, bogie, or triple axle weight or gross weight, if he or she knew or ought to know the obstacle to the vehicle-use. Anyone in such cases usually someone else's vehicle without permission have the same obligations as the owner under Chapter 1. § 5 and convicted in the owner's place according to § 11 of this chapter.
For participation to the act referred to in the first paragraph are sentenced to under Chapter 23. Penal Code. Regulation (2012: 553).
5 § A driver who intentionally or negligently has not done what he or she is required to do under Chapter 4. § 9, third paragraph, or 10 c § sentenced to a fine. This provision does not apply to drivers of passenger bus according to commercial traffic Act (2012: 210). Regulation (2012: 241).
other road users
6 § fined sentenced the driver of a vehicle that is not motorized and such a road referred to in Chapter 1. § 4, first paragraph, who intentionally or negligently violates the
first provisions of
a) 2 Ch.
- § 1 fourth paragraph
- § 2 unless the punishment can be imposed under 2-4,
- 3, § 5-7 or § 8 second or third paragraph,
b) Chap. 3
- 2, 3, § 5-11, § 12 first paragraph, 13, 16 or § 17 or regulations that have been issued pursuant to § 17,
- 18, 19, § 21-25, § 26, second and third paragraphs, § 27, § 29 of where it refers to the provisions of § 25, § 26, second or third paragraph or § 27,
- 30-33, 35-40, 43, 45, 50, 51, 58-62, 64, 65, 67, 68, 73, 74, 76-78 or 80-83 §,
c) Chapter 6.
- 3 or § 5,
d) Chapter 8.
- § 1, first paragraph 1 or 3, or § 2, first paragraph, or
e) Chapter 9.
- 1 or § 2,
2. other local traffic regulations under Chapter 10. § 1 than on stopping or parking,
third other provisions than that relating to stopping or parking under Chapter 10. § 14, or
fourth regulations issued pursuant to this Regulation for the purposes of Chapter 3. § 80-83. Regulation (2013: 779).
6 a § A bike driver who willfully or negligently failed to do what was incumbent upon him or her under Chapter 6. 4 a § be sentenced to a fine. Regulation (2004: 296).
§ 7 Other road users than those referred to in §§ 3 and 6, who intentionally or negligently violates the provisions of Chapter 2. 3, § 5-7 or § 8 second or third paragraph, Chapter 3. 3, 4 or § 50 third paragraph, chapter 9. 1 or 2 § or local traffic regulations under Chapter 10. 1 § sentenced to a fine.
§ 8 Passengers who intentionally or negligently violates the provisions of Chapter 4.6, 9 or 10 or § 10 a § first paragraph, chapter 6. 3 or 4 b § or the regulations that have been issued under this Regulation for the purposes of Chapter 4. § 10 shall be sentenced to a fine. Regulation (2015: 929).
8 a § Train staff, guide and leader of a group that intentionally or negligently has not done what he or she is required to do under Chapter 4. 10 c § sentenced to a fine.Regulation (2006: 1208).
9 § Consistently who willfully or negligently violates Chapter 7. § 1, first paragraph or § 3 shall be sentenced to a fine.
10 § The leader of a group or a procession who willfully or negligently violates Chapter 7. § 1 fourth paragraph, or 5 § sentenced to a fine.
Vehicle owners etc.
11 § fined sentenced the owner of a vehicle if he or she willfully or negligently failed to do what it has arrived at him or her in order to prevent the vehicle operated contrary to Chapter 4. 3, 4, 12, 13 or 18 a § or the local traffic under Chapter 10. § 1 concerning vehicle axle, bogie, or triple axle weight or gross weight. The same applies to the holder of the vehicle with tenancies and has the power to determine if the driver of the vehicle or hire a driver other than the owner has appointed.
For participation to the deed referred to in the first paragraph are sentenced to under Chapter 23. Penal Code. Regulation (2012: 553).
12 § The holder of a vehicle due to credit purchases subject readmission right or right of use for fixed period of at least one year have the same obligations as the owner has under Chapter 1. § 5 and convicted in the owner's place according to § 11.
If the owner of a vehicle registered in the vehicle registry, or the holder in such circumstances as stated in the first paragraph, not yet 18 years old and a guardian for him or her has been registered in the vehicle registry, the Guardian same obligations as owner pursuant to Chapter 1. § 5 and sentenced Guardian of the owner's place according to § 11. Regulation (2006: 1064).
13 § In the case of vehicles owned or operated by the state or a municipality to apply the provisions on the duty and responsibility of the owner or user of the vehicle on the driver's immediate supervisor. Have foreman made what is for him or her to prevent violation and takes offense as well because of the superior's action or negligence, the provision applies if the responsibility for the owner or user of the parent.
In the case of vehicles owned or operated by a unshifted estate or bankruptcy, the provisions on the duty and responsibility as stated in the first paragraph of the person or persons authorized to represent the estate.
In the case of vehicles owned or operated by the company, association or other association or foundation or other such establishment, the provisions on the duty and responsibility as stated in the first paragraph of the person or persons authorized to represent the community or institution. Have Transport Agency at the request of the community or agency accepted the particular person as bearer of the proprietors or the user's responsibility applicable liability provisions on him.Regulation (2008: 1109).
§ 14 Liability under this Regulation enters not, if punishment can be imposed under the Criminal Code or the Act (1951: 649) on penalties for certain traffic offenses.
Responsibility for violations of regulations on maximum speed under Chapter 3. § 17 second or fourth paragraph, prescribing classes bearing capacity under Chapter 4. § 11, regulations on maximum speed under Chapter 9. § 1, third paragraph, local traffic regulations under Chapter 10. § 1 or Regulations under Chapter 10. § 14 shall be imposed only where they have
first marked in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 10. § 13, and the
second promulgated in accordance with the provisions of § 1 Ordinance (2007: 231) on electronic proclamation of certain traffic regulations.
Liability may, despite the second paragraph, be imposed on
first marking has not occurred since the exception to the marking requirement will apply under Chapter 10. 13 a §, or according to regulations or decisions in individual cases that have been issued by the Transport Agency with the support of the same section, and provision has been inserted in a local newspaper, or
second the shortcomings of the markings is immaterial to the road user understanding of traffic rules no.
If liability for breaches of regulations that have been issued pursuant to § 41 Roads Act (1971: 948) contains provisions in § 71 of the same Act. Regulation (2012: 49).
§ 15 A police officer must prevent the continued journey effected in violation of this Regulation or of any regulations that have been issued under the Regulation, on the continuing journey involves substantial danger to road safety or other significant inconvenience.
The police officer should also prevent the continued process of
first The maximum load for a vehicle is exceeded by more than 20 percent,
second the permitted axle, bogie, or triple axle load is exceeded by more than 10 percent, or
third gross weight of a vehicle or the total gross weight of a vehicle trains exceeded by more than 10 percent,
unless special reasons dictate otherwise. This applies whether the load depends on the load or number of passengers.
Chapter 15. Appeal
§ 1 A decision of a state agency under this regulation may be appealed as follows.
Decisions of may be appealed
Police Authority Administrative Board
An official in charge of
road and street maintenance County Board
County Board Transport Agency
Transport Administration or Transport Board
First Instance Government
Transport Agency's decision in an appeal case may not be appealed.
The state road maintenance authorities may appeal the police authority or a county administrative board's decisions on the local traffic regulations and exemptions from such regulations. Regulation (2014: 1265).
2 § The following decisions may not be appealed.
First Decisions under Chapter 10. § 2, second paragraph, third sentence.
2. Decisions pursuant to Chapter 13. § 3 first paragraph on general waiver from local traffic regulations on parking within a municipality.
Provisions on the appeal of the second decision by a municipality under this Regulation Act (1978: 234) on the boards of some traffic issues. Ordinance (2007: 101).
transitional provisions
1998: 1276
first This Regulation shall enter into force, in terms of Chapter 3. 61 § 1 May 2000, and otherwise on 1 October 1999. The
second The Regulation repeals Road Traffic Act (1972: 603). However, the provisions of § 83 Road Traffic Act and, if someone willfully or negligently violates this provision, § 164, first paragraph 5 Road Traffic Act apply until 30 April 2000. The
third To the end of 1999, cars, tractors, motorized equipment and road vehicles pulling a vehicle that is set up for connection to the vehicle, do not have effective brakes and has a gross weight not exceeding one and a half times the towing vehicle gross weight of the vehicle train does not go higher rate than 20 km / h.
4th If a law or a regulation refers to a provision that has been replaced by a provision of this Regulation shall apply instead of the new provision.
5th In the case of such a medical certificate referred to in § 117 b, third paragraph Road Traffic Act (1972: 603) that have been issued before entry into force, the provisions of the proclamation apply until the end of October 2000.
6th Regulations that have been issued under the Road Traffic Act (1972: 603), for application of the new regulation is considered announced with the support of the corresponding authorization of the new regulation.
7th Older provisions still apply in the case of appeal of the decisions that have been issued before 1 October 1999.
8th For a scooter that has been raised in the type certificate under 63 § Vehicle Ordinance (1972: 595) in the version before 1 November 1998, or have been approved for scooter inspection under 48-54 §§ vehicles proclamation in its version before 1 November 1998 and thereafter not changed in such a manner specified in § 50 vehicles proclamation, what is said about the moped class II.
9th Local traffic regulations issued under 147 § Road Traffic Act (1972: 603) and the regulations that have been issued with the support of 64 § second or fourth paragraph, 106 § second paragraph or 154 § Road Traffic Act will expire at the end of June 2010. The same applies to decisions on exemptions from such regulations. Regulation (2008: 764).
2005: 271
1st This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 July 2005. The
second For offenses committed before the entry into force, Chapter 14. 14 § The old text.
2007: 101
1st This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 June 2007. The
second For such a road or section of road which has been declared yard street before the entry into force, Chapter 3. § 21 and Chapter 8. 1 § The old text to 31 May 2012. Chapter 10. § 1, second paragraph 2 shall apply to the waiver of local traffic regulations on farm road. Local traffic regulations on farm road shall expire at the end of May 2012. The
third Special traffic rules in the local traffic regulations corresponding to the provisions of Chapter 3. § 48 first paragraph, § 49a and § 53 and Chapter 8. 2 § Traffic Ordinance (1998: 1276), and which have been decided prior to the entry into force, need not be marked.
2007: 235
1st This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 July 2007 for 13 ch. §§ 3 and 8, and otherwise on 1 July 2010. Regulation (2008: 768).
2nd In the case of regulations that have been issued under the Road Traffic Act (1972: 603) still applies, mutatis mutandis, the older provisions of Chapter 10. § 11 first paragraph and Chapter 14. § 14. The same applies in the case of regulations that have been issued before 1 July 2010 with the support of the Roads Act (1971: 948) or the Road Traffic Ordinance (1998: 1276) until they have been published in accordance with Regulation (2007: 231) on electronic publication of the certain traffic regulations. Regulation (2008: 768). 3. The transitional provisions of the Act (2007: 231) on electronic proclamation of certain traffic regulations are rules on when older traffic regulations at the latest expire if they are not published on the dedicated website under that Regulation. Ordinance (2010: 714).
Appendix 1 to the Road Traffic Ordinance (1998: 1276)
the maximum gross weights at different wheelbases on the road with BK1
Distance in meters between the vehicle's maximum gross weight of
or vehicle train's first and last tonne vehicle or
axle road train
less than 1.0 11.5
1.0 but not 1.3 16
1.3 but not 1.8 18
1.8 but not 2.0 20
2.0 but not 2.6 21
2.6 but not 5.0 24
5.0 but not 5.2 25
5.2 but not 5.4 26
5.4 but not 5.6 27
5.6 but not 5.8 28
5.8 but not 6.0 29
6.0 but not 6.2 30
6.2 but not 6.4 31
6.4 but not 8.25 32
8.25 but not 8.5 33
8.5 but not 8.75 34
8.75 but not 9.0 35
9.0 but not 9.25 36
9.25 but not 9.5 37
9.5 but not 9.75 38
9.75 but not 10.0 39
10.0 but not 10.25 40
10.25 but not 10.5 41
10.5 but not 10.75 42
10,75 but not 11.0 43
11.0 but not 11.25 44
11.25 but not 11.5 45
11.5 but not 11.75 46
11.75 but not 12.0 47
12.0 but not 12.5 48
12.5 but not 13.0 49
13.0 but not 13.5 50
13.5 but not 14.0 51
14.0 but not 14.5 52
14.5 but not 15.0 53
15.0 but not 15.5 54
15.5 but not 16.0 55
16.0 but not 16.5 56
16.5 but not 17.0 57
17.0 but not 17.5 58
17.5 but not 18.0 59
18.0 but not 18.5 60
18.5 but not 19.0 61
19.0 but not 19.6 62
19.6 but not 20.2 63
20.2 and larger 64
For a trailer or a dolly coupled with a semi-trailer with a minimum distance between first and last axle of 6.6 meters, the following applies
Distance in meters between the trailer Maximum gross weight
first and last axles or in tonnes of the trailer
dollyns first and last axle semi-trailer
6,6 6,8 33
6.8 but not 7.0 34
7.0 but not 7.2 35
7.2 but not 7.6 36
7.6 but not 7.8 37
7.8 and larger 38
The gross weight of a motor vehicle may not exceed
a) when the vehicle has two axles 18 tonnes
b) when the vehicle has three axles 25 tonnes
c) when the vehicle has three axles and the drive axle is fitted with twin tires and air suspension or equivalent suspension, or if each driving axle is fitted with twin tires and weight
not on any axle exceeding 9.5 tonnes 26 tonnes
d) articulated bus with three axles 28 tonnes
e) when the vehicle has four or more axles 31 tonnes
f) when the vehicle has four or more axles and drive axle is fitted with twin tires and air suspension or equivalent suspension, or if each driving axle is fitted with twin tires and the weight is not on any of the axes
exceeding 9.5 tons 32 tons
Regulation (2015: 240).
Appendix 2 to the Road Traffic Ordinance (1998: 1276)
the maximum gross weights at different wheelbases on the road with BK2
Distance in meters between the vehicle's maximum gross weight in tonnes
or vehicle train's first and for the vehicle or vehicle train
last axle
less than 2.0 16.0
2.0 but not 2.6 20.0
2.6 but not 4.8 22.0
4.8 but not 5.0 22.16
5.0 but not 5.2 22.5
5.2 but not 5.4 22.84
5.4 but not 5.6 23.18
5.6 but not 5.8 23.52
5.8 but not 6.0 23.86
6.0 but not 6.2 24.2
6.2 but not 6.4 24.54
6.4 but not 6.6 24.88
6,6 6,8 25,22
6.8 but not 7.0 25.56
7.0 but not 7.2 25.9
7.2 but not 7.4 26.24
7.4 but not 7.6 26.58
7.6 but not 7.8 26.92
7.8 but not 8.0 27.26
8.0 but not 8.2 27.6
8.2 but not 8.4 27.94
8.4 but not 8.6 28.28
8.6 but not 8.8 28.62
8.8 but not 9.0 28.96
9.0 but not 9.2 29.3
9.2 but not 9.4 29.64
9.4 but not 9.6 29.98
9.6 but not 9.8 30.32
9.8 but not 10.0 30.66
10.0 but not 10.2 31.0
10.2 but not 10.4 31.34
10.4 but not 10.6 31.68
10.6 but not 10.8 32.02
10.8 but not 11.0 32.36
11.0 but not 11.2 32.7
11.2 but not 11.4 33.04
11.4 but not 13.4 38.0
13.4 but not 13.6 38.04
13.6 but not 13.8 38.56
13.8 but not 14.0 39.08
14.0 but not 14.2 39.6
14.2 but not 14.4 40.12
14.4 but not 14.6 40.64
14.6 but not 14.8 41.16
14.8 but not 15.0 41.68
15.0 but not 15.2 42.2
15.2 but not 15.4 42.72
15.4 but not 15.6 43.24
15.6 but not 15.8 43.76
15.8 but not 16.0 44.28
16.0 but not 16.2 44.8
16.2 but not 16.4 45.32
16.4 but not 16.6 45.84
16.6 but not 16.8 46.36
16.8 but not 17.0 46.88
17.0 but not 17.2 47.4
17.2 but not 17.4 47.92
17.4 but not 17.6 48.44
17.6 but not 17.8 48.96
17.8 but not 18.0 49.48
18.0 but not 18.2 50.0
18.2 but not 18.4 50.52
18.4 but not 18.5 51.04
18.5 and larger 51,40
The gross weight of a motor vehicle shall not exceed 18 tonnes if it has two axes.
Appendix 3 to the Road Traffic Ordinance (1998: 1276)
the maximum gross weights at different wheelbases on the road with BK3
Distance in meters between the vehicle's maximum gross weight in tonnes
or vehicle train's first and for the vehicle or vehicle train
last axle
less than 2.0 12.0
2.0 but not 2.4 12.5
2.4 but not 2.8 13.0
2.8 but not 3.2 13.5
3.2 but not 3.6 14.0
3.6 but not 4.0 14.5
4.0 but not 4.4 15.0
4.4 but not 4.8 15.5
4.8 but not 5.2 16.0
5.2 but not 5.6 16.5
5.6 but not 6.0 17.0
6.0 but not 6.4 17.5
6,4 6,8 18,0
6.8 but not 7.2 18.5
7.2 but not 7.6 19.0
7.6 but not 8.0 19.5
8.0 but not 8.4 20.0
8.4 but not 8.8 20.5
8.8 but not 9.2 21.0
9.2 but not 9.6 21.5
9.6 but not 10.0 22.0
10.0 but not 10.4 22.5
10.4 but not 10.8 23.0
10.8 but not 11.2 23.5
11.2 but not 11.6 24.0
11.6 but not 12.0 24.5
12.0 but not 12.4 25.0
12.4 but not 12.8 25.5
12.8 but not 13.2 26.0
13.2 but not 13.6 26.5
13.6 but not 14.0 27.0
14.0 but not 14.4 27.5
14.4 but not 14.8 28.0
14.8 but not 15.2 28.5
15.2 but not 15.6 29.0
15.6 but not 16.0 29.5
16.0 but not 16.4 30.0
16.4 but not 16.8 30.5
16.8 but not 17.2 31.0
17.2 but not 17.6 31.5
17.6 but not 18.0 32.0
18.0 but not 18.4 32.5
18.4 but not 18.8 33.0
18.8 but not 19.2 33.5
19.2 but not 19.6 34.0
19.6 but not 20.0 34.5
20.0 but not 20.4 35.0
20.4 but not 20.8 35.5
20.8 but not 21.2 36.0
21.2 but not 21.6 36.5
21.6 but not 22.0 37.0
Is wheelbase 22.0 meters or larger is permissible gross weight of 37.5 tons with the addition of 0.25 tons for every 0.2 meters which the axle distance exceeds 22.0 meters.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. General §§ 1-5
Chapter 2. Provisions for all road users
Basic Provisions §§ 1-4
Free path, etc. for some traffic §§ 5-6
Traffic at intersections with railway or tramway § 7
Duties vehicle accidents § 8
Disturbance of traffic signs and barriers on the way §§ 9-10
Chapter 3. Provisions for vehicle
Common provisions §§ 1-5
Vehicle location on route §§ 6-13
Speed §§ 14-17
Crossing traffic §§ 18-19
Traffic in an intersection, etc. §§ 20-29
Meeting and overtaking §§ 30-33
Meeting and overtaking on the road 34-42 §§
Turning, reversing, changing lanes, etc. §§ 43-46
Stopping and parking §§ 47-51
Stopping and parking on the road 52-57 §§
Obligations to pedestrians, cyclists and
moped §§ 58-63
Signals and signs §§ 64-66
Lighting 67 §
Lighting when driving on the road 68-76 §§
Lights when driving off-road 77 §
Vehicle load §§ 78-80
Vehicle load when driving on the road 81-83 §§
Competition on the road 84 §
Chapter 4. Provisions for traffic with motorized vehicles
Common provisions §§ 1-9
Traffic of motor vehicles on the road 10-19 §§
Provisions for speed road with some motorized vehicles and vehicle
combinations §§ 20-21
Chapter 5. Provisions for traffic
with off-road vehicles on the road 1-6 §§
Chapter 6. Provisions for traffic with bicycle and moped
Common provisions §§ 1-4
Traffic with bicycle and moped when driving on the road 5-6 §§
Chapter 7. Provisions for pedestrians
§§ 1-5 on the road
Chapter 8. Provisions for traffic
the pedestrian street and courtyard § 1
Chapter 9. Provisions for traffic
Motorway and expressway §§ 1-2
Chapter 10. Local traffic regulations §§ 1-14 mm
Chapter 11. Flexibility provisions for traffic,
emergency services etc. §§ 1-8
Chapter 12. provisions for
road maintenance § 1
13 Ch. appropriations mm
Information and compilation of roads §§ 1-2
Exceptions §§ 3-6
Appropriations § 7
Specific exemptions for disabled §§ 8-9
Fees for certain matters § 10
Chapter 14. Liability rules etc.
Competition on the road § 1
Disturbance of traffic signs and barriers on the way § 2
Drivers of motorized vehicles §§ 3-5
Other road users §§ 6-10
Vehicle owners etc. §§ 11-13
Other §§ 14-15
Chapter 15. Appeal §§ 1-2
Swedish Statute Book 1998: 1276 SFS 2016: 333
SFS No : 1998: 1276
Ministry / authority : Ministry of Industry RS T
Issued : 1998-09-17
Changed : SFS 2016: 333
Other text : Correction Sheet 2008: 46; 2010: 714 and 2014: 1265 has been observed.
Changing Record : SFSR (Lagrummet )
Source : Government Offices /
• Chapter 1. General provisions
• Chapter 2. Provisions for all road users
• Chapter 3. Provisions for vehicle
• Chapter 4. Provisions for traffic with motorized vehicles
• Chapter 5. Provisions for the operation of off-road vehicles and off-road trailers on the road
• Chapter 6. Provisions for traffic with bicycle and moped
• Chapter 7. Provisions for pedestrians on the road
• Chapter 8. Provisions for traffic on the pedestrian street and the living street etc.
• Chapter 9. Provisions for traffic on the motorway and expressway
• Chapter 10. Local traffic regulations, etc.
• Chapter 11. Provisions for exemptions for traffic monitoring, emergency services etc.
• Chapter 12. Provisions for road maintenance
• 13 Ch. appropriations mm
• Chapter 3. Provisions for vehicle
• Chapter 5. Provisions for the operation of off-road vehicles and off-road trailers on the road
• Chapter 6. Provisions for traffic with bicycle and moped
• Chapter 8. Provisions for traffic on the pedestrian street and the living street etc.
• Chapter 9. Provisions for traffic on the motorway and expressway
• Chapter 10. Local traffic regulations, etc.
• Chapter 14. Liability rules etc.
• Chapter 15. Appeal
• transitional provisions
• Chapter 2. Provisions for all road users
• Chapter 3. Provisions for vehicle
• Chapter 4. Provisions for traffic with motorized vehicles
• Chapter 5. Provisions for traffic
• Chapter 6. Provisions for traffic with bicycle and moped
• Chapter 7. Provisions for pedestrians
• Chapter 8. Provisions for traffic
• Chapter 9. Provisions for traffic
• Chapter 12. provisions for
• 13 Ch. appropriations mm
• Chapter 14. Liability rules etc.
Chapter 1. General provisions
1 § This Regulation lays down rules for traffic on and off the road.
Provisions prohibiting driving in the terrain in some cases the trail Act (1975: 1313) and off-road regulation (1978: 594).
In Military Traffic Ordinance (2009: 212) and the Road Traffic Ordinance (1995: 137) for the municipal organization of civil protection in training and high alert, derogations from this Regulation.
Provisions on rail transportation in the Regulation (1990: 1165) on the safety of subway and light rail. Ordinance (2009: 217).
§ 2 Within the fenced railway or industrial area, fenced competition area or other similar enclosed area does not apply to the following provisions:
Chapter 2. § 1, third paragraph, chapter 2. 2, 9 and 10 §§, Chapter 3. 2-4, 11, 13 and 14 §§, Chapter 3. § 15 first paragraph 1-8 and 15, Chapter 3. 16, 18, 30, 31, 33 and 35 §§, Chapter 3. § 47 first paragraph 1, Chapter 3. §§ 49-52, Chapter 3. § 55 first paragraph 2 and 4, Chapter 3. 57, §§ 58 and 64-83, Chapter 4. 2-7, 9, 19 and 21 §§, Chapter 6. §§ 1-4 and 5, and Chapter 7. 1 and 5 §§.
The terrain does not apply the rules on recording speed in chapter 3. § 17 within such fenced areas referred to in the first paragraph. Regulation (2004: 296).
3 § The terminology used in this Regulation have the same meaning as in the Act (2001: 559) on road traffic definitions, the Order (2001: 651) on road traffic definitions. Regulation (2001: 667).
4 § The provisions relating to the circulation of vehicles shall apply mutatis mutandis to the riding and the leading or driving cattle.
The provisions relating to consistently apply even those who
first skiing, roller skis, ice skates, roller skates or similar,
second for, leading, pushing or pulling sled, ride-on toys or similar vehicle,
third lead, pushing or pulling bicycle, moped, motorcycle, stroller or wheelchair, or
fourth for a motor vehicle designed to be pedestrian.
The provisions relating to consistently apply also in walking pace himself for the
first a wheelchair, or
second another electric vehicle, without trampling or crank device, which is considered to be a bicycle. Ordinance (2010: 1100).
5 § The owner of a vehicle is obliged to ensure that the vehicle is not operated contrary to the provisions of this Regulation or rules and prohibitions that have been issued under this Regulation. When someone else is usually the vehicle owner's obligation applies only provisions of Chapter 4. 3, 4, 12-14 and §§ 18 a and such traffic regulations issued by local traffic regulations according to the vehicle axle, bogie or triple axle weight or gross weight. Regulation (1999: 721).
§ 6 The provisions of this Regulation states of emergency vehicles shall also apply to vehicles used for such förföljanden referred to in 5 and 10 §§ Act (2000: 343) for international police cooperation and at such action under § 9 of the same Act. In doing so, the what is said about prescribed alarm devices instead refer to the corresponding devices that vehicle is equipped with.
The first paragraph applies only if the vehicle is in a state of emergency or the equivalent in the country of registration. Regulation (2000: 456).
Chapter 2. Provisions for all road users
Basic provisions
1 § In order to avoid traffic accidents shall observe the care and caution required in the circumstances. Road users should care towards children, the elderly, school patrols and persons perceived to have a disability or illness that impedes them in traffic.
Road users shall act so that he or she does not unnecessarily hinder or interfere with other traffic.
Road users should be considerate to those who live or reside in the way.
An off road user must adapt their route and speed, as well as their means of transport so that humans and animals are not unnecessarily disturbed and so that damage to someone else's land or vegetation is avoided.
2 § A road user must follow the instructions of the traffic communicated through a sign, a road marking, a traffic signal or such a sign of a guard referred to in Chapter 5. § 2 Road Signs Ordinance (2007: 90). If an instruction constitutes a deviation from a traffic rule manual front rule.
A statement by the steady light of a traffic signal is particularly an indication of the obligation to stop or give way announced by a road sign.
A special instruction for the cyclist, the driver of a moped class II or reaching terms for such road over other instructions. Ordinance (2007: 101).
3 § A road user to obey a police officer's instructions for transport. A direction given by a police officer comes in front of traffic rules and such instructions referred to in § 2.
This also applies to the instructions of a bilinspektör, a traffic director, a drink driving controller or by any other person of authority assigned to monitor traffic, provide directions for this item or perform tax control.
On Swedish territory on the Oresund Fixed Link as defined in Article 2 of the Agreement of 6 October 1999 between the Government of Sweden and the Kingdom of Denmark and the Government of the police cooperation in the Öresund region, the provisions of the first paragraph also told by a Danish police officer.Ordinance (2010: 373).
4 § The powers of a police officer or any other person under § 3 paragraph monitors traffic, gives instructions for this or carrying out excise or of the person under Chapter 4. 1 § checking vehicles and drivers must be disclosed in the guise or another particular characteristic.
Free path, etc. for specific traffic
5 § A road user must provide a clear path for the
first emergency vehicles that emits the signal with the prescribed warning system, and the
second railroad train or tram if not tram driver must give way marked by road signs.
Drivers should leave the free path to stop if necessary.
6 § A road must not break or otherwise prevent a military column, a column of vehicles belonging to the municipal organization for civil protection, a group of children under the leader's supervision, a funeral procession or another procession.Regulation (2003: 818).
Traffic at intersections with railway or tramway
7 § A road user who intends to cross a railway or tramway should be especially careful and pay attention to whether a train or tram approaching. Drivers of vehicles must adjust your speed so that the vehicle can be stopped before crossing. The crossing should be passed without delay.
A road may not be transported into a junction with the railway or tramway
first on a train or a tram approaching,
second when a light signal shows red light, a beep sounds and a boom folds, is folded or erected, or
third if there is a risk that the road must stop at the intersection.
A road that may not go in to a junction with the railway or tramway will stay at a safe distance from the intersection and before signals or barriers.
Duties of traffic accidents
8 § A road that, with or without own debt had a part in a traffic accident should remain in place. As far as the ability of road users will help injured and contribute to the actions accident reasonable cause. At the request of someone else, who played a part in the accident or whose property was damaged in the accident, the road user should state their name and address and provide information about the incident.
If the property has been damaged and no one is present who can receive data and information, should road users as soon as possible to the injured or the police authority. In the latter case, the police authority shall notify the injured party, if he or she is known or can be easily traced. If any person has been damaged and the damage is not insignificant, should road users as soon as possible, notify the Police Authority.
If a vehicle after a traffic accident is positioned so that it can be a hazard or obstacle to traffic road user should ensure that it is immediately moved to a suitable location.If someone has died or been severely damaged vehicle may be moved only if it poses a danger to other traffic. In such cases, the road-not otherwise obliterate traces that may be of importance for the investigation of the accident or otherwise modify the conditions at the accident site. Road users should also try to ensure that no one takes such measures. Regulation (2014: 1265).
Disturbance of traffic signs and barriers on the way
§ 9 road signs, markings, traffic signals and other devices of the traffic should not be moved or changed.
Whoever disturbed or changed a traffic sign, road markings, traffic signals or other means traffic should immediately restore the device is in satisfactory condition. If it can not, he or she shall promptly notify the Police Authority or the person who set up and maintain the device on the relationship and take the measures required by traffic. Regulation (2014: 1265).
§ 10 Things that may cause danger or inconvenience to traffic shall not be thrown or left on a road.
The one who caused that something that can cause a hazard or obstruction to traffic on the road will immediately remove it. If it can not be his or her attention to others on the ratio by marking or the like until he or she sounded eliminate the hazard or inconvenience.
Chapter 3. Provisions for vehicle
common provisions
1 § Vehicles may not be taken by those who because of illness, fatigue, the influence of alcohol, other stimulants or stupefying substances or for other reasons can not bring the vehicle in a safe manner.
2 § The distance to a vehicle ahead should be adjusted so that there is no risk of collision if it slows down or stops. The distance should also be adapted to other road users overtaking easier.
§ 3 When a vehicle or a tram is in motion must embarking or disembarking not happen. Nor may anyone travels on the vehicle or tram running boards or similar device, if it is not specifically set up for this.
4 § The person sled, sled or similar vehicles or skis, ice skates, roller skates or the like on the road must not let itself be pushed onto or interpret, pulled or let themselves be drawn by a motor vehicle or a tram.
On the farm roads or other roads with little traffic may be interpreted.
5 § Drivers must give way shall clearly indicate their intention to swerve through the timely reduce speed or stop.
The driver may proceed only if it is with regard to other road users' location, the distance to them and their rate does not arise, danger or obstacles.
Vehicle location on the road
6 § When driving on the road, vehicles brought on roadway. This does not apply to vehicles for which, according to Chapter 1. § 4, second paragraph the provisions of consistently be applied. Bicycles and two-wheeled mopeds Class II, when driving on the road be on the bike path, if available.
If special caution must however
first cyclists and drivers of two-wheeled mopeds Class II use the roadway, even if there is a bike path when it is appropriate with regard to the destination location, and the
second Bicycles with more than two wheels or a bicycle towing a bicycle trailer or a bicycle having a sidecar, in addition to that of 1, be of the road surface even if there is a cycle path if it is appropriate with regard to vehicle width.
If special caution must-wheel mopeds Class II brought on a cycle path with little traffic and sufficient width.
Is a runway intended for certain traffic may be other traffic on the track, only to cross it.
Specific provisions on the use of the hard shoulder is in § 12. Regulation (2014: 1035).
7 § When driving on the road, vehicles brought into the lane that is furthest to the right in the direction of travel and which is intended for the vehicle.
Bike, scooter and vehicle that is designed for a maximum speed of 40 km / h or may not be driven at speeds greater than 40 km / h shall be as close as possible to the right edge of the hard shoulder or the path used.
If the roadway is divided into lanes designated for different vägvisningsmål through lane signposts, vehicles may be brought into the lane that is appropriate to the continuing journey.
On a road where the maximum speed is 70 km / h or less and the roadway at least two lanes of traffic in the same direction as indicated by road markings, drivers must use the lane that is appropriate to the continuing journey.
8 § If a roadway has four or more lanes, vehicles may not be in the lane to the left of the roadway right in the direction of travel.
If the carriageway has three lanes, vehicles may not be in the field at the left in the direction of travel.
The first and second paragraphs do not apply if the traffic on the road is one-way.
9 § If multiple lanes traveling in the same direction are separated by a road marking, the whole vehicle shall be brought within one of the secluded fields. If a solid line separates lanes to get byte lanes not happen.
If a roadway with two or more lanes traveling in the same direction and there is dense congestion in all lanes, only the driver who is traveling in the lane furthest to the right change lanes. Another driver may change lanes if the driver shall stop or park, or if necessary for the vehicle to be placed in an appropriate lane when approaching an intersection.
In the cases referred to in § 7, fourth paragraph, where a driver not to change lanes other than to stop or park the vehicle, making overtaking or place the vehicle in an appropriate lane before turning at a junction. Ordinance (2007: 101).
10 § If a lane is designated for a specific or certain types of vehicles, other vehicles brought in the lane just to cross it.
11 § A vehicle shall not be any wheel in a prohibited area or of a solid line.
If special caution may be waived if this
first necessary for the vehicle to pass an obstacle on the road,
second space in an intersection is not adequately for the vehicle,
the third a solid line to be crossed on the way to or from a property or its equivalent, or
fourth the facing direction at a dotted line immediately to the right of the solid line.
Notwithstanding the first paragraph, a vehicle passed on a solid border if necessary for the vehicle to be driven on the hard shoulder as specified in § 12 first paragraph.Ordinance (2007: 101).
12 § On the road to be used roadside
first when traveling by bike or moped class II, when the cycle path is missing,
the second when driving a moped class I,
third when driving a vehicle that is designed for a maximum speed of 40 km / h or may not be driven at speeds greater than 40 km / h, or
fourth of those for a vehicle preloaded with draft animals, rides and routes or driving cattle.
The obligation to use the hard shoulder in the first paragraph 1-4 only applies if the shoulder is of sufficient width and is generally appropriate to use.
If necessary to facilitate accessibility to other traffic, the hard shoulder use temporarily even when traveling in other vehicles.
Have roadway delineated by a solid border must shoulder used only in the cases mentioned in the first paragraph. Regulation (2014: 1035).
12 a § When traveling by bike get children to and including the year they turn eight years using the walkway on the bike path is missing. Regulation (2014: 1044).
13 § In a roundabout, a vehicle be in the counterclockwise circulation around the roundabout.
A vehicle must pass to the right of a barrier or other device placed in the middle of a roadway with traffic in both directions.
Is The island or device located to the right of bends in the road or on a road with one-way traffic may also be passed to the left unless otherwise specified with road sign. Regulation (1999: 240).
14 § A vehicle's speed to be adapted to traffic safety requires. Consideration must be given to road, terrain, weather and visibility conditions, vehicle condition and load and traffic conditions in general. The speed must never be higher than the driver maintain control of the vehicle and can stay there on the part of the front road or terrain that he or she can monitor and front of every obstacle that can be foreseen.
15 § In addition to other cases specifically provided for drivers shall keep one in the circumstances sufficiently low speed
first within the built-up area,
second when visibility is reduced due to light or weather conditions,
third at pedestrian crossings or other places where pedestrians cross the road,
fourth where intersecting vehicle traffic may occur,
5th in sharp curves,
6th at the crest or other locations where vision is obstructed,
7th at the risk of glare,
8th at the meeting with other vehicles on narrow roads,
9th on slippery roads,
10th when the vehicle is approaching a tram, a bus or a school bus that stopped for passengers embarking or disembarking,
11th when the vehicle is approaching children residing on or near the road,
12th when the vehicle approaches the cattle on the road,
13th where roadwork is ongoing,
14th past an accident scene, and
15th the dirty road conditions where there is a risk that other road users are exposed to dirt splashes.
16 § A driver may not drive without a valid reason with excessively low speed, sudden braking or in any other way hinder other drivers' driving.
17 § In the urban area, vehicles may not be driven with a speed higher than 50 km / h.
If justified for reasons of road safety, accessibility, or the environment, the municipality may issue regulations to the maximum speed in an urban area or part of such an area should be 30 or 40 kilometers per hour.
Except urban area, vehicles may not be driven with a speed higher than 70 km / h (base rate).
Finnish Transport Agency may issue regulations to the maximum speed on a road should be 80, 90, 100 or 110 kilometers per hour.
Rules on speed on the highway are in Chapter 9. § 1.
The terrain, the provisions in the first, second and third paragraphs only when driving with motor vehicles. Ordinance (2010: 144).
crossing traffic
18 § When two vehicles are crossing the driver must give way to the vehicle approaching from the right, except in the cases provided for in §§ 21-23.
19 § A driver must stop and must stop because of the traffic signal will stop at the stop line. If the stop line is missing the driver shall stop immediately before the signal or the haulier before entering on the intersecting road, trail or track area.
The provisions of § 5 second paragraph also applies to drivers who must stop.
Traffic in an intersection, etc.
20 § When a driver is approaching and driving into an intersection, the driving style adapted so that there are no unnecessary barriers to traffic on the intersecting road, if the vehicle is forced to stop at the intersection.
§ 21 A driver of a road running into another road which is the main road, highway or expressway where the acceleration field is missing, give way to vehicles on the road the driver run into. Väjningsplikten does not apply where the operator enters the main road, motorway or dual carriageway without changing lanes.
A driver also must give way to any vehicle whose price cuts its own course when the driver is on a path
first from a parking lot, a property, a gas station or something else like area adjacent to the road,
second from a path, an agricultural road or any other similar MAIN ROAD OUT OF TOWN,
third from a bicycle path, a pedestrian, a living street or terrain, or
fourth after crossing a pedestrian or bicycle path.
A driver also must give way to vehicles on a roadway when the driver enters it from a roadside or from a cycle track which is part of the road.
Väjningsplikten under the first and second paragraphs do not apply to cyclists and drivers of a moped class II to cross a carriageway or cycle path on a bicycle crossing. Regulation (2014: 1035).
22 § A driver entering a roundabout must give way to any vehicle that is in circulation.
23 § A driver traveling at an acceleration field to adapt the speed to traffic in the lane that he or she intends to run in. The driver must provide the acceleration field as soon as it can be done without danger or unnecessary impediment.
A driver who intends to leave the road will in time take the lane that is best suited for this. If there is a retardationsfält driver shall as soon as possible to run into it.
24 § A driver must turn in an intersection or should leave or cross the roadway he or she travels on will ensure that there can be no obstacle to oncoming traffic or road users on the roadway as the driver intends to run in to.
§ 25 Where the roadway before an intersection has two or more lanes in the same direction, the driver in good time to place his vehicle in the lane furthest to the right of the driver to turn right, and in the lane furthest to the left, he or she must turn to the left. When driving straight ahead, the driver place the vehicle in the lane that is appropriate to other traffic and the continuing journey.
If special caution must be done departure for space in the intersection else is not enough for the vehicle.
26 § A driver may turn in an intersection only if it can be done without danger or undue obstacles for others traveling in the same direction. Special attention will be paid to the traffic behind.
At right turn, a vehicle be so close to the carriageway right edge which can conveniently be done or, if it is on the hard shoulder, so close to the road's right edge as possible.
At left, a vehicle be as close to the middle of the carriageway as possible or, on the road with one-way traffic, as close to the left edge of the roadway as possible.
A turn to be made so that the vehicle when it leaves the intersection, located to the right of the roadway to its entry into.
27 § If a vehicle traveling on the road after a turn out onto a roadway that has two or more lanes in the direction of travel, will turn made in the manner best suited with regard to other traffic and the continuing journey.
Vehicles from the opposite direction is inserted into an intersection and both should turn left in the direction of travel may, at the meeting held on the left, if it can be done without danger or inconvenience.
§ 28 cyclists and drivers of a moped class II, despite the provisions of §§ 25 and 26 before an intersection, keep to the right on the road even when they intend to turn left. They will continue through the crossing to the opposite side and turn only when it can be done safely with respect to other traffic.
The first paragraph does not apply in a lane that is intended only for traffic to be turning right.
§ 29 The provisions of §§ 24-28 apply mutatis mutandis when a driver intends to cross or leave the carriageway elsewhere than at an intersection.
Meeting and overtaking
30 § A vehicle shall be at the meeting with other vehicles kept to the right. Drivers must provide a safe lateral distance between the vehicles.
If there is no impediment to meeting to the driver stay that has obstacle on their side, if it is necessary for the oncoming to pass.
31 § Overtake shall be left except in the cases referred to in § 7, fourth paragraph.Overtake should be done right when the driver of the vehicle ahead is turning left or clearly preparing such a turn.
Cyclists and moped drivers will overtake other vehicles than cycles and mopeds to the right.
32 § A driver may overtake only if it can be done without danger.
Overtake may not occur if the driver of the trailing vehicle has started overtaking.
Overtake may not be to the left of the driver of the vehicle in front has given signs that he or she intends to overtake another vehicle, or other reasons bring his vehicle to the left.
33 § The driver who is about to submit a satisfactory lateral distance between the vehicle and the vehicle is running on.
Meeting and overtaking on the road
34 § When meeting with a railroad train or a tram on a vehicle is kept to the right.
Where the rails situation warrant it, the vehicle shall be kept to the left, if it can be done without danger or inconvenience.
§ 35 Overtake of a railway train or a tram on the way must be right.
Where the rails mode causes it may be overtaking on the left, if it can be done without danger or inconvenience. On a road with one-way traffic will overtake also take place to the left, if the traffic conditions permit.
36 § Overtake may take place only if the lane to be used for overtaking on a sufficiently long distance is free of oncoming traffic or another obstacle to overtaking.
A driver may not drive on, if there is the possibility that after overtaking bring the vehicle back to the right side of the road without endangering other road users. This does not apply when the overtaking shall take place in a lane where oncoming traffic is not allowed.
37 § When overtaking on the road is to the left, the running about keeping to the right as soon as it can be done without danger or inconvenience. This does not apply to such a road referred to in § 7, fourth paragraph.
If the roadway has at least two lanes traveling in the same direction, you need the overtaking not run back to the right lane, if he or she just after overtaking intending to overtake another vehicle or turn left and if there is no apparent harm to overtaking traffic.
38 § When a driver traveling on the road pay attention to anyone intending to drive on the left, the driver must be in compliance with the provisions of § 7 keep as far to the right as possible. The driver must not increase the speed or otherwise complicate overtaking.
If a vehicle is slowing or occupy large space and the roadway is narrow, crooked or have a non-negligible oncoming traffic, the driver in order to facilitate overtaking reduce speed and, if necessary, bring the vehicle to the side as soon as possible.
39 § Overtake may not take place just before or on an intersection, except
the first overtaking shall take place to the right,
second traffic in the intersection is regulated by a police officer or traffic signals, or
third it is clear from signs or some other circumstance that drivers on the intersecting road's right of way or obligation to stop.
Overtake may not take place just before or on a level crossing, except when
first crossing the bar, or
second traffic at the intersection is controlled by traffic signals such as used at intersections.
Where vision is obstructed by a hill or a curve may overtake only be made if the roadway in the direction of at least two lanes of the oncoming traffic may not occur, or in other cases where overtaking can take place without a lane intended for vehicles in the oncoming direction needs to be taken utilized.
Two-wheel vehicles without a sidecar must be rerun. Regulation (1999: 240).
§ 40 vehicles or trams will not run on just before or at an unguarded crossing, an unsupervised bicycle crossing or a bicycle crossing. Regulation (2014: 1035).
41 § In the following cases, it is not considered as overtaking when a vehicle in a lane passing vehicles in another lane
first if the roadway has two or more lanes traveling in the same direction and there is dense congestion in all lanes,
second about the carriageway is divided into lanes for different destination excellent with lane guide, or
third if the vehicles have been placed in separate lanes adjacent to an intersection.
If a vehicle before a pedestrian crossing, a bicycle crossing or a bicycle crossing pass another vehicle in the case referred to in the first paragraph, it shall be done in such a low speed that the driver can stay away if walking is at the crosswalk or stop immediately if cyclists or drivers of moped class II is on the bicycle passage or crossing. Regulation (2014: 1035).
§ 42 The provisions of 31, 34, §§ 35, § 36, second paragraph, §§ 37 and 38 do not apply when overtaking vehicles are in a lane reserved for certain traffic. They also do not apply when the driver of a vehicle in such a lane overtaking vehicles in other lanes.
Turning, reversing, changing lanes, etc.
43 § A driver may start from the side of the road, change lanes, or otherwise change the location of the vehicle sideways only if it can be done without danger or undue hindrance to other road-users. The same applies when a driver stops or suddenly decrease the speed.
A driver who pay attention to any other driver intends to drive into the lane, he or she travels to adapt speed to the running easier.
44 § If two lanes converge to be the drivers for mutual consideration adapt to the new conditions. This also applies when two carriageways converge. Ordinance (2007: 447).
45 § where the maximum speed is 50 km / h or lower, a driver approaching a bus, whose driver gives character to start from a bus stop, slow down and give the bus the opportunity to make the stop. If necessary, the driver shall stop.
The bus driver must be particularly careful that no danger or undue inconvenience arises.
46 § A driver may reverse or reverse only if it can be done without danger or obstruction to other road users.
Provisions prohibiting the turn and back on the freeways and expressways are in Chapter 9. §§ 1 and 2.
Stopping and parking
47 § A vehicle must not be stopped or parked
first in such a place or in such a way that the danger or traffic unnecessarily obstructed or disrupted,
second in a cross with train or tram, or
third in such a way that road signs or traffic signals are obscured.
48 § In built-up areas, vehicles are not stopped or parked in a public place that is off-road.
On a pedestrian or bicycle path, other vehicles than bicycles or mopeds Class II not stopped or parked. Ordinance (2007: 101).
49 § A vehicle may not be parked so that the
first it prevents access to other vehicles or so that these can not be passed from the scene, or the
second vehicle with a wheel stand outside a location or other mark indicating where parking may take place. Ordinance (2007: 101).
49 a § At a public place in a built-up area of the municipality is the authority responsible for maintaining public places and within the road area for public road vehicles may not be parked for longer than 24 consecutive hours on weekdays, except weekday before Sundays and public holidays.
If special conditions apply for parking in a place referred to in the first paragraph, the following.
First Fee shall be paid in the manner indicated on the site and under specified tariff.
2nd If a parking ticket or equivalent is used this should be placed in front or, if this is not possible, on the vehicle. This applies whether the fee shall be paid for the parking or not. Time statements or other information on the conditions for the car park are fulfilled must be clearly visible and legible from outside.
3rd If a parking disc or similar is used, the time on the set of the next half hour from the time when the suspension began. Parked the vehicle before the time limit starts to be the time for tidsbegränsningens initially be set if the vehicle is to be left after this date. The disc must be placed in front or, if this is not possible, the vehicle with the timestamp visible and legible from outside. Parking disc or equivalent need not be used if the vehicle is only parked during the time when the time limit does not exist. Ordinance (2007: 447).
50 § When a vehicle is stopped or parked, the driver shall take measures to prevent the vehicle starts to move by itself.
The driver of a motor vehicle shall also take appropriate measures to prevent the vehicle from unauthorized use of another.
A vehicle's doors or other devices may not be opened in such a way that the danger or undue inconvenience arises. Nor shall embarking or disembarking or loading or unloading take place so that the danger or undue inconvenience arises.
51 § When a vehicle due to accident, engine failure or other cause has been standing in a place where according to 47-49, § 52-55, Chapter 9. 1 or 2 § or local traffic must not be stopped or parked, the driver shall ensure that the vehicle promptly moved to a suitable place, subject to the provision in Chapter 2. § 8 of duties in traffic accidents. Regulation (2001: 753).
Stopping and parking on the road
52 § On the road, the vehicle stopped or parked only on the right side in the direction of travel. If there are railway and tramway track on the right side, may the vehicle stopped or parked on the road's left side. On roads with one-way traffic, vehicles in other cases stopped or parked on the left side.
A vehicle is stopped or parked so far from the center of the carriageway as possible and the road's length. Parking should take place outside the carriageway, road conditions allow.
When stopping or parking in a parking lot, and outside built-up area is located immediately adjacent to the road, if possible, a parking space right in the direction of travel used.
53 § A vehicle must not be stopped or parked
first on or within a distance of ten meters before a pedestrian crossing, a bicycle crossing or a bicycle crossing,
2nd in an intersection or within a distance of ten meters away from an intersecting roadway nearest the outer edge,
third on or within a distance of ten meters before a crossing bicycle path or walkway,
fourth in a tunnel or underpass,
5th on or near a hill, or in or near a curve where visibility is obscured,
6th along a solid line indicating the boundary between lanes, if the distance between the vehicle and the line is less than three meters, unless a dotted line running between the vehicle and the solid line,
the seventh in a bicycle lane,
8th in a prohibited area,
9th in a roundabout, or
10th in a lane or a lane for public transport vehicles, etc.
The prohibition in paragraph 2 shall not apply to public transport vehicles and school buses that stopped for passengers boarding and alighting at the bus stop, such as in accordance with local traffic regulations must be bus stop and marked with a sign for the bus stop. Regulation (2014: 1035).
54 § In a marked stop for the tram, public transport vehicles or school buses, other vehicles not stopping or parking except for entry and exit that can be done without barriers for tram, bus or school bus traffic. If there is no flag indicating such a stop, the prohibition within twenty meters before and after the five-meter mark E22, Bus Stop, Traffic Sign Ordinance (2007: 90) or another sign indicating such a stop.
On one end, place that has been marked with the mark C40 appropriate place, in the Road Signs Ordinance, vehicles are not stopped or parked, other than for the prescribed purpose or for embarking or disembarking can happen without barriers for this purpose.
In a parking lot where only a certain type of vehicle or a specific group of road users are allowed to park, other vehicles not stopping or parking except for embarking or disembarking.
At a charging station may only vehicles that can be charged externally with electrical energy to propel the vehicle stopped or parked. Other vehicles may not be stopped except for embarking or disembarking. Ordinance (2010: 2037).
55 § A vehicle may not be parked
first on a road within a distance of thirty meters from the level crossing,
2nd on a road in front of the entrance to a property or to vehicles to or from the property substantially more difficult,
3rd on a main road,
fourth a lane next to another vehicle stopped or parked along the edge of the carriageway or next to a device that has been set up there, the
fifth at a venue that has been marked with brand E18, meeting place, the Road Signs Ordinance (2007: 90).
The prohibition in paragraph 4 does not apply if the other vehicle is a bicycle, moped or motorcycle without a sidecar, or if the device is of equivalent size. Ordinance (2007: 101).
56 § Provisions prohibiting stopping and parking on highways and expressways are in Chapter 9. §§ 1 and 2.
57 § The driver of a vehicle shall be equipped with a warning triangle to put out the triangle when the vehicle due to an accident, a motor or something like that has been standing on the roadway or shoulder where the maximum speed is more than 50 kilometers per hour and where the vehicle will not be stopped or parked in accordance with § 47, § 53 first paragraph 4 or 5 or Chapter 9. 1 or 2 §. A warning triangle should be discontinued well as the vehicle for any other reason is parked on a roadway and weather conditions or other circumstances make it difficult for other drivers to see the vehicle in time. The operator must also rest by marking or suchlike take the measures needed to warn other road-users. If a vehicle has been standing on a level crossing and can not immediately be moved, the driver shall also take the necessary measures for the automotive passenger safety and to warn drivers of railway trains or trams.
The warning triangle must be of the type that is prescribed for the vehicle and placed at such distance from the intended vehicle and so that other drivers are warned in advance. Ordinance (2010: 2037).
Obligations to pedestrians, cyclists and moped drivers
58 § On the walkways, paths intended for pedestrians as well as off-road, drivers must give way to pedestrians. Drivers also have to give way to pedestrians when vehicles entering on a roadway or roadside of a property driveway to the road.
In Chapter 8. § 1 contains provisions that drivers must give way to pedestrians walking in sea areas and pedestrian zones.
A drivers meeting or overtaking pedestrians must give them enough space and time to fold to the side.
A driver designed to drive past the right side of a tram or bus that stopped at a stop without the traffic island, should stop and give free passage to embarking or disembarking passengers. Ordinance (2007: 101).
59 § On bike paths should cyclists and drivers of Class II moped given precedence by other drivers.
60 § At a guarded crossing, a driver leave the pedestrians who correctly expired at the crosswalk opportunity to pass. This applies even if the driver has to cross the pedestrian crossing according to the traffic signals or signs of policeman.
A driver who, having swung in a cross to pass a guarded crossing should drive slowly and give way to pedestrians who correctly expired on or about to go out on the crosswalk.
The obligation under the first and second paragraphs at the guarded crossing points also apply to cyclists and drivers of a moped class II at the guarded bicycle crossings. Regulation (2014: 1035).
61 § At an unguarded crossing has a driver must give way to pedestrians who passed on or about to go out on the crosswalk.
A driver approaching an unsupervised bicycle crossing should adjust your speed so that there is no danger for cyclists and moped drivers who are out on the bicycle passage.
A driver will run out of a roundabout or otherwise, after having fluctuated in an intersection must pass an unsupervised bicycle crossing should drive slowly and give cyclists and moped drivers who are out or just going to ride on bicycle passageway opportunity to pass. Regulation (2014: 1035).
61 a § At a bicycle crossing has a driver must give way to cyclists and moped riders Class II on or about going to ride out crossing. Regulation (2014: 1035).
62 § A driver approaching a pedestrian crossing, a bicycle crossing or a bicycle crossing must adapt their driving style so that he or she does not have to stop at the crossing, the passage or crossing. Regulation (2014: 1035).
63 § Provisions prohibiting overtaking and passing other vehicles just before or on a crosswalk, a bicycle crossing or a bicycle crossing is in §§ 40 and 41. Regulation (2014: 1035).
Signals and signs
64 § When it is necessary to prevent or avert danger, a driver shall give audible or visual signals or in any other appropriate manner bring other road users' attention.
Signals must not be longer than necessary.
65 § When a driver intends to start from a roadside or to turn, turn, change lanes or change the location of the vehicle sideways on another not insignificant, the driver shall give signs with direction indicator to show their intention. If the vehicle does not have signal lights, drivers must instead demonstrate his intention by extending the arm.
A driver who intends to stop or suddenly decrease the speed to give evidence with the stop lamp to show their intention. If the vehicle does not have a stop lamp, the driver instead show their intention by raising his arm.
Signs shall be provided in good time before the intended maneuver is carried out and be easily visible and unambiguous. Teckengivningen shall cease as soon as the maneuver is completed.
66 § Even if a driver has given the signal or character he or she is obliged to ensure that the intended operation can be done without danger or undue obstacles for someone else.
67 § Lamps and searchlights may not be used in such a way that other drivers can be dazzled.
Lighting when driving on the road
68 § When driving on the road with a vehicle, lanterns and headlamps that are prescribed for the vehicle to be lit. Use prescribed daytime running lamps on a car during daylight does not need lamps at the rear or side must be on.
When traveling on the road with motorized vehicles equipped with floodlights for traveling, these shall be lit even if they are not prescribed for the vehicle.
A moped set out on the road with the engine needs to have lights and lanterns lit only when driving at night.
Use high beam does not need low beam or front position lamp to be lighted. Nor do front position lamp to be lit when the dipped beam is used.
At the salvage or towing a damaged vehicle on public roads, if the damaged vehicle lighting can not be used in the prescribed manner, the damaged vehicle instead be marked in accordance with § 82, second paragraph. Ordinance (2009: 960).
69 § When driving on the road with motorized vehicles, dipped used, unless otherwise provided by 68, 70 or 71 §. Ordinance (2009: 960).
70 § When driving on the road by car, tractor b, machinery class I heavy off-road vehicle, motorcycle or moped class I-beam will be used when the driver's view with respect to the vehicle speed, otherwise not enough for the vehicle to be brought safely.
High beam may not be
the first on the stretch where the road is adequately lighted,
second at such a distance from an oncoming vehicle that its driver could be dazzled,
third at the meeting with a rail-bound transport or ship out along the way, about the risk of glare can arise, or
fourth on call distance behind another vehicle. Regulation (2015: 929).
71 § When driving on the road by car, tractor b, machinery class I heavy off-road vehicle, motorcycle or moped class I, instead of the low beam used different light enough to alert other drivers of the vehicle. This does not apply when driving at night, at dawn or dusk or when weather conditions or other circumstances giving rise to low beam needs to be lighted.
In fog and heavy precipitation can be used fog lights instead of headlights.
Such light referred to in the first paragraph, fog lights or dipped beam may not be used simultaneously. The ban does not apply when traveling by motorcycle during daylight. Regulation (2015: 929).
72 § When driving on the road may be used rear fog lights only in fog, heavy precipitation or comparable visibility conditions and in such a way that drivers of vehicles is not dazzled.
73 § A vehicle shall not be equipped with lanterns or headlamps when driving on the road during the night, at dusk or dawn and otherwise when weather or other circumstances make it necessary to have a lantern showing white or yellow light and a showing red light backwards. The lamps be attached to or worn on the side of the vehicle facing the road center. If it is sufficient to alert other drivers of the vehicle may appear light forward and backward from the lantern.
The first paragraph does not apply to those road users as referred to in Chapter 1. § 4, first and second paragraphs.
74 § When a vehicle is stopped or parked on a road, the vehicle's parking brake and tail lights be lit at night, dusk or dawn and otherwise when weather or other circumstances make it necessary for other road users should pay attention to it.
If the vehicle is not equipped with parking or tail lamps shall instead have different lighting that is prescribed for the vehicle ignition. For a vehicle for which there are no specific regulations on lights or headlights, the provisions of § 73 apply. Otherwise, no lamps other than headlamps or parking lamps, rear lights or registration plate lamps to be lighted.
If a motor vehicle, up to six meters long and two meters wide, parked along the side of a road where the maximum speed is 50 km / h or lower, it is sufficient to parking and tail lights on the road in the middle kept lit, if another vehicle is not coupled to the vehicle.
75 § The provisions of § 74 does not apply if the road is so well lit that the vehicle still can be heard clearly at an adequate distance or if the vehicle is stopped or parked outside the carriageway and hard shoulder.
Nor need lights to be lit on bicycles, mopeds or motorcycles without sidecar, if the vehicle is stopped or parked along the road's outer edge.
76 § While driving on the road to get from one vehicle
first not shown other than white or yellow light, and the
second does not display white light to the rear except when reversing or at work that requires white light.
This does not apply to lamps with different color prescribed for the vehicle.
On a vehicle traveling on the road, no other lamps or headlights flashing light used than the
first direction indicators,
second alarm system,
third taillight bike,
fourth stop lamp that is particularly adapted to an emergency stop, and the
fifth lamp that emits orange light, specially arranged as a warning device to the extent that the Transport Agency prescribes.
The first and second paragraphs do not apply to lamps that are used to give characters P11, pull over and stop in front of the police vehicle, under Chapter 7. § 2 Road Signs Ordinance (2007: 90). Ordinance (2009: 960).
Lights when driving off-road
77 § When driving off-road in the dark, at dusk or at dawn and when otherwise warranted by weather or other circumstances, the lamps and headlamps that are prescribed for the vehicle to be lit. This does not apply to parking lamps.
High beam to be used when the driver's field of view with regard to the speed of the vehicle is otherwise insufficient for the vehicle to be sure.
When driving in the terrain with a motor vehicle fitted with floodlights for the journey they must be lit during the night, at dusk or dawn and when otherwise warranted by weather or other circumstances, even if they are not prescribed for the vehicle.Regulation (2000: 869).
vehicle load
78 § A vehicle shall not be loaded in such a way that the
first driver's view or possibilities for maneuvering prevented, or the
second prescribed direction signs, stop signs, lights or headlights obscured.Regulation (2001: 667).
79 § On or in a vehicle passenger may be taken in such numbers or placed in such a way that the danger may arise. Regulation (2001: 753).
80 § The load must not be carried on or in a vehicle in such a way that it can be
first endanger person,
second cause property damage,
third lag or fall off the vehicle,
fourth cause nuisance dust formation or the like,
the fifth hamper driving the vehicle, or the
sixth cause unnecessary noise.
The cargo must be secured if required by the load compartment or load condition. If necessary, the load must be covered.
Vehicle load when driving on the road
81 § When driving on the road may not chains, ropes, tarpaulins or other devices that serve to hold or protect the load hanging loose outside the vehicle or drag on the ground.
82 § When driving on the road, the load extremity be clearly marked when the load protrudes in front of a vehicle, or more than one meter behind the vehicle. As the cargo also includes utensils and equipment that is not attached to the vehicle. Load protruding less than a meter in front of the vehicle need not be marked if the projection is clear of other traffic.
During the night, at dusk and dawn and when otherwise warranted by weather or other circumstances should cargo be marked
first front with a lantern showing white light forward and with white reflectors, and the
second back with a lamp showing a red light backwards and red reflectors.
The reflectors must be placed so low that they can not reflect the light from the other vehicle's headlights.
83 § The load laterally protrudes outside the vehicle and is more than 260 centimeters wide, or protrude more than 20 cm outside the vehicle when driving on the road be clearly marked. Such markings shall be unnecessary if the projections nonetheless clear to other road-users. As the cargo also includes utensils and equipment that is not attached to the vehicle.
During the night, at dusk or dawn and when otherwise warranted by weather or other circumstances, such cargo referred to in the first paragraph is always marked
the first front with a lantern showing white light forward and with white reflectors, and the second at the back with a lamp showing a red light backwards and red reflectors.
The lamps and reflectors must sideways be less than 40 centimeters inside the load's outer edge. If the load is more than 260 centimeters wide shall lamps and reflectors sit on the outermost edge of the load. The reflectors must be placed so low that they can not reflect the light from the other vehicle's headlights. Provisions for road tunnels
83 a § Road tunnels are divided into the tunnel categories A, B, C, D and E. A road tunnel belongs tunnel category A if otherwise provided by the regulations that have been issued pursuant to Chapter 10. § 1, third paragraph.
In the case of road tunnels belonging tunnel category B, C, D or E applies to the ban for the respective tunnel category specified in 83 b 83 e §§ against the process of vehicles with such cargo subject to labeling requirements under regulations issued on the basis of Act (2006: 263) on the transport of dangerous goods. Regulation (2011: 1220).
83 b § In a road tunnel belonging tunnel category B may not be the vehicle with a cargo of dangerous goods which may lead to a very large explosion. Regulation (2011: 1220).
83 c § In a road tunnel belonging tunnel category C, it must not be the vehicle with a cargo of dangerous goods which may lead to a very large explosion, a large explosion or a large toxic release. Regulation (2011: 1220).
83 d § In a road tunnel belonging tunnel category D may not be the vehicle with a cargo of dangerous goods which may lead to a very large explosion, a large explosion, a large toxic release or a large fire. Regulation (2011: 1220).
83 e § In a road tunnel belonging tunnel category E may not be the vehicle with a cargo of dangerous goods with the exception of goods listed for under tunnel category E in point Annex A to the European Agreement September 30, 1957 on the International Transport of dangerous goods by road (ADR [SO 1974: 9]).Regulation (2011: 1220).
Competition on the road
84 § competition or exhibition of vehicles, or where such road users as referred to in Chapter 1. § 4, second paragraph involved, may not be organized on the road without permission. Permit issues are considered by the provincial government. If a competition or exhibition involving more than one county, examined the question of the county administrative board in the county where the competition or the show starts. The county administrative board shall obtain the opinion of the rest of the county administrative boards.
If the authorization is made, the Board shall issue such regulations as in addition to traffic rules are needed to prevent danger or inconvenience to traffic and for those who live or reside in the road or needed for other reasons. Ordinance (2005: 71).
Chapter 4. Provisions for traffic with motorized vehicles
common provisions
1 § The driver of a motor vehicle shall stay on the character of the person as an authority has ordered to check vehicles or drivers.
2 § A motorized vehicle may not deduct more than the
first a vehicle which is adapted for coupling to the towing vehicle, or
second two vehicles that are adapted for coupling to the towing vehicle.
The total gross mass of the vehicle must be drawn when driving on the road do not exceed the towing vehicle's gross weight and when driving off-road twice towing vehicle gross weight.
Notwithstanding the first paragraph, cars, tractors, motorized equipment and road vehicles pull a vehicle or vehicles if all vehicles drawn are provided for connection to the towing vehicle and the
first can be braked effectively, or
second The total gross weight of the connected vehicle without effective brakes do not exceed the towing vehicle's gross weight or when driving in the terrain twice the towing vehicle gross weight.
3 § If a certain maximum trailer load applies to a motor vehicle, the combined weight of the towed trailer does not exceed this.
§ 4 If a certain maximum load applies to a motor vehicle or a related vehicle gets heavier loads are not carried on the vehicle.
5 § Vehicles towed by another vehicle must be connected in from a traffic safety adequately.
When driving on the road, the coupling device be clearly marked on the towed vehicle is not adapted for coupling to the towing vehicle and the distance between vehicles exceeding 2.0 meters.
6 § In a car no more passengers are taken with than it is registered. Passengers must travel to a place intended for passengers.
On a motorcycle passenger may be taken only if the motorcycle is set up for it. The passenger should sit in the place which is meant for passengers. More than one passenger must not be included. In a sidecar must not be more passengers than the trailer is intended.
On a motorcycle or in a sidecar connected to a motorcycle passenger may be taken only if the driver is over 18 years. In practice driving a motorcycle, however, apply the provisions of Chapter 4. §§ 2 and 3 licenses Act (1998: 488) on the driver's age.
Transport Agency may provide or individual cases, grant exemptions from the provisions of the first three paragraphs. Regulation (2008: 1109).
7 § The driver of a motor vehicle shall examine the vehicle so as not to make noise unnecessarily and where possible to ensure that the vehicle does not emit exhaust gases in such quantities as to cause inconvenience.
8 § With a motor vehicle may be unnecessary and disturbing driving does not take place at the housing development. The driver of a vehicle shall otherwise adapt the route, speed and mode so that others are not disturbed unnecessarily.
9 § Safety helmet use by the occupants of
the first motorcycle,
second mopeds,
third b tractor without a body, or
fourth terrain vehicles without bodywork.
Protective helmet does not have to be used
first passengers under the age of seven years and using other suitable head protection,
the second when the vehicle is not in motion,
third when driving in the parking lot, parking garage, service station or workshop area or similar area,
4th on a moped rendered with the engine turned off,
5th in a three- or four-wheeled motorcycle with bodywork or in a three- or four-wheeled moped with bodywork, seat belt use, or
sixth when traveling at a moped class II, which is designed to operate with a tramp and crank device and where the engine provides no additional force at speeds above 25 km / h.
The operator shall ensure that passengers are over fifteen years using a helmet or other head protection in accordance with the provisions of the first and second paragraphs.
Transport Agency may issue further regulations on exemptions from the requirement to use protective helmet. Regulation (2015: 929).
Traffic of motor vehicles on the road
10 § When driving on the road in a car, a truck, a three- or four-wheeled motorcycle with bodywork or a three- or four-wheeled moped with bodywork applies to the use of seat belts and other safety devices follows:
1st Anyone traveling in a vehicle equipped with safety belts must use a location that is equipped with a seat belt, if such a place is available, and use the belt. Children who are shorter than 135 centimeters must use child safety seat, booster seat or other special safety equipment for children instead of or together with safety belt.
2nd A child who is three years old or older and shorter than 135 centimeters must not traveling in a vehicle where there is the opportunity to use a special protective device for children, other than the occasional transport over short distances. In such cases, the child instead use the safety belt when it is possible and when not traveling in the front seat of a passenger car or a light truck.
3rd A child who is younger than three years may not be transported in a vehicle where there is the opportunity to use a special protective device for children, other than the occasional ride in taxis for short distances. In such cases, the child may not travel in the front seat. Regulation (2006: 1208).
10 a § All who are older than three years and traveling in a bus that is equipped with safety belts must use a location that is equipped with a seat belt, if such a place is available, and use the belt. At the local transport in urban areas may, however, passengers use a location other than a location that is equipped with a seat belt.
Passengers in a bus shall be informed of the requirement to wear a seat belt in the way Transport Agency prescribes. Regulation (2008: 1109).
10 b § The traveling seated in a wheelchair in a car must travel on the wheelchair seat and use the seat belt if the site is equipped with a seat belt. The wheelchair must be attached to or supported by a device that is intended for the vehicle.Regulation (2006: 1208).
10 c § The pilot, other crew members, escorts and leader of a group shall take appropriate measures so that passengers who are under fifteen years of age use a seat belt or other special safety equipment and help passengers to place the wheelchair in accordance with the provisions of § 10 b. Regulation (2006: 1208).
10 d § Notwithstanding the provisions of § 10, § 10a, first paragraph and 10 b § need the seat belt or the special protective device is not used
first when the vehicle is not in motion,
second When reversing,
third when driving in the parking lot, parking garage, service station or workshop area or similar areas, or
fourth when there are medical obstacles according to a medical certificate issued prior to the journey.
Transport Agency may issue regulations or in individual cases decide on further exemptions from the requirement to use seat belts and special protection.Regulation (2008: 1109).
10 e § When driving on the road with a motorized vehicle driver may engage in activities such as use of mobile phones and other communications equipment only if it does not adversely affect the operation of the vehicle. Regulation (2013: 779).
§ 11 roads that are not private are divided into three bearing capacity classes.Unless otherwise provided belongs to a public road bearing capacity class 1 (BK1) and other roads that are not private load class 2 (BK2). Regulations on a public road or part of such a road shall belong load class 2 or 3 are issued by the Finnish Transport Agency or, if the municipality has responsibility of the municipality.Regulations that any other path that is not separate or a part of such a road shall belong load class 1 or 3 communicated to the local. Ordinance (2010: 144).
12 § On roads that are not private will motorized vehicles or related vehicles marketed only if the values for each load class listed below is not exceeded.
1. Axle
a. Shoulder is not driving 10 tons 10 tons 8 tons
b. Driving axle 11.5 tonnes 10 tons 8 tons
2. Bogie weight
a. The distance between the axles
is less than 1.0 meters 11.5 tons 11.5 tons 11.5 tons
b. The distance between the axles is 1.0 meters or greater
but not 1.3 meters 16 tonnes 16 tonnes 12 tonnes
c. The distance between the axles is 1.3 meters or greater
but not 1.8 meters 18 tonnes 16 tonnes 12 tonnes
d. The distance between the axles is 1.3 meters or greater but not 1.8 meters and the drive axle is fitted with twin tires and air suspension or equivalent suspension, or drive shafts are fitted with twin tires and the weight does not exceed 9.5
tone on one of the axles 19 tons 16 tons 12 tons
e. The distance between the axles
is 1.8 meters or more 20 tonnes 16 tonnes 12 tonnes
3. Triple Axle
a. The distance between the outer shafts is less than
2.6 meters 21 tons 20 tons 13 tons
b. The distance between the outer shoulders are 2.6 meters
or greater 24 tons 22 tons 13 tons
4. Gross weight of vehicles and road trains
a. Vehicles on wheels Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3
b. Vehicles on tape 24 tons 18 tons 18 tons
c. Vehicle skids 18 tonnes 18 tonnes 18 tonnes
Transport Agency may issue regulations on the vehicle or vehicle may be brought even though the values specified in the first paragraph are exceeded.The rules shall be associated with such conditions with regard to implementation and vehicle design and equipment that road safety is not jeopardized.Regulations may be limited to a certain way or a certain road. Regulation (2012: 535).
13 § On roads that are not private road train may be marketed only if the values given below for the distance between the first axis in the coupled vehicle and the last axle of the vehicle that it is linked to not undercut.
1. Both shafts are single axles 3 meters 3 meters 3 meters
2. One shaft is a single shaft and the second part
in a bogie or triple axis 3 meters 4 meters 4 meters
3. The shafts included in respective
bogie 4 meters 4 meters 4 meters
4. One shaft is part of a bogie and the other in a triple-axis or both in a
triple axis 5 meters - -
A road train may be kept on such a road referred to in the first paragraph of the importance of every possible combination of axles in the automotive train below the maximum gross weight for the corresponding distance between first and last axle in Annex 1-3 to this Regulation. When compared to Annex 1, the values given for trailers shall apply if the permitted gross weight thus becomes higher.
Transport Agency may issue regulations that road trains can be brought despite the fact that the values set out in the first and second paragraphs undershot. The regulations shall be subject to such conditions in terms of implementation and vehicle design and equipment that road safety is not jeopardized. Regulations may be limited to a certain way or a certain road. Regulation (2008: 1109).
14 § Vehicle or vehicle used principally in international traffic may be driven on roads with load class 1 even if the gross weights specified in § 12 first paragraph 4 and Annex 1 is exceeded or the distances specified in § 13 undershot. The exemption applies only if the following gross weights and measurements should not be exceeded.
First 26 tonnes for three-axle vehicles.
2nd 38 tonnes for the four-axle road train.
3rd 40 tons of five- or six-axle road train.
4th 44 tonnes for three-axle motor vehicle with two or three-axle semi-trailer for the transport of 40 foot ISO container.
5th 16.5 meters for a car with a semi-trailer.
6th 18.75 meters for a car with a trailer. Regulation (2012: 553).
15 § If a motor vehicle or a related vehicle loaded so that the load on either side protrudes more than 20 cm outside the vehicle or if the vehicle width, load included, exceeds 260 centimeters or for a bus 255 centimeters, the vehicle or coupled thereto vehicles kept only on private road.
The following vehicles may be kept on the road which is not single.
1st Light motorcycle whose width of the load does not exceed 120 centimeters.
2nd Equipment used in agricultural work, even if the width exceeds 260 centimeters.
3rd Vehicle loaded with unpacked hay or the like, even if the load on any side protrudes more than 20 cm outside the vehicle.
4th Tractor with mounted tools or equipment even if the vehicle is wider than 260 centimeters, appliances or equipment included.
5th Motorized equipment at shorter route to or from a workplace or for similar purposes, even if the vehicle is wider than 260 centimeters, appliances or equipment included.
Transport Agency may issue regulations on the vehicle or vehicle transporting indivisible loads may be brought on roads that are not private, even though the width specified in the first paragraph are exceeded. The load must then extend more than 20 centimeters outside the vehicle. In doing so it may also be provided that the process may deviate from the provisions of Chapter 3. § 7 first and second paragraphs, § 9, first and third paragraphs, § 11 and § 12 first paragraph 3 and Chapter 9. § 1, first paragraph 1 and 2 and § 2, if needed for accessibility reasons and is done with great caution. The rules shall be associated with such conditions with regard to implementation and vehicle design and equipment that road safety is not jeopardized. Regulations may be limited to a certain way or a certain road.
Notwithstanding the first paragraph, buses registered before 1 November 2004, and whose performance is then not substantially changed, by the end of 2020 brought on roads other than individuals of the vehicle width, including the load does not exceed 260 centimeters. Regulation (2008: 1109).
15 a § When driving on the road be it a two-wheel motorcycle or a two-wheel moped class I is not combined with a trailer having a width which exceeds 125 centimeters or with a mass exceeding half of the towing vehicle's curb weight, less the weight of fuel and tools belongs to the vehicle.
When traveling on the road get it to a three- or four-wheeled motorcycle or a three- or four-wheeled scooter is not combined with a trailer having a width exceeding the motorcycle and moped width or in some cases 200 centimeters or with a mass exceeding half of the towing vehicle curb weight minus the weight of the fuel and utilities that belong to the vehicle. Ordinance (2002: 943).
15 b § When driving on the road, the following vehicles are not used to carry passengers.
First A trailer coupled to a motorcycle or a moped class I
second A tow sled connected to a motor vehicle, a tractor or machinery. Regulation (2006: 21).
16 § A vehicle's width is measured over the parts of the vehicle or the load projecting furthest.
Transport Agency may issue regulations or in individual cases allow certain equipment should not be included in the vehicle width. Regulation (2008: 1109).
17 § A motorized vehicle other than a bus or with a related vehicles may not be on roads other than individual if the vehicle or vehicle train, including the load, is longer than 24.0 meters. The length of a road train, including the load, can be up to 25.25 meters if the following conditions are met.
First Each constituent vehicle is equipped with such antilock brakes and coupling devices Transport Agency prescribes.
2nd Every detail motorized vehicle has a maximum length of 12.0 meters.
3rd Each constituent trailer, excluding semi-trailer has a maximum length of 12.0 meters.
4th The distance between the coupling pin and the rear of a semi-trailer does not exceed 12.0 meters.
5th The horizontal distance between the kingpin and any point on the leading edge of a semi-trailer does not exceed 2.04 meters.
6th Vehicle train total payload length behind the cab, measured parallel to the vehicle longitudinal axis of the train, not exceeding 21.86 m.
7th The distance, measured parallel to the vehicle longitudinal axis of the train from the foremost external point of the loading area behind the cabin to the rearmost external point of the vehicle train does not exceed 22.9 meters.
8th The vehicle width, except for the extension of the temperature-controlled vehicles, is no more than 2.55 meters.
9th The width of the bodywork for temperature controlled vehicles are a maximum of 2.60 meters.
10th Each input motor vehicle is in motion can turn in a circle which has an outer radius of 12.5 meters and an inner radius of 5.3 meters.
11th Vehicles train meets the usage requirements of the Swedish Transport Agency prescribes.
The provisions concerning the length and spacing of the first paragraph 2-5 should include removable superstructures and standardized freight containers such as containers.
Vehicles registered before 1 November 1997 and whose performance is then not substantially changed, be the end of 2006 not covered by the provisions of the first paragraph 2-10. Regulation (2008: 1109).
17 a § A bus with or without a related vehicles may be driven on roads other than the individual only if the vehicle or vehicle train's length, including the load does not exceed the dimensions indicated below, as well as meet the usage requirements of the Swedish Transport Agency prescribes.
vehicle Length
Bus with two axles 13.5 meters
The bus with more than two axles 15.0 meters
Articulated bus 18,75 meters
Bus with trailer 18.75 meters
Buses registered before 1 July 2004 and whose performance is then not substantially changed, be the end of 2020 not covered by the provisions of the first paragraph. Regulation (2008: 1109).
17 b § Transport Agency may issue regulations on the vehicle or vehicle may be brought even though the lengths specified in § 17 first paragraph, first sentence and in 17 a § exceeded. In doing so it may also be provided that the process may deviate from the provisions of Chapter 3. § 7 first and second paragraphs, § 9, first and third paragraphs, § 11 and § 12 first paragraph 3 and Chapter 9. § 1, first paragraph 1 and 2 and § 2, if needed for accessibility reasons and is done with great caution. The rules shall be associated with such conditions with regard to implementation and vehicle design and equipment that road safety is not jeopardized. Regulations may be limited to a certain way or a certain road.Regulation (2008: 1109).
17 c § A vehicle or fordonstågs length measured over the vehicle parts, vehicle train or load projecting furthest.
Transport Agency may issue regulations or in individual cases allow certain equipment should not be included in the vehicle length. Regulation (2008: 1109).
18 § A powered vehicles and vehicles that have been linked to such a vehicle may not be brought on roads other than the individual for vehicle wheels, tracks or runners are such that they can cause significant damage to the roadway.
18 a § Passenger Class I, Class II passenger car with a total weight of 3.5 tons, light truck and light bus and trailer towed by such a vehicle, when driving on the road be equipped with winter tires or equivalent equipment from 1 December to March 31 when winter conditions prevail.
Heavy truck, heavy bus and car class II with a total weight of over 3.5 tonnes must when driving on the road be equipped with winter tires or equivalent equipment on the vehicle's drive assumes its rightful December 1 to March 31 when winter conditions prevail. Front wheel drive cars must be equipped with winter tires or equivalent equipment even in the vehicle's rear axles.
A vehicle may be used even though the first and second paragraphs
first if it can be done without danger to road safety
a) for a test drive or towing of the vehicle in conjunction with repair or similar purposes,
b) for travel the shortest possible route to and from the nearest inspection body under the Vehicle Act (2002: 574) for inspection or
second of the vehicle under the Road Traffic Register is of a model year which is thirty years old or older.
Transport Agency may provide that vehicles in cases other than those referred to in the third paragraph may be misused, despite the provisions of the first and second paragraphs if it can be done without that road safety is endangered. Regulation (2012: 705).
19 § The driver of a two-wheel motorcycle get when driving on the road do not allow the motorcycle pulled or pushed by another vehicle or tram. The driver may not pull or front to shoot someone else Road users or bring any other vehicle on the side than the attached sidecar.
Provisions for road speed of certain motor vehicles and vehicle combinations
20 § When driving on the road may not be heavy buses at a higher speed than 90 kilometers per hour. Heavy bus may be introduced with the 100 km / h of all traveling in the bus and that are older than three years have access to a seat equipped with a seat belt. Heavy truck must not be taken with speeds above 80 kilometers per hour.On motorways or dual carriageways get heavy truck, however, be 90 kilometers per hour. Heavy off-road vehicles, machinery class I and tractor b may not be at a higher speed than 50 kilometers per hour. Moped class I may not be at a higher speed than 45 kilometers per hour.
If a motor vehicle, a machinery class I or a heavy off-road vehicle has been linked additional vehicles, the vehicles on the road can not be conducted with greater speed than specified below.
Vehicle Requirements Speed kph
first Motor vehicles with a trailer. The trailer is equipped with efficient brakes that can be operated from the motor vehicle service brake,
b. The trailer has rigid drawbar and a total weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes and is equipped with inertia,
c. The trailer has a total weight or, when the trailer is not loaded, an unladen weight not exceeding half of the motor vehicle curb weight not exceeding 750 kilograms, or
d. The trailer is connected to a motorcycle 80
second car with two trailers, the trailers are equipped with anti-lock brakes, and comprises a dolly with attached semi-trailer where dollyns turntable is pivoted about a vertical axis through the junction point 80
3. Motor vehicle with a trailer which is linked by the common load trailer is equipped with efficient brakes that can be operated from the motor vehicle service brake and the vehicles are specifically established for this purpose and approved by the inspection prescribed for the vehicle train 50
4. machinery class I or heavy off-road vehicle with a trailer the trailer is equipped with effective brakes that can be operated from the towing vehicle brake 50
5. Motor vehicles, machinery class I or heavy off-road vehicle with a trailer in cases other than 1, 3, or 4 the trailer has a gross weight not exceeding the towing vehicle's gross weight 40
6. Motor vehicles, machinery class I or heavy off-road vehicle with two trailers in cases other than 2 trailer trolleys are equipped with efficient brakes that can be operated from the towing vehicle brake 40
7. Car, machinery class I or heavy off-road vehicle that pulls a vehicle at least four wheels, one end of which is raised by a fixed suspension device on the towing vehicle or on a separate towing device so that at least one of the towed vehicle other pair of wheels rolling on the road vehicle especially adapted for the salvage and towing of damaged vehicles 40
8. Motor vehicles, machinery class I or heavy off-road vehicle with one or more vehicles other than 1-7 30
Car Dolly to the connected semi-trailer may be raised by a maximum of 80 km / h, even if the requirements of the second paragraph 2 are not met, if the dolly and semi-trailer is registered and entered into service before 1 January 1999 are part of a road train is more than 24, 0 meters long and is equipped with efficient brakes that can be operated from the vehicle service brake.
The first, second and third paragraphs do not apply to the extent that lower rate is prescribed for the road.
Transport Agency may issue regulations to the
first a car with two trailers in cases other than that specified in the second paragraph 2 may be driven with a speed higher than 40 km / h, and the
second the machinery class I and a tractor b may be driven with a speed higher than 50 km / h. Regulation (2015: 929).
21 § Vehicle with bands get on the road do not be a speed higher than 20 km / h.Vehicles with hoops of iron or other hard materials may be heading not be at a higher speed than 10 kilometers per hour.
Provisions for environmental zones
22 § In an environmental zone gets heavy buses and heavy trucks kept only for first registration, regardless of first registration country, occurred during the last six years, this year counting. Regulation (2013: 76).
§ 23 , The exceptions to the prohibitions referred to in § 22:
1st Vehicles with engine at the time of approval, registration or entry into meet at least the emission standards laid down in European Parliament and Council Directive 2005/55 / EC of 28 September 2005 on the approximation of laws relating to measures against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from ignition engines for use in vehicles, and the emission of gaseous pollutants from positive ignition engines fueled with natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas for use in vehicles, series a, (Euro 3), in the tables in section 6.2.1 of Annex I may be in the environmental zone for a period of eight years from the initial registration, the registration year counting.
2nd Vehicles with engine at the time of approval, registration or entry into meet at least the emission standards laid down in European Parliament and Council Directive 2005/55 / EC, row B1, (Euro 4), in the tables in section 6.2.1 of Annex I may supplied in environmental zone until the end of 2016, or during a period of eight years from the initial registration, the registration year counting.
3rd Vehicles with engine at the time of approval, registration or entry into meet at least the emission standards laid down in European Parliament and Council Directive 2005/55 / EC, row B2, (Euro 5), or row C (EEV), the tables in point 6.2.1 of Annex I may be in the environmental zone until the end of 2020, or during a period of eight years from the initial registration, the registration year counting.
4th Vehicles with gas engine or engine for operation with ethanol diesel engine of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2005/55 / EC may be brought in the environmental zone.
5th Vehicles with engine at the time of approval, registration or entry into meet at least the emission standards laid down in European Parliament and Council Regulation 595/2009 of 18 June 2009 on type approval of motor vehicles and engines with respect to emissions from heavy duty vehicles (Euro 6) and on access to repair and maintenance of vehicles, and amending Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 and Directive 2007/46 / EC and repealing Directives 80/1269 / EEC, 2005/55 / EC and 2005/78 / EC, the table in Annex I (Euro 6), may be brought in the environmental zone.
6. Vehicles whose engine has been adapted to meet the emission requirements of point 2 may be in the environmental zone until the end of 2016. The
seventh Vehicles whose engine has been adapted to meet the emission standards set out in point 3 may be in the environmental zone until the end of 2020.
8th Vehicles whose engine has been adapted to meet the emission standards set out in point 5 may be brought in the environmental zone.
9th EC mobile crane shall be brought in the environmental zone. Regulation (2013: 76).
24 § When driving in environmental zones with a heavy coach or heavy goods vehicle has been registered for more than six years ago, this year not counting, documents shall be kept showing which emission standards that the vehicle's engine fulfilled at the time of approval, registration, entry into service or when the engine is adapted as specified in § 23 6-8. This does not apply if the information shown in the vehicle registry. Regulation (2013: 76).
Chapter 5. Provisions for the operation of off-road vehicles and off-road trailers on the road
§ 1 -terrain vehicles and off-road trailers may not be brought on roads other than individuals, except in the cases specified in §§ 2 and 6. Ordinance (2002: 943).
§ 2 The person in the process of a terrain vehicle or a road trailers need to cross a road that is not individual must bring the vehicle on the road shortest appropriate distance. The same applies if, having regard to the terrain conditions are necessary to travel on the road. Ordinance (2002: 943).
3 § The driver of a road vehicle that runs out of the terrain must stop the vehicle before he or she is driving on a road. Motorists on the road shall be given precedence.
4 § When terrain vehicles or off-road trailer is on another path than that private road which are less used by the public for traffic, passengers may not be included in the vehicle or a related vehicles. Ordinance (2002: 943).
§ 5 On another path than such private roads which are less used by the public for traffic must terrain vehicles or off-road trailer is not supplied with a speed higher than 20 km / h. Ordinance (2002: 943).
6 § Heavy off-road vehicle on wheels may be driven on the road, despite the provisions of 1, 4 and 5 §§.
Chapter 6. Provisions for traffic with bicycle and moped
common provisions
1 § cyclists will run consecutively. When it can be done without danger or obstruction to traffic, they may be traveling in width.
2 § cyclists and moped drivers must keep at least one hand on the handlebars.
Moped drivers must keep both feet on the pedals or footrests.
§ 3 on a bicycle or a moped may not simultaneously travels more people than the bicycle or moped is designed.
When a bicycle or moped class II appropriate seats and effective protection against the wheel spokes may be the vehicle travels further
first a child under ten years if the person steering the vehicle has reached the age of fifteen, or the
second two children for six years, if the person who controls the vehicle has reached the age of eighteen.
4 § cyclists or moped driver may not transport goods that are so heavy and large that the bike or scooter can not be operated safely and so that other traffic is prevented.
4 a § A person under fifteen years old and traveling with a two-wheel bicycle must wear a helmet or other suitable head protection.
Bicycle driver must ensure that passengers use a helmet or other suitable head protection in accordance with the provision in the first paragraph. Regulation (2004: 296).
4 b § Anyone who travels with a two-wheel moped class II, which is designed to operate with a tramp and crank device and where the engine does not provide any additional force at speeds above 25 km / h to wear cycle helmets or other suitable head protection. Regulation (2015: 929).
Traffic with bicycle and moped when driving on the road
§ 5 When driving on the road may cyclists or moped riders not to let the bike or moped pulled or pushed by another vehicle or tram. Moped drivers may not pull or front to shoot someone else Road users or bring any other vehicle on the side.
§ 6 cyclists or drivers of Class II moped to travel on a bicycle crossing should slow down and take into account the approaching vehicle passage and sheep cross the road only if it can be done without danger.
Cyclists or drivers of Class II moped to travel on a bicycle crossing should take into account the distance and speed of vehicles approaching the crossing. Regulation (2014: 1035).
Chapter 7. Provisions for pedestrians on the road
1 § Consistently shall be driven on the road using the footpath or verge.
If there is no sidewalk or roadside must consistently use the cycle lane or carriageway. The same applies to those road users as referred to in Chapter 1. § 4, second paragraph of the walkway is narrow or space on it is limited in other ways, or if there are other special reasons for it.
Consistently using the hard shoulder or roadway should, if possible, go to the left in the direction of travel. Those who go roller skis, skates or similar and traveling at a higher speed than walking pace shall be traveling to the far right if it is appropriate.
Those who go in groups under the supervision of a leader or a procession to be whether it is appropriate to use the hard shoulder or the right side of the roadway in the direction of travel. If the group consists of children attending more than two abreast, shall, if possible pavement, roadside or cycle path used.
§ 2 On a road where vehicular traffic is prohibited, and such a living street or in a pedestrian area referred to in Chapter 8. § 1 does not apply the provisions of § 1.Ordinance (2007: 101).
3 § pedestrians must cross a drive or bicycle path on a pedestrian crossing. If there is no pedestrian crossing nearby, the transient rather than driving or crossing the bicycle path across this, and preferably at an intersection.
Driving or bicycle path to be traversed without undue delay.
4 § Going to be going out on a pedestrian crossing shall take into account the distance and speed of vehicles approaching the crossing. Outside a crosswalk must consistently cross the road only if it can be done without danger or inconvenience to traffic.
§ 5 When a group that goes under the supervision of a leader or a procession using roadside, roadway or bike path during different time than when it is daylight with a clear view, the person who takes the lead at least one lamp to the road center shows white or yellow light and the one in the queue at least one lamp to the road center red light backwards.
Chapter 8. Provisions for traffic on the pedestrian street and the living street etc.
§ 1 on a pedestrian street in a living street the following.
1. Vehicles may not be driven with higher speed than walking pace.
Second Vehicles may not be parked at any place other than designated parking places.
3rd Motor vehicle drivers must give way to pedestrians.
On a pedestrian street gets motorized vehicles not be other than to cross it. Such vehicles may be introduced on the pedestrian if necessary for
first delivery of goods to or from shops or the equivalent in the pedestrian zone,
second transport of goods or accommodation to or from the address on the pedestrian promenade,
third transport guests to or from hotels or the equivalent in the pedestrian zone, or
fourth transport of sick or disabled persons to or from the address on the pedestrian promenade. Ordinance (2007: 101).
2 § In a lane or a lane for public transport vehicles, etc. may only transport vehicles be as well, if the lane or roadway is located right in the direction of travel, bicycle and moped class II.
Vehicles may be driven in the lane may, notwithstanding Chapter 3. § 53 first paragraph 10 stopped there for embarking or disembarking. Ordinance (2010: 2037).
Chapter 9. Provisions for traffic on the motorway and expressway
1 § On a highway to the following.
1. Only traffic with motor vehicles or motor vehicles with armed vehicles designed for, and may be driven at a speed of at least 40 km / h may be allowed. Mopeds Class I may not be driven on a highway.
Second Vehicles may be entered on a highway only at the beginning of the road or on a slip road and entered the highway only at the exit or at its end.
3rd Vehicles may not be on the dividing strip or a transverse link road between the platforms.
4th Vehicles may not be reversed or reversed.
5th Vehicles may not be parked or stopped except in places marked with a sign that the parking or rest area. Scheduled buses may stop at specially arranged stops.
6th Vehicles may not be driven with a speed higher than 110 km / h.
Transport Agency may issue regulations to vehicles or vehicles even in cases other than those specified in paragraph 1 may be on the highway. The rules shall be associated with such condition that road safety is not compromised.
Finnish Transport Agency may issue regulations to the maximum permitted speed on a highway will be 120 kilometers per hour. Ordinance (2010: 144).
2 § The provisions of § 1, first paragraph 1-5 and the second paragraph applies mutatis mutandis also traffic on an expressway and ramps and to such a path.
Chapter 10. Local traffic regulations, etc.
1 § Special traffic rules may, except in the cases specified in §§ 10 and 14, announced through local traffic regulations for a particular road or stretch of road or for all roads in a given area or an area or färdled terrain.
The special traffic rules must apply the following.
First To a certain road or stretch of road will be the main road, highway or expressway.
2nd To a certain road or stretch of road and all roads in an area should be pedestrian or living street.
3rd To a certain area to be built-up area or a specific environmental sensitive area within the built-up area will be an environmental zone.
4th To a certain location should be a roundabout or bicycle crossing.
5th To a certain lane or a specific lane will be lane or the lane for public transport vehicles, etc.
6th To a certain place on the stretch where bans stopping and parking is under Chapter 3. § 53 first paragraph 2 shall be the bus stop.
7th To a certain location should be appropriate location or charging station.
8th Deviations from the provisions on pedestrian accordance with Chapter 8. § 1 second paragraph and the provisions of lanes for public transport vehicles, etc.pursuant to Chapter 8. § 2.
9th Prohibition of traffic with vehicles.
10th Prohibitions or commands to turn or run in a given direction.
11th Prohibition of overtaking.
12th Giving way or obligation to stop with departures from the provisions of Chapter 3. 18 or § 21 or in lieu of the provisions of Chapter 3. § 23 first paragraph.
13th Obligation to stop at railway or tramway crossings.
14th Deviations from the rules on speed in chapter 3. § 17 first paragraph or in regulations that have been issued pursuant to Chapter 3. § 17, second paragraph, where it is justified for reasons of road safety, accessibility and the environment.
15th Restriction to lower speed than required under chapter 3. § 17 third paragraph, chapter 4. § 20 or Chapter 9. 1 § or regulations issued pursuant to Chapter 3. § 17 fourth paragraph, or Chapter 9. § 1, third paragraph, if it is justified for reasons of road safety, accessibility and the environment.
16th Prohibition to stop or park a vehicle or permitted to stop or park vehicles in derogation from the provisions of Chapter 3. § 48, § 49a, first paragraph, § 52, § 53 first paragraph 2-5, 9 and 10, § 54, § 55 first paragraph 3-5 or Chapter 8. § 1.
17th Time limit, contributory or other conditions for parking.
18th Exceptions to Chapter 3. 77 § of illumination when driving off-road.
19th Axle load, bogie load, triple-axle load and gross weight limit at lower weights than those required by Chapter 4. § 12.
20th Restriction to smaller width or length of vehicle, train or cargo than allowed in Chapter 4. 15, 17 or 17 a §.
21st Traffic with terrain vehicles or off-road trailer with deviations from the provisions of Chapter 5. 1, 4 or 5 §.
22nd Other special traffic rules.
Furthermore, it is by local traffic regulations announced special traffic that a road tunnel to belong tunnel category B, C, D or E, special traffic rules for the transport of dangerous goods and for such competitions as the provincial government has been granted under Chapter 3. 84 §. Regulation (2014: 1035).
§ 2 Regulations under § 1, second paragraph 9-11, 14-18, 20 and 21 may relate
first a certain group of road users,
second a specific or certain types of vehicle, or
third vehicles with cargo of some nature.
Local traffic regulations on parking may include special provisions to facilitate for those who live in a specific area to park in this area. If necessary for specific reasons, some parking spaces in the area reserved for residents through such provisions. Questions for permission to park under the provisions considered by the municipality.
Local traffic regulations on parking may comprise specific provisions allowing a maximum of three parking spaces must be reserved for each foreign mission in connection with the mission office or residence. The same applies to parking spaces for consulates headed by a career consular officer as well as such international bodies referred to in § 4 Act (1976: 661) on the privileges and immunities in some cases.
Local traffic regulations on the prohibition of traffic with vehicles that are issued by a municipality for a certain way, a certain stretch of road or for all roads in a given area may relate to vehicles with studded tires. Regulation (2011: 912).
§ 3 Local traffic regulations are issued by the following authorities.
First The municipality
a) in respect of any area under § 1, second paragraph 3 shall be congested area,
b) for other roads within built-up areas than public roads for which the state's road manager,
c) for all roads within the built-up area of the regulations relating traveling speed, stopping or parking,
d) for roads, except urban area of the municipality is the road authority, and
e) of terrain.
2nd County Board
a) in cases other than those referred to in 1,
b) in the case of obligation to stop and give way under § 1 second paragraph, 12 and 13 for the roads at intersections with public roads for which the state's road manager, and
c) in the case of the regulations referred to in § 1 third piece.
The police authority may issue regulations on a decision by the municipality or county government can not be awaited without particular nuisance. Ordinance (2007: 101).
§ 4 If the regulations under § 1, second paragraph 1 designed so that all main roads cross each other must give way or obligation to stop regulated specifically in the intersection. Specific regulation is needed, however in the case of vehicles entering the main route without changing lanes. Regulation (1999: 835).
5 § Before a municipality decides regulations on speed limits under Chapter 3. § 17, second paragraph, or local traffic regulations under § 1 must Police Authority and the state road maintenance authority concerned given the opportunity to comment.
Before a county decides such local traffic regulations for the transport of dangerous goods referred to in § 1 third paragraph, the opinion obtained from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency. Regulation (2014: 1265).
6 § If a private road is particularly affected in a matter of local traffic, the owner of the private road is given an opportunity to comment during the preparation. The same applies to the owner of land particularly affected.
Local traffic regulations for private roads to a lesser extent used by the public for traffic may be granted only with the consent of the road's owners. Consent is required unless the regulations relate
first speed,
second regulation of traffic at intersections with railway or tramway,
third regulation of traffic on the road adjacent to a road that is not individual or a private road that increasingly used by the public for traffic or
fourth regulation of traffic in a contest that the provincial government has been granted under Chapter 3. 84 §.
The authority granting such local traffic regulations may not be made without the consent of the road's owners, should also recall the road's owners about the rules on marking. Regulation (1999: 240).
7 § A way must be explained to the motorway or only if the
first it is free of crossings in the same plane with other roads, and the second vehicle can not usefully be brought into or out of the way but the road ends or at specially arranged ramps and.
To explain to the highway, the road shall furthermore first be divided into two lanes, one for traffic in each direction, and the
second have the platforms separated by a separator strip or otherwise.
Ramps and belongs to the motorway or dual carriageway to the extent that the provincial government or the municipality decides for each case.
8 § A road or area may be declared as living street only if it is designed so that it can be seen that consistently utilizes the entire surface and that it is not appropriate to drive at a higher speed than walking pace. Ordinance (2007: 101).
9 § An area may be declared to be congested area if it is urban or bykaraktär or have comparable roads and buildings.
9 a § A location can be explained as the charging station only if provision is made for external recharging of electric energy for vehicle propulsion. Ordinance (2010: 2037).
10 § In the case of a private road, the owner of the road determine whether traffic with motorized vehicles or a certain or certain types of such vehicles may take place.Such a ban may also refer to vehicles with a certain maximum width, height or weight.
The prohibition under the first paragraph shall be marked with road signs or otherwise clearly.
The road management authority to issue regulations on the prohibition or restriction of traffic with motor vehicles on private road shown by § 41 Roads Act (1971: 948).Regulation (1999: 240).
11 § Has been abrogated by Ordinance (2007: 235).
§ 12 The authority has decided a regulation referred to in 2 § of the Ordinance (2007: 231) on electronic proclamation of certain traffic regulations shall promptly notify the
first concerned road maintenance authority, and the
second such landlords and owners of private roads that are particularly affected.
A regulation under § 1, second paragraph 9 relating terrain shall be served on the landowner. Ordinance (2007: 235).
12 a § Has been abrogated by Ordinance (2012: 601).
13 § In the following cases, the regulations applicable in the path marked out by the provisions of the Road Signs Ordinance (2007: 90) or the regulations issued thereunder. The same applies to regulations of the terrain, there are reasons for that.
First Speed limits and regulations on maximum allowable speed according to Chapter 3. § 17 and Chapter 9. § 1.
2nd Regulations on load class 2 or 3 under Chapter 4. § 11.
3rd Special traffic regulations issued by local traffic regulations under § 1.
4th Special traffic regulations issued by regulations under § 14. Regulation (2008: 385).
13 a § Notwithstanding in § 13 the following.
First Special traffic to a specific area to be built-up area or environmental zone need not be marked.
2nd Speed limits under Chapter 3. § 17 first or third paragraph need not be marked in such a way as referred to in Chapter 3. § 21, second paragraph.
3rd If special traffic rules or regulations on the rate notified so that two identical traffic rules or speed limits contiguous marking need not take place in the border between them.
4th Special traffic rules which are applicable only during certain time or under certain circumstances need not be marked when they are not applicable. The time limits or other conditions that must exist for a traffic rule to be applicable, need not be marked if it is only noticeable when it is applicable. 5. Specific traffic rules on the transport of dangerous goods need to be labeled only if there are reasons for that.
6th The special traffic rules as regulations under § 14 differs from need not be marked.
Transport Agency may issue regulations and, in individual cases grant further exemptions from the marking requirement in terms of roads with little traffic or if there are other special reasons for it and it can be done without danger to road safety. This does not apply in the case of regulations on maximum speed for the song.
If regulations on speed and special traffic should not be or need to be marked shall be recorded in a local newspaper. Regulation (2008: 1109).
14 § Regulations with specific rules of the road or a particular stretch of road on the
1st ban on the circulation of vehicles or certain types of vehicles,
second limitation of the axle, double-axle, triple axle weight or gross weight,
3rd limitation of the width or length of vehicle, train or cargo,
fourth ban on overtaking,
5th prohibitions or commands to turn or run in a given direction,
sixth prohibiting entrance,
7th lower rate than would otherwise apply,
8th stopping or parking,
9th rights of way, and
10th minimum distance between vehicles
may be issued by
a. The police authority if required in relation to traffic monitoring, monitoring of drivers and vehicles, or traffic accidents,
b. Swedish Customs if necessary in conjunction with point tax, or
c. the authority in charge of the road or street maintenance in the area if needed for a short time because of road work or similar work, because of damage or risk of damage to the road or if necessary on special winter over ice-covered waters.
At roadworks or similar work involving roads in two or more authorities handling areas should rule under subparagraph c communicated by the authority which keeps the road that mostly affected by roadworks or damage.
The police authority or the authority in charge of the road or street maintenance in the field may make regulations for a particular way of temporary limitation of the speed that is otherwise admissible if it is needed to prevent road accidents with cloven or reindeers. Regulation (2014: 1265).
15 § If a public road which the state has responsibility for part load class 2 or 3 during part of the year, the state road maintenance authority may decide that the road for a short time should not belong bearing capacity class, it is appropriate to tjälförhållandena. Regulation (2004: 1070).
Chapter 11. Provisions for exemptions for traffic monitoring, emergency services etc.
1 § A vehicle used by a police officer, bilinspektör or customs official duties may be brought on pedestrian and bicycle paths and pedestrian zones, where special caution. The vehicle may not be driven with a speed higher than 30 km / h.
A road and a specific area or färdled terrain may be used in spite of Chapter 8. § 2, and despite the prohibition or restriction of the right to operate the road, area or trail pursuant to regulations issued under Chapter 10. 1, 10, or 14, or according to § § 41 Roads Act (1971: 948)
first the profession of a police officer, bilinspektör, customs officer, coast guard officer, doctor, nurse, midwife or veterinarian,
second for the transport of sick people to the doctor or medical institution,
third the emergency services, or
fourth in other similar urgent cases. Regulation (2015: 34).
2 § If special caution and if circumstances so require, the derogations from Chapter 3. 6-13 and §§ 25, § 26, second and third paragraphs, § 29,
first by a policeman at the escort of road transport under specific conditions should be carried out with the escort, and
second of a traffic director during an escort mission under the Act (2004: 1167) on road transport.
Despite regulations prohibiting under Chapter 10. § 1, a road used by the traffic during an escort mission under the Act (2004: 1167) for road transport, the escorted transport has admitted driving on the road. Regulation (2011: 178).
3 § A lane or a lane for public transport vehicles, etc. may, notwithstanding Chapter 8. 2 § used
first of the vehicle used by an authorized security in the transportation of property,
second Vehicle used by prison staff during the transport of detainees or in urgent occupation, and the
third of vehicles used by staff of the Security Service when they take a safeguard measure in the activities specified in § 4 Regulation (2014: 1103) with instructions of the Security Police.
The exceptions in the first paragraph applies only if the circumstances so require, and special caution. Regulation (2014: 1265).
4 § Despite Chapter 4. § 22, the following vehicles brought in an environmental zone:
1st Vehicles used in the profession of a police officer, bilinspektör, customs officer, coast guard officer, doctor, nurse, midwife or veterinarian.
2nd Vehicles used for the transport of sick people to the doctor or health care provider.
3rd Vehicles used in the rescue.
4th Vehicles used in other similar urgent cases.
5th Emergency vehicle in cases other than those referred to in 1-4.
6th Vehicles are defined as vintage vehicles in Chapter 2. 2 § Road Traffic Tax Act (2006: 227). Regulation (2015: 34).
5 § If special caution and if circumstances require, it may deviate from Chapter 9. § 1, first paragraph 1-5 and § 2
1st the rescue and salvage work,
second the duties of a police officer, bilinspektör, customs official or coast guard officer,
third the other with 1 and 2 comparable urgent cases,
fourth by staff of the Security Police taking a safeguard measure in the activities specified in § 4 Regulation (2014: 1103) with instructions of the Security Service, and the
fifth a traffic during the escort mission under the Act (2004: 1167) on road transport.Regulation (2015: 34).
6 § terrain vehicles and off-road trailer will be on the road despite Chapter 5. 1, 4 and 5 §§
first the profession of a police officer, bilinspektör, customs officer, coast guard officer, doctor, nurse, midwife or veterinarian,
second for the transport of sick people to the doctor or medical institution,
third the emergency services, or
fourth in other similar urgent cases. Regulation (2015: 34).
7 § Priority to pass with such a ferry which, under the Roads Act (1971: 948) is the weighing device has
first vehicles used for urgent emergency rescue services or ambulance accordance with § 6 Health Care Act (1982: 763),
second vehicles used in emergencies profession of a police officer, bilinspektör, customs officer, coast guard officer, doctor, nurse, midwife or veterinarian,
third transport vehicles,
fourth vehicles of taxi services,
5th vehicles used for school transport and mobility service,
6th vehicles used by prison staff during the transport of detainees or in urgent occupation, and the
seventh vehicles used by an authorized security in the transportation of property.
Transport Agency may issue regulations on the priority to pass with ferry road during most of the year utilizing the ferry route to and from their permanent residence or other road user if there are special reasons. Regulation (2015: 34).
8 § Despite Chapter 3. 47 § 3, 48, §§ 52-54, § 55 first paragraph 3 or ban that has been issued by local traffic regulations, vehicles stopped or parked when it is used
first by a policeman at the escort of road transport under specific conditions should be carried out with the escort, and
second a traffic during the escort mission under the Act (2004: 1167) on road transport.
The exceptions in the first paragraph applies only if the circumstances so require, and special caution. Regulation (2011: 178).
9 § Despite Chapter 3. 49 a § first paragraph, § 53 first paragraph, 10, § 54 or § 55 first paragraph 3, Chapter 8. § 1, first paragraph 2 or prohibitions that have been issued by local traffic regulations, vehicles stopped or parked when it is used
first the parking control referred to in the Act (1987: 24) on the municipal parking mm,
second of a police officer, bilinspektör or customs official duties, in
third a coast guard official duties,
fourth the professional staff at the tax tax fraud units,
fifth the rescue,
6th the urgency profession of a doctor, nurse, midwife, staff in home care or a veterinarian,
7th the transport of sick or disabled,
8th the tracking of game that may have been damaged in a wild accident or if other actions in connection with such an accident,
9th the transport of detainees or in urgent occupation of the prison staff, or
10th by staff of the Security Service when they take a safeguard measure in the activities specified in § 4 Regulation (2014: 1103) with instructions of the Security Police.
The exceptions in the first paragraph applies only if the circumstances so require, and special caution. Regulation (2015: 34).
§ 10 The provisions on recording speed in chapter 3. § 17, chapter 4. § 20 and Chapter 9. § 1, first paragraph 6 and the regulations on recording speed that have been issued pursuant to Chapter 3. § 17, Chapter 10. 1 or § 14 does not apply when a vehicle is used
first in urgent emergency rescue services or ambulance accordance with § 6 Health Care Act (1982: 763),
second in urgent profession of a police officer, bilinspektör, customs officer, coast guard officer, doctor, nurse, midwife, veterinarian or by prison staff or
third in other similar urgent cases.
The provisions on recording speed in Chapter 4. § 21 first sentence does not apply when the vehicle is used in urgent profession of a police officer or bilinspektör.Regulation (2015: 34).
11 § The driver of an emergency vehicle needs in urgent cases do not follow rules that do not specifically apply to him or her. The same applies to the driver of a vehicle used in the Police Authority, Security Service, Customs Administration or Coast Guard reconnaissance operations when it is absolutely necessary to perform reconnaissance mission and it obviously can be done without danger to road safety.The driver should be obeying the instructions of a police officer or any other person as an authority appointed to monitor traffic or provide instructions for this.
The exceptions in the first paragraph applies only where special caution. Regulation (2014: 1265).
12 § The driver of an emergency vehicle may, in urgent cases require free path for the vehicle by giving the signal with the prescribed alarm devices. The driver is in spite of the signals required to have regard to the safety of others. Regulation (2011: 178).
Chapter 12. Provisions for road maintenance
§ 1 If circumstances require, and special caution may at road maintenance, salvage and similar work
first vehicles brought in spite of Chapter 3. 6-13 and §§ 25, § 26, second and third paragraphs, § 29,
second meeting or overtaking of vehicles used in such work deviate from Chapter 3.§ 30 first paragraph and § 31 first paragraph,
third vehicles stopped or parked in spite of Chapter 3. 47 § 3, 48, 52, 53 and 55 §§ or prohibition issued by local traffic,
4th utensils that are wider than 260 centimeters or vehicles with gear or equipment mounted where the gear or equipment protrudes more than 20 centimeters to one side or the means that width exceeds 260 centimeters used spite Chapter 4. § 15 first paragraph,
fifth terrain vehicles and off-road trailers brought in spite Chapter 5. § 1, and the
sixth roads used despite regulations prohibiting or restricting the right to operate the road under Chapter 10. 1, 10 or § 14 of this Regulation or the 41 § Roads Act (1971: 948) when working on or by the road.
Road maintenance, salvage and similar work may be of particular caution should be conducted on motorways and expressways in the way conditions require spite Chapter 9. § 1, first paragraph 1-5 and § 2.
If circumstances require, and special caution, the salvage performed despite Chapter 4. § 17 first and second paragraphs. Regulation (2016: 333).
13 Ch. appropriations mm
Information and compilation of roads
1 § The board is required before the end of March each year draw up a summary of the public highway and other major roads in the county. The compilation will also resume buoyancy classes and such local traffic regulations that are of major public interest.
The summary shall be included in the county's Statutes and sent to Trafikverket, the Swedish Transport Agency, the Armed Forces and police authorities and the authorities in charge of road or street maintenance. Regulation (2014: 1265).
§ 2 In the provincial government will be a publicly accessible map of public roads within the county. The map should be prepared at the appropriate scale.
Copies of the map should be the end of June each year send to Trafikverket, the Swedish Transport Agency and the authorities in charge of road or street maintenance. If any change in the latest forward the map has not been made or if the changes are small extent only need to report this to be done. Ordinance (2010: 144).
3 § In the following cases may be waived by the following authorities.
Provisions exemption concern Authority
Chapter 3. Provisions for vehicle
Vehicle location on the road
first Chapter 3. § 6 first or fourth paragraph A local municipality
2. Chapter 3. § 17, or training or competition, the authority
regulations that have to contest grants permission
issued pursuant to the competition
Chapter 3. § 17
3. Chapter 3. § 17, or in other cases than under
regulations that have 2 and the exception concerns
issued pursuant to Chapter 3. § 17
A local municipality
More than one municipality County Board
in a county
More than one county Transport Agency
Stopping and parking
4. Chapter 3. § 48, a municipality municipality
49 a § first paragraph more than one municipality, the County Administrative Board
within Region
More than one county Transport Agency
Stopping and parking on the road
5. Chapter 3. § 52, 53 § A local municipality
first paragraph 2-5, more than one municipality, the County Administrative Board
§ 54, 55 § first in a county
paragraph 3-5 More than one county Transport Agency
Lighting when driving on the road
6. Chapter 3. 68 § first Transport Agency
or second paragraph, or 76 §
Provisions for road tunnels
6 a. Chapter 3. The County Administrative Board
83 b-83 th §§ More than a County Administrative Board
the county where
driving off
Chapter 4. Provisions for traffic with motorized vehicles
common provisions
7. Chapter 4. 2 or 3 § A local municipality
More than one municipality State
road maintenance authority
in the region where
driving off
8. Chapter 4. 6 § A local municipality
More than one municipality County Board
within Region
More than one county Transport Agency
9. Chapter 4. § 9 Transport Agency
the first paragraph
Traffic of motor vehicles on the road
10. Chapter 4. § 10, the Transport Agency
10 a § first paragraph, § 10 b, 15 b § 18 or § a first or second paragraph
11. Chapter 4. 12-15 A, A municipality municipality
17, 17 or 18 a § More than one municipality State
road maintenance authority
in the region where
driving off
Provisions for road speed of certain motor vehicles and vehicle combinations
12. Chapter 4. 20 or A County Administrative Board
21 § More than one county Transport Agency
Provisions for environmental zones
13. Chapter 4. 22 § A local municipality
Chapter 5. Provisions for the operation of off-road vehicles and off-road trailers on the road
14. Chapter 5. 1, 4 or A County Administrative Board
5 § More than one county Transport Agency
Chapter 6. Provisions for traffic with bicycle and moped
common provisions
15. Chapter 6. 3 or 4 § A local municipality
More than one municipality County Board
within Region
More than one county Transport Agency
16. Chapter 6. 4 a § Transport Agency
the first paragraph
Chapter 8. Provisions for traffic on the pedestrian street and the living street etc.
17. Chapter 8. 1 § first A local municipality
paragraph 2
18. Chapter 8. 2 § A local municipality
More than one municipality County Board
within Region
More than one county Transport Agency
Chapter 9. Provisions for traffic on the motorway and expressway
19. Chapter 9. § 1 are: a) to searching for wild Police Authority
paragraph 1-5 or § 2 that may have been damaged
at a roadkill
or other
measures in connection
with such an accident
b) other cases
A local municipality
More than one municipality State
road maintenance authority
in the region where
driving off
20. Chapter 9. 1 § Transport Agency
first paragraph 6
Chapter 10. Local traffic regulations, etc.
21. Local A local municipality
Traffic rules More than one municipality
under Chapter 10. § 1 within a county
second paragraph 9 a) except when the state
with scrutiny road maintenance authority
refers to the long, wide in the region where
or heavy transport journey begins
b) in other cases, the County Administrative Board
More than one county
a) except when the state
with scrutiny road maintenance authority
refers to the long, wide in the region where
or heavy transport journey begins
b) other cases Transport Agency
22. Local A local municipality
Traffic rules More than one municipality County Board
under Chapter 10. § 1 within a county
second paragraph 10-13, more than one county Transport Agency
16 or 17
23. Local Municipality
Traffic regulations under Chapter 10. 1 § 14, second paragraph
24. Local A local municipality
traffic regulations a) roads in
under Chapter 10. 1 § congested area
second paragraph, where 15 other than the State
or 21 are road maintenance
b) Other roads County Board
More than one municipality County Board
within Region
More than one county Transport Agency
25. Local A local municipality
Traffic rules More than one municipality State
under Chapter 10. § 1 within a county road maintenance authority
second paragraph 19 of the region where
20 or driving off
26. Local County Board
Traffic regulations under Chapter 10. 1 § third paragraph on the transport of dangerous goods
27. Rules A county The authority
under Chapter 10. notified
§ 14 first paragraph of the regulation
More than one county Transport Agency
An exception shall be for a particular purpose, except for the exemption from
- Chapter 3. 49 a § first paragraph, § 68 first or second paragraph,
- Chapter 4. 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15a, 15b, 17, 17a or 18 a §,
- Chapter 6. 4 a §,
- Chapter 9. 1 or § 2, or
- local traffic regulations on parking within a municipality.
Exceptions to the local traffic regulations on parking may be granted for a specific purpose, even if the provisions of Chapter 11. 9 § 7 first paragraph may apply.
If a question of exemption under this section shall be considered by the municipality but the municipality's decision can not be awaited without inconvenience, should instead Police Authority to consider the question. The police shall also rule on the exemption from local traffic regulations on the transport of dangerous goods when the county administrative board's decision can not be awaited without inconvenience.
Further provisions for exceptions for disabled people from the local traffic regulations concerning stopping and parking is available in § 8. Regulation (2015: 929).
§ 4 Exemptions may be prescribed or permitted if needed for specific reasons and it can be done without danger to road safety, damage to the road or any other considerable inconvenience.
Other exemptions under § 3, first paragraph from local traffic regulations on parking in a municipality other than for a specific purpose may be permitted or prescribed only for traders and others with special needs to park at work or for those who live in an area if it is needed to facilitate them to park there.
Exemptions from the provisions of Chapter 3. § 17 or from the regulations that have been issued pursuant to Chapter 3. § 17 of the competition and training on a road may only be granted if the route to be used is off to other traffic.
Exceptions to Chapter 4. 15 or 17 § occasioned by the load length or width may be granted only if the load is indivisible. Regulation (1999: 835).
5 § If a municipality or a state road maintenance authority shall issue regulations on, or in individual cases decide on exemptions from the provisions of Chapter 4. 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 or § 18, the deciding authority shall also issue regulations or in individual cases decide on exemptions from the provisions of Chapter 3. § 7 first and second paragraphs, § 9, first and third paragraphs, § 11 and § 12 first paragraph 3, Chapter 9. § 1, first paragraph 1 and 2 and § 2, if necessary for safety or accessibility reasons.
If a municipality issues regulations on, or in individual cases decide on exemptions from the provisions of Chapter 3. § 6 first or third paragraph or chapter 4. § 2, the maximum speed is determined. Even otherwise, derogations may be subject to special conditions. Regulation (2008: 902).
6 § If the county administrative board's power to grant exemption from a regulation issued pursuant to § 41 Roads Act (1971: 948) contains provisions in that section.
7 § The police authority may issue regulations on traffic on the motorways and expressways.
Transport Agency may issue regulations for other questions in this Regulation. The Board will then provide
first certain equipment must be of a type approved by the Board or any other authority, and the
second which values may be used for local traffic regulations on the maximum permitted speed and guidelines for different values should be used. Regulation (2014: 1265).
Specific exemptions for disabled
8 § For people with disabilities, a special parking permit is issued. The permit can be issued to both the disabled themselves driving motorized vehicles and other disabled people who regularly need the help of the driver outside the vehicle. A permit may only be issued to a disabled person who has a permanent disability that means that he or she has substantial difficulties to move on their own. Questions about parking examined by the municipality where the applicant is registered, or if the applicant is not registered in the country where he or she resides.
A parking permit is valid throughout the country and provide
first the right to park for up to three hours where parking according to a local traffic is prohibited or permitted for shorter periods than three hours,
the second the right to park for a maximum of 24 hours where parking according to a local traffic is allowed for at least three but less than 24 hours,
3rd the right to park in the parking spaces by local traffic regulations reserved for the disabled with a parking card, whereby certain maximum set up time prescribed for such a place should be exercised, and the
fourth the right to park for up to three hours on the pedestrian street.
Parking permits do not give the right to park in a place prescribed to be used for a specific purpose or type of vehicle.
A parking permit shall be valid for a certain time, however, more than 5 years. A permit may be revoked if the conditions for authorization under the first paragraph is no longer available or if the condition is not used in the prescribed manner.Regulation (2014: 1367).
§ 9 Transport Agency may issue regulations on the design of the parking for the disabled and how such permits issued in any other country shall apply in this country. Transport Agency may also issue regulations on parking for disabled use.Regulation (2008: 1109).
Fees for certain matters
§ 10 fee is charged for the examination of an application under the following conditions. The provisions of §§ 10-14 Fees Ordinance (1992: 191) applies mutatis mutandis.
Issue Impact Fee Class
1. Competitions passing through several counties
(3 Ch. 84 §) 6
2. Competitions going through the same
County (3 Ch. 84 §) 4
3. The exemption for heavy transport
(Chap. 13 § 3) 3
4. Except for the wide transport (Chap. 13 § 3)
If the width is less than 450 cm 2
If the width exceeds 450 cm 3
5. Except for long journeys (Chap. 13 § 3)
If the length is more than 35 meters 2
If the length exceeds 35 m 3
6. Matters concerning the exception for a particular purpose with respect to vehicles used for transportation
the disabled (Chap. 13 § 3) 1
7. Other exceptions (Chap. 13 § 3) 4
Regulation (2014: 44).
10 a § In cases of exemption pursuant to § 10 of the heavy, wide or long journeys involving more than one of the case law charges are made as follows.
Issue Impact Fee Class
1. Except for the wide and long journeys where a maximum width of 450 centimeters and
length exceeding 35 meters 2
2. Exclusion of other cases 3
In cases of exception of heavy, wide or long journeys according to § 10 or this section, where the application is made electronically in Trafikverket's system for interactive application, the fee for an amount corresponding to the nearest lower fee than the class indicated. Regulation (2014: 44).
11 § Provisions on a municipality's right to charge fees for the examination of applications in the Act (1978: 234) on the boards of some traffic issues. Ordinance (2010: 1596).
Chapter 14. Liability rules etc.
Competition on the road
1 § Anyone who deliberately or negligently organizes the competition on the road without a license pursuant to Chapter 3. § 84, or in violation of such authorization shall be sentenced to a fine.
Disturbance of traffic signs and barriers on the way
§ 2 Anyone who willfully or negligently violates the provisions of Chapter 2. § 9 of disturbance of traffic signs or in Chapter 2. § 10 obstacles on the road is sentenced to a fine.
Drivers of motorized vehicles
3 § The monetary fine shall be imposed by a driver of a motor vehicle who willfully or negligently violates the
first provisions of
a) 2 Ch.
- § 1 fourth paragraph
- § 2 unless the punishment can be imposed under 2-4,
- 3, 5-7 or § 8 second or third paragraph,
b) Chap. 3
- 2, 3, 5 -11 §, § 12 first paragraph, 13, 16 or § 17 or regulations that have been issued pursuant to § 17,
- 18, 19, § 21-25, § 26, second and third paragraphs, § 27, § 29 of the where reference is made to the provisions of § 25, § 26, second or third paragraph or § 27,
- 30-33, 35-40, 43, 45, 50, 51, 57-62, 64, 65, 67-74 or 76-83 §,
c) Chap. 4
- 1, 2, § 5-8, § 9, first paragraph, § 10, 10 a § first paragraph, 10 e, 15, 15a, 17, 17a, 18 or 19-24 § ,
d) Chapter 5.
- 1 or § 3-5,
e) Chapter 6.
- 3, 4 or 5 § b,
f) Chapter 8.
- § 1, first paragraph 1 or 3 or the second paragraph of § 2, first paragraph, or
g) Chapter 9.
- § 1 or regulation that has been issued pursuant to § 1,
- § 2,
2. other local traffic regulations under Chapter 10. § 1 than on stopping or parking,
third banning traffic with motorized vehicles or vehicles with some maximum width, length or weight under Chapter 10. § 10 first paragraph, if the ban has been marked by road signs or otherwise clearly,
fourth Another provision under Chapter 10. 14 § than that relating to stopping or parking, or
fifth regulations that have been issued under this Regulation for the application of Chapter 3. § 80-83 or Chapter 4. 2, 9, 10 or § 20. Regulation (2015: 929).
4 § The monetary fine shall be imposed by a driver of a motor vehicle who violates Chapter 4. 3, 4, 12, 13 or 18 a § or local traffic under Chapter 10. § 1 second paragraph relating to the vehicle axle, bogie, or triple axle weight or gross weight, if he or she knew or ought to know the obstacle to the vehicle-use. Anyone in such cases usually someone else's vehicle without permission have the same obligations as the owner under Chapter 1. § 5 and convicted in the owner's place according to § 11 of this chapter.
For participation to the act referred to in the first paragraph are sentenced to under Chapter 23. Penal Code. Regulation (2012: 553).
5 § A driver who intentionally or negligently has not done what he or she is required to do under Chapter 4. § 9, third paragraph, or 10 c § sentenced to a fine. This provision does not apply to drivers of passenger bus according to commercial traffic Act (2012: 210). Regulation (2012: 241).
other road users
6 § fined sentenced the driver of a vehicle that is not motorized and such a road referred to in Chapter 1. § 4, first paragraph, who intentionally or negligently violates the
first provisions of
a) 2 Ch.
- § 1 fourth paragraph
- § 2 unless the punishment can be imposed under 2-4,
- 3, § 5-7 or § 8 second or third paragraph,
b) Chap. 3
- 2, 3, § 5-11, § 12 first paragraph, 13, 16 or § 17 or regulations that have been issued pursuant to § 17,
- 18, 19, § 21-25, § 26, second and third paragraphs, § 27, § 29 of where it refers to the provisions of § 25, § 26, second or third paragraph or § 27,
- 30-33, 35-40, 43, 45, 50, 51, 58-62, 64, 65, 67, 68, 73, 74, 76-78 or 80-83 §,
c) Chapter 6.
- 3 or § 5,
d) Chapter 8.
- § 1, first paragraph 1 or 3, or § 2, first paragraph, or
e) Chapter 9.
- 1 or § 2,
2. other local traffic regulations under Chapter 10. § 1 than on stopping or parking,
third other provisions than that relating to stopping or parking under Chapter 10. § 14, or
fourth regulations issued pursuant to this Regulation for the purposes of Chapter 3. § 80-83. Regulation (2013: 779).
6 a § A bike driver who willfully or negligently failed to do what was incumbent upon him or her under Chapter 6. 4 a § be sentenced to a fine. Regulation (2004: 296).
§ 7 Other road users than those referred to in §§ 3 and 6, who intentionally or negligently violates the provisions of Chapter 2. 3, § 5-7 or § 8 second or third paragraph, Chapter 3. 3, 4 or § 50 third paragraph, chapter 9. 1 or 2 § or local traffic regulations under Chapter 10. 1 § sentenced to a fine.
§ 8 Passengers who intentionally or negligently violates the provisions of Chapter 4.6, 9 or 10 or § 10 a § first paragraph, chapter 6. 3 or 4 b § or the regulations that have been issued under this Regulation for the purposes of Chapter 4. § 10 shall be sentenced to a fine. Regulation (2015: 929).
8 a § Train staff, guide and leader of a group that intentionally or negligently has not done what he or she is required to do under Chapter 4. 10 c § sentenced to a fine.Regulation (2006: 1208).
9 § Consistently who willfully or negligently violates Chapter 7. § 1, first paragraph or § 3 shall be sentenced to a fine.
10 § The leader of a group or a procession who willfully or negligently violates Chapter 7. § 1 fourth paragraph, or 5 § sentenced to a fine.
Vehicle owners etc.
11 § fined sentenced the owner of a vehicle if he or she willfully or negligently failed to do what it has arrived at him or her in order to prevent the vehicle operated contrary to Chapter 4. 3, 4, 12, 13 or 18 a § or the local traffic under Chapter 10. § 1 concerning vehicle axle, bogie, or triple axle weight or gross weight. The same applies to the holder of the vehicle with tenancies and has the power to determine if the driver of the vehicle or hire a driver other than the owner has appointed.
For participation to the deed referred to in the first paragraph are sentenced to under Chapter 23. Penal Code. Regulation (2012: 553).
12 § The holder of a vehicle due to credit purchases subject readmission right or right of use for fixed period of at least one year have the same obligations as the owner has under Chapter 1. § 5 and convicted in the owner's place according to § 11.
If the owner of a vehicle registered in the vehicle registry, or the holder in such circumstances as stated in the first paragraph, not yet 18 years old and a guardian for him or her has been registered in the vehicle registry, the Guardian same obligations as owner pursuant to Chapter 1. § 5 and sentenced Guardian of the owner's place according to § 11. Regulation (2006: 1064).
13 § In the case of vehicles owned or operated by the state or a municipality to apply the provisions on the duty and responsibility of the owner or user of the vehicle on the driver's immediate supervisor. Have foreman made what is for him or her to prevent violation and takes offense as well because of the superior's action or negligence, the provision applies if the responsibility for the owner or user of the parent.
In the case of vehicles owned or operated by a unshifted estate or bankruptcy, the provisions on the duty and responsibility as stated in the first paragraph of the person or persons authorized to represent the estate.
In the case of vehicles owned or operated by the company, association or other association or foundation or other such establishment, the provisions on the duty and responsibility as stated in the first paragraph of the person or persons authorized to represent the community or institution. Have Transport Agency at the request of the community or agency accepted the particular person as bearer of the proprietors or the user's responsibility applicable liability provisions on him.Regulation (2008: 1109).
§ 14 Liability under this Regulation enters not, if punishment can be imposed under the Criminal Code or the Act (1951: 649) on penalties for certain traffic offenses.
Responsibility for violations of regulations on maximum speed under Chapter 3. § 17 second or fourth paragraph, prescribing classes bearing capacity under Chapter 4. § 11, regulations on maximum speed under Chapter 9. § 1, third paragraph, local traffic regulations under Chapter 10. § 1 or Regulations under Chapter 10. § 14 shall be imposed only where they have
first marked in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 10. § 13, and the
second promulgated in accordance with the provisions of § 1 Ordinance (2007: 231) on electronic proclamation of certain traffic regulations.
Liability may, despite the second paragraph, be imposed on
first marking has not occurred since the exception to the marking requirement will apply under Chapter 10. 13 a §, or according to regulations or decisions in individual cases that have been issued by the Transport Agency with the support of the same section, and provision has been inserted in a local newspaper, or
second the shortcomings of the markings is immaterial to the road user understanding of traffic rules no.
If liability for breaches of regulations that have been issued pursuant to § 41 Roads Act (1971: 948) contains provisions in § 71 of the same Act. Regulation (2012: 49).
§ 15 A police officer must prevent the continued journey effected in violation of this Regulation or of any regulations that have been issued under the Regulation, on the continuing journey involves substantial danger to road safety or other significant inconvenience.
The police officer should also prevent the continued process of
first The maximum load for a vehicle is exceeded by more than 20 percent,
second the permitted axle, bogie, or triple axle load is exceeded by more than 10 percent, or
third gross weight of a vehicle or the total gross weight of a vehicle trains exceeded by more than 10 percent,
unless special reasons dictate otherwise. This applies whether the load depends on the load or number of passengers.
Chapter 15. Appeal
§ 1 A decision of a state agency under this regulation may be appealed as follows.
Decisions of may be appealed
Police Authority Administrative Board
An official in charge of
road and street maintenance County Board
County Board Transport Agency
Transport Administration or Transport Board
First Instance Government
Transport Agency's decision in an appeal case may not be appealed.
The state road maintenance authorities may appeal the police authority or a county administrative board's decisions on the local traffic regulations and exemptions from such regulations. Regulation (2014: 1265).
2 § The following decisions may not be appealed.
First Decisions under Chapter 10. § 2, second paragraph, third sentence.
2. Decisions pursuant to Chapter 13. § 3 first paragraph on general waiver from local traffic regulations on parking within a municipality.
Provisions on the appeal of the second decision by a municipality under this Regulation Act (1978: 234) on the boards of some traffic issues. Ordinance (2007: 101).
transitional provisions
1998: 1276
first This Regulation shall enter into force, in terms of Chapter 3. 61 § 1 May 2000, and otherwise on 1 October 1999. The
second The Regulation repeals Road Traffic Act (1972: 603). However, the provisions of § 83 Road Traffic Act and, if someone willfully or negligently violates this provision, § 164, first paragraph 5 Road Traffic Act apply until 30 April 2000. The
third To the end of 1999, cars, tractors, motorized equipment and road vehicles pulling a vehicle that is set up for connection to the vehicle, do not have effective brakes and has a gross weight not exceeding one and a half times the towing vehicle gross weight of the vehicle train does not go higher rate than 20 km / h.
4th If a law or a regulation refers to a provision that has been replaced by a provision of this Regulation shall apply instead of the new provision.
5th In the case of such a medical certificate referred to in § 117 b, third paragraph Road Traffic Act (1972: 603) that have been issued before entry into force, the provisions of the proclamation apply until the end of October 2000.
6th Regulations that have been issued under the Road Traffic Act (1972: 603), for application of the new regulation is considered announced with the support of the corresponding authorization of the new regulation.
7th Older provisions still apply in the case of appeal of the decisions that have been issued before 1 October 1999.
8th For a scooter that has been raised in the type certificate under 63 § Vehicle Ordinance (1972: 595) in the version before 1 November 1998, or have been approved for scooter inspection under 48-54 §§ vehicles proclamation in its version before 1 November 1998 and thereafter not changed in such a manner specified in § 50 vehicles proclamation, what is said about the moped class II.
9th Local traffic regulations issued under 147 § Road Traffic Act (1972: 603) and the regulations that have been issued with the support of 64 § second or fourth paragraph, 106 § second paragraph or 154 § Road Traffic Act will expire at the end of June 2010. The same applies to decisions on exemptions from such regulations. Regulation (2008: 764).
2005: 271
1st This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 July 2005. The
second For offenses committed before the entry into force, Chapter 14. 14 § The old text.
2007: 101
1st This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 June 2007. The
second For such a road or section of road which has been declared yard street before the entry into force, Chapter 3. § 21 and Chapter 8. 1 § The old text to 31 May 2012. Chapter 10. § 1, second paragraph 2 shall apply to the waiver of local traffic regulations on farm road. Local traffic regulations on farm road shall expire at the end of May 2012. The
third Special traffic rules in the local traffic regulations corresponding to the provisions of Chapter 3. § 48 first paragraph, § 49a and § 53 and Chapter 8. 2 § Traffic Ordinance (1998: 1276), and which have been decided prior to the entry into force, need not be marked.
2007: 235
1st This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 July 2007 for 13 ch. §§ 3 and 8, and otherwise on 1 July 2010. Regulation (2008: 768).
2nd In the case of regulations that have been issued under the Road Traffic Act (1972: 603) still applies, mutatis mutandis, the older provisions of Chapter 10. § 11 first paragraph and Chapter 14. § 14. The same applies in the case of regulations that have been issued before 1 July 2010 with the support of the Roads Act (1971: 948) or the Road Traffic Ordinance (1998: 1276) until they have been published in accordance with Regulation (2007: 231) on electronic publication of the certain traffic regulations. Regulation (2008: 768). 3. The transitional provisions of the Act (2007: 231) on electronic proclamation of certain traffic regulations are rules on when older traffic regulations at the latest expire if they are not published on the dedicated website under that Regulation. Ordinance (2010: 714).
Appendix 1 to the Road Traffic Ordinance (1998: 1276)
the maximum gross weights at different wheelbases on the road with BK1
Distance in meters between the vehicle's maximum gross weight of
or vehicle train's first and last tonne vehicle or
axle road train
less than 1.0 11.5
1.0 but not 1.3 16
1.3 but not 1.8 18
1.8 but not 2.0 20
2.0 but not 2.6 21
2.6 but not 5.0 24
5.0 but not 5.2 25
5.2 but not 5.4 26
5.4 but not 5.6 27
5.6 but not 5.8 28
5.8 but not 6.0 29
6.0 but not 6.2 30
6.2 but not 6.4 31
6.4 but not 8.25 32
8.25 but not 8.5 33
8.5 but not 8.75 34
8.75 but not 9.0 35
9.0 but not 9.25 36
9.25 but not 9.5 37
9.5 but not 9.75 38
9.75 but not 10.0 39
10.0 but not 10.25 40
10.25 but not 10.5 41
10.5 but not 10.75 42
10,75 but not 11.0 43
11.0 but not 11.25 44
11.25 but not 11.5 45
11.5 but not 11.75 46
11.75 but not 12.0 47
12.0 but not 12.5 48
12.5 but not 13.0 49
13.0 but not 13.5 50
13.5 but not 14.0 51
14.0 but not 14.5 52
14.5 but not 15.0 53
15.0 but not 15.5 54
15.5 but not 16.0 55
16.0 but not 16.5 56
16.5 but not 17.0 57
17.0 but not 17.5 58
17.5 but not 18.0 59
18.0 but not 18.5 60
18.5 but not 19.0 61
19.0 but not 19.6 62
19.6 but not 20.2 63
20.2 and larger 64
For a trailer or a dolly coupled with a semi-trailer with a minimum distance between first and last axle of 6.6 meters, the following applies
Distance in meters between the trailer Maximum gross weight
first and last axles or in tonnes of the trailer
dollyns first and last axle semi-trailer
6,6 6,8 33
6.8 but not 7.0 34
7.0 but not 7.2 35
7.2 but not 7.6 36
7.6 but not 7.8 37
7.8 and larger 38
The gross weight of a motor vehicle may not exceed
a) when the vehicle has two axles 18 tonnes
b) when the vehicle has three axles 25 tonnes
c) when the vehicle has three axles and the drive axle is fitted with twin tires and air suspension or equivalent suspension, or if each driving axle is fitted with twin tires and weight
not on any axle exceeding 9.5 tonnes 26 tonnes
d) articulated bus with three axles 28 tonnes
e) when the vehicle has four or more axles 31 tonnes
f) when the vehicle has four or more axles and drive axle is fitted with twin tires and air suspension or equivalent suspension, or if each driving axle is fitted with twin tires and the weight is not on any of the axes
exceeding 9.5 tons 32 tons
Regulation (2015: 240).
Appendix 2 to the Road Traffic Ordinance (1998: 1276)
the maximum gross weights at different wheelbases on the road with BK2
Distance in meters between the vehicle's maximum gross weight in tonnes
or vehicle train's first and for the vehicle or vehicle train
last axle
less than 2.0 16.0
2.0 but not 2.6 20.0
2.6 but not 4.8 22.0
4.8 but not 5.0 22.16
5.0 but not 5.2 22.5
5.2 but not 5.4 22.84
5.4 but not 5.6 23.18
5.6 but not 5.8 23.52
5.8 but not 6.0 23.86
6.0 but not 6.2 24.2
6.2 but not 6.4 24.54
6.4 but not 6.6 24.88
6,6 6,8 25,22
6.8 but not 7.0 25.56
7.0 but not 7.2 25.9
7.2 but not 7.4 26.24
7.4 but not 7.6 26.58
7.6 but not 7.8 26.92
7.8 but not 8.0 27.26
8.0 but not 8.2 27.6
8.2 but not 8.4 27.94
8.4 but not 8.6 28.28
8.6 but not 8.8 28.62
8.8 but not 9.0 28.96
9.0 but not 9.2 29.3
9.2 but not 9.4 29.64
9.4 but not 9.6 29.98
9.6 but not 9.8 30.32
9.8 but not 10.0 30.66
10.0 but not 10.2 31.0
10.2 but not 10.4 31.34
10.4 but not 10.6 31.68
10.6 but not 10.8 32.02
10.8 but not 11.0 32.36
11.0 but not 11.2 32.7
11.2 but not 11.4 33.04
11.4 but not 13.4 38.0
13.4 but not 13.6 38.04
13.6 but not 13.8 38.56
13.8 but not 14.0 39.08
14.0 but not 14.2 39.6
14.2 but not 14.4 40.12
14.4 but not 14.6 40.64
14.6 but not 14.8 41.16
14.8 but not 15.0 41.68
15.0 but not 15.2 42.2
15.2 but not 15.4 42.72
15.4 but not 15.6 43.24
15.6 but not 15.8 43.76
15.8 but not 16.0 44.28
16.0 but not 16.2 44.8
16.2 but not 16.4 45.32
16.4 but not 16.6 45.84
16.6 but not 16.8 46.36
16.8 but not 17.0 46.88
17.0 but not 17.2 47.4
17.2 but not 17.4 47.92
17.4 but not 17.6 48.44
17.6 but not 17.8 48.96
17.8 but not 18.0 49.48
18.0 but not 18.2 50.0
18.2 but not 18.4 50.52
18.4 but not 18.5 51.04
18.5 and larger 51,40
The gross weight of a motor vehicle shall not exceed 18 tonnes if it has two axes.
Appendix 3 to the Road Traffic Ordinance (1998: 1276)
the maximum gross weights at different wheelbases on the road with BK3
Distance in meters between the vehicle's maximum gross weight in tonnes
or vehicle train's first and for the vehicle or vehicle train
last axle
less than 2.0 12.0
2.0 but not 2.4 12.5
2.4 but not 2.8 13.0
2.8 but not 3.2 13.5
3.2 but not 3.6 14.0
3.6 but not 4.0 14.5
4.0 but not 4.4 15.0
4.4 but not 4.8 15.5
4.8 but not 5.2 16.0
5.2 but not 5.6 16.5
5.6 but not 6.0 17.0
6.0 but not 6.4 17.5
6,4 6,8 18,0
6.8 but not 7.2 18.5
7.2 but not 7.6 19.0
7.6 but not 8.0 19.5
8.0 but not 8.4 20.0
8.4 but not 8.8 20.5
8.8 but not 9.2 21.0
9.2 but not 9.6 21.5
9.6 but not 10.0 22.0
10.0 but not 10.4 22.5
10.4 but not 10.8 23.0
10.8 but not 11.2 23.5
11.2 but not 11.6 24.0
11.6 but not 12.0 24.5
12.0 but not 12.4 25.0
12.4 but not 12.8 25.5
12.8 but not 13.2 26.0
13.2 but not 13.6 26.5
13.6 but not 14.0 27.0
14.0 but not 14.4 27.5
14.4 but not 14.8 28.0
14.8 but not 15.2 28.5
15.2 but not 15.6 29.0
15.6 but not 16.0 29.5
16.0 but not 16.4 30.0
16.4 but not 16.8 30.5
16.8 but not 17.2 31.0
17.2 but not 17.6 31.5
17.6 but not 18.0 32.0
18.0 but not 18.4 32.5
18.4 but not 18.8 33.0
18.8 but not 19.2 33.5
19.2 but not 19.6 34.0
19.6 but not 20.0 34.5
20.0 but not 20.4 35.0
20.4 but not 20.8 35.5
20.8 but not 21.2 36.0
21.2 but not 21.6 36.5
21.6 but not 22.0 37.0
Is wheelbase 22.0 meters or larger is permissible gross weight of 37.5 tons with the addition of 0.25 tons for every 0.2 meters which the axle distance exceeds 22.0 meters.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. General §§ 1-5
Chapter 2. Provisions for all road users
Basic Provisions §§ 1-4
Free path, etc. for some traffic §§ 5-6
Traffic at intersections with railway or tramway § 7
Duties vehicle accidents § 8
Disturbance of traffic signs and barriers on the way §§ 9-10
Chapter 3. Provisions for vehicle
Common provisions §§ 1-5
Vehicle location on route §§ 6-13
Speed §§ 14-17
Crossing traffic §§ 18-19
Traffic in an intersection, etc. §§ 20-29
Meeting and overtaking §§ 30-33
Meeting and overtaking on the road 34-42 §§
Turning, reversing, changing lanes, etc. §§ 43-46
Stopping and parking §§ 47-51
Stopping and parking on the road 52-57 §§
Obligations to pedestrians, cyclists and
moped §§ 58-63
Signals and signs §§ 64-66
Lighting 67 §
Lighting when driving on the road 68-76 §§
Lights when driving off-road 77 §
Vehicle load §§ 78-80
Vehicle load when driving on the road 81-83 §§
Competition on the road 84 §
Chapter 4. Provisions for traffic with motorized vehicles
Common provisions §§ 1-9
Traffic of motor vehicles on the road 10-19 §§
Provisions for speed road with some motorized vehicles and vehicle
combinations §§ 20-21
Chapter 5. Provisions for traffic
with off-road vehicles on the road 1-6 §§
Chapter 6. Provisions for traffic with bicycle and moped
Common provisions §§ 1-4
Traffic with bicycle and moped when driving on the road 5-6 §§
Chapter 7. Provisions for pedestrians
§§ 1-5 on the road
Chapter 8. Provisions for traffic
the pedestrian street and courtyard § 1
Chapter 9. Provisions for traffic
Motorway and expressway §§ 1-2
Chapter 10. Local traffic regulations §§ 1-14 mm
Chapter 11. Flexibility provisions for traffic,
emergency services etc. §§ 1-8
Chapter 12. provisions for
road maintenance § 1
13 Ch. appropriations mm
Information and compilation of roads §§ 1-2
Exceptions §§ 3-6
Appropriations § 7
Specific exemptions for disabled §§ 8-9
Fees for certain matters § 10
Chapter 14. Liability rules etc.
Competition on the road § 1
Disturbance of traffic signs and barriers on the way § 2
Drivers of motorized vehicles §§ 3-5
Other road users §§ 6-10
Vehicle owners etc. §§ 11-13
Other §§ 14-15
Chapter 15. Appeal §§ 1-2
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